
Indeed you have burdened yourself, O son of reproach,

لقد سمت نفسك يا ابن الظرب

1. Indeed you have burdened yourself, O son of reproach,
And led them to a difficult dwelling,

١. لَقَد سُمتَ نَفسَكَ يا اِبنَ الظَرِب
وَجَشَّمتَهُم مَنزِلاً قَد صَعُب

2. And loaded them with a heavy vessel,
When you instigated them to war,

٢. وَحَمَّلتَهُم مَركَباً باهِظاً
مِنَ العِبءِ إِذ سُقتَهُم لِلشَغَب

3. With the war against Khaza'ah, the people of glory,
And people of praise and noble lineage.

٣. بِحَربِ خُزاعَةَ أَهلِ العُلا
وَأَهلِ الثَناءِ وَأَهلِ الحَسَب

4. They are the protectors of the house, and the repellers
Of all the Arabs from violating sanctities.

٤. هُمُ المانِعو البَيتِ وَالذائِدونَ
عَنِ الحُرُماتِ جَميعَ العَرَب

5. They drove away their neighbors, and after them,
Kinanah by force with the striking of lofty spears,

٥. نَفَوا جُرهُماً وَنَفَوا بَعدَهُم
كِنانَةَ غَصباً بِبيضِ القُضُب

6. And reddened lances and saddled steeds,
Knights of integrity and elite nobles upon them.

٦. وَسُمرِ الرِماحِ وَجُردِ الجِيادِ
عَلَيها فَوارِسُ صِدقٍ نُجُب

7. And they joined a lion by force,
To the living quarters of Tayy and seized the booty.

٧. وَهُم أَلحَقوا أَسَداً عَنوَةً
بِأَحياءِ طَيٍّ وَحازوا السَلَب

8. Khaza'ah are my people, so if I take pride
In them, it purifies my pressed wine and lineage.

٨. خُزاعَةُ قَومي فَإِن أَفتَخِر
بِهِم يَزكُ مُعتَصَري وَالنَسَب

9. They are the head, and the people after them,
Are my tail, and the head is not like the tail,

٩. هُمُ الرَأسُ وَالناسُ مِن بَعدِهِم
ذُنابى وَما الرَأسُ مِثلُ الذَنَب

10. Their patron consoles his client in adversity
And worries are uncovered from him.

١٠. يُواسي لَدى المَحلِ مَولاهُمُ
وَتُكشَفُ عَنهُ غُمومُ الكُرَب

11. So their neighbor lives securely his lifetime
Through them, from being wronged or robbed.

١١. فَجارُهُمُ آمِنٌ دَهرَهُ
بِهِم أَن يُضامَ وَأَن يُغتَصَب

12. They dispel in war the fear of panic,
And defeat their enemies in combat.

١٢. يُلَبّونَ في الحَربِ خَوفَ الهِجاءِ
وَيَبرونَ أَعداءَهُم بِالحَرَب

13. And had not the protector of bandits,
Of severe discipline, saved you from their scheme,

١٣. وَلَو لَم يُنَجِّكَ مِن كَيدِهِم
أَمينُ الفُصوصِ شَديدُ العَصَب

14. You would have met your death, so do not disbelieve
The generosity of your horse, O son of reproach.

١٤. لَزُرتَ المَنايا فَلا تَكفُرَن
جَوادَكَ نُعماهُ يا اِبنَ الظَرِب

15. For if they meet you, the protective clan will visit you
Or you will escape a second time by fleeing.

١٥. فَإِن يَلتَقوكَ يَزُركَ الحِما
مُ أَو تَنجُ ثانِيَةً بِالهَرَب