
You boast of a day that was not yours to boast

فخرت بيوم لم يكن لك فخره

1. You boast of a day that was not yours to boast
Empty words of fantasy, you are but a dreamer

١. فَخَرتَ بِيَومٍ لَم يَكُن لَكَ فَخرُهُ
أَحاديثُ طَسمٍ إِنَّما أَنتَ حالِمُ

2. Boasting to a people who repelled you with their spears
Ka'b bin Amr, should fools be answered?

٢. تُفاخِرُ قَوماً أَطرَدَتكَ رِماحُهُم
أَكَعبُ بنُ عَمرٍو هَل يُجابُ البَهائِمُ

3. If the mother of the two boys had witnessed us carrying them
And their running, her arrival would have whitened

٣. فَلَو شَهِدَت أُمُّ الصَبيَّينِ حَملَنا
وَرَكضَهمُ لِاِبيَّضَ مِنها المَقادِمُ

4. The morning after you turned and your army retreated
And we took your families captive as if they were lambs

٤. غَداةَ تَوَلَّيتُم وَأَدبَرَ جَمعُكُم
وَأُبنا بِأَسراكُم كَأَنّا ضَراغِمُ