
Umm 'Amr despaired of her neighbor

يئست من الحذية أم عمرو

1. Umm 'Amr despaired of her neighbor
One morning when they spurned me as an intruder

١. يَئِستُ مِنَ الحَذِيَّةِ أُمَّ عَمرٍو
غَداةَ إِذ اِنتَحَوني بِالجَنابِ

2. So you should despair of your friend and then despair
At dawn on the day of departure and return

٢. فَيَأسَكَ مِن صَديقِكَ ثُمَّ يَأساً
ضُحى يَومِ الأُحَثِّ مِنَ الإِيابِ

3. They cry out to me, while 'Amr and his band
Are like hunting hounds unleashed from their chains

٣. يُصاحُ بِكاهِلٍ حَولي وَعَمرٍو
وَهُم كَالضارِياتِ مِنَ الكِلابِ

4. They lead their steeds at first light, fully armed,
While others race their horses beneath the forest's canopy

٤. يُساقونَ الصَبوحَ بِذي مُراخٍ
وَأُخرى القَومِ تَحتَ حَريقِ غابِ

5. Among us is a band who are no protectors
Nor will they join us when we ride away

٥. فَمِنّا عُصبَةٌ لا هُم حُماةٌ
وَلا هُم فَاِئتونا في الذَهابِ

6. And among us another band who are defenders
They seethed like the boiling contents of cooking pots

٦. وَمِنّا عُصبَةٌ أُخرى حُماةٌ
كَغَليِ القِدرِ حُشَّت بِالثِقابِ

7. And among us yet another swift-riding troop
Whose galloping the wind made seem like grazing mountain goats

٧. وَمِنّا عُصبَةٌ أُخرى سِراعٌ
زَفَتها الريحُ كَالسَنَنِ الطِرابِ