
Shall I convey to the two neighbors a greeting,

هل يبلغن الجارتين تحية

1. Shall I convey to the two neighbors a greeting,
Both going on a journey they have agreed upon,

١. هَل يُبلِغَنَّ الجارَتَينِ تَحِيَّةً
ذَوا سَفَرٍ قَد أَجمَعاهُ كِلاهُما

2. On two she-camels they mounted, climbing every highland,
Two gray she-camels that make men disappear into the far horizon,

٢. عَلى حُرَّتَينِ اِستَعلَيا كُلَّ قَفرَةٍ
سَديسَينِ قَد تَنفي الرِجالَ ذُراهُما

3. As if amputation and lameness were hanging
On two ever-moving bodies, following them,

٣. كأنّ القطوعَ والأَشِلَّةَ عُلَّقَت
على آبِدَينِ لاحقٍ إِطِلاهُما

4. They were about to lose strength after the where and when,
Their breathing almost bursting out of their chests,

٤. يَكادانِ بَعدَ الأَينِ وَالشَأوِ مِنهُما
تَفُضُّ قُوى نِسعَيهِما زَفرَتاهُما

5. Kissing she-camels whose udders were not milked by a milker
With a bucket and udder cloth, as was their habit,

٥. يَبوسانِ لَم تَطمِثهُما كَفُّ حالِبٍ
عَلى السَوطِ وَالأَنساعِ كانَ مِراهُما

6. As if two pillars of their bodies leaned
To the stature of two deep valleys, their necks,

٦. كَأَنَّ عَمودَي قامَتَين تَدانَتا
بِمَنزِلَةٍ أُهوِيَّةٍ عُنُقاهُما

7. As if an abode of eight houses of Qata
Was their resting place, rubbing away the pebbles under their hooves,

٧. كَأَنَّ مُبيتاً مِن ثَمانٍ مِنَ القَطا
مُناخُهُما يَنفي الحَصى كَلكَلاهُما

8. They are my two neighbors who shall not return perished
From a journey, thus every living being misses them,

٨. هُما جارَتايَ لا تَعودانِ هالِكاً
عَلى سَفَرٍ فَكُلُّ حَيٍّ يَطاهُما

9. They are two ewes from the sheep of Qasimah
When they pass, their little lambs follow them.

٩. هُما نَعجَتانِ مِن نِعاجِ قَصيمَةٍ
إِذا مارَتا يَأتيهِما جُؤذَراهُما

10. They are two gazelles from the gazelles of Tabalah
Whose flowing milk rains down abundantly from their udders,

١٠. هُما ظَبيَتانِ مِن ظِباءِ تَبالَةٍ
يُساقِطُ مَرداً يانِعاً مِدرَياهُما

11. When they shake their horns free of flies
Their swinging hits the low hanging branches.

١١. إِذا هَزَّتا قَرنَيهِما مِن ذُبابَةٍ
يُصيبُ الغُصونَ الدَنِيّاتِ نَساهُما