
The night resembles me as it wakes in sorrow,

الليل ومثلي يسهده

1. The night resembles me as it wakes in sorrow,
And the star resembles me as it is watched.

١. الليلُ ومثلي يسهدُهُ
والنجمُ ومثلي يرصُدُهُ

2. The days pass away while I grieve,
The palms of the valley echo it.

٢. تفنى الأيامُ ولي نَوحٌ
ورقاءُ الدوحِِ تردّدُهُ

3. Strangely, I yearn for the pasture,
Whose plants are rugged and whose watering place quenched my thirst.

٣. عَجَباً أشتاقُ إِلى رَشإ
مرعَاهُ حَشايَ ومَورِدُهُ

4. And my soul continues longing for it,
While my heart rests in its shade.

٤. وتَظَلّ النفسُ تحِنّ لَهُ
وبظلّ فؤادي مَرقَدُهُ

5. O people of passion, for your Lord's sake,
Tell me what burdens me!

٥. يا أهلَ العشق بربّكُمُ
أسمعتُم ما أتَكَبّدُهُ

6. I suppressed my tears in passionate love,
And likewise taught my tears to restrain themselves.

٦. كاتمتُ الدمعَ هوًى فوشا
والدمع كذلك أعهدُهُ

7. I quenched my heart with the wine of love,
Alas! My heart was treacherous in concealing it.

٧. وسقيتُ القلبَ حميّا الح
هبِّ فخان القلبَ تجلّدُهُ

8. Hatim cries out seeking refuge, a young man
Whose sorrows have reached the sky's vault.

٨. حَتّامَ يواخي الستر فتىًُ
لمسَ الأفلاكَ تنهدُهُ

9. O you whom I will soon circle around in pilgrimage,
And the Kaaba I will worship.

٩. يا مَن أوشكتُ أحجّ لهُ
وكرَبِّ الكعبَةِ أعبُدُهُ

10. Be gentle with the meaning of your love,
For it almost kills your lover.

١٠. رفقاً بمعنّى هواك فقد
كادَ العوّاد تَعَدّدُهُ

11. And have mercy, my Master, on an outcast in misery,
Perhaps with your kindness you may make him prosperous.

١١. واعطف مولايَ على دنِفٍ
فلعلَّ بعطفِك تُسعِدُهُ

12. Your love has left him no life,
Alas! Tomorrow he will not see it.

١٢. لم يُبق هواك به رمقاً
هيهات يُشاهِدُهُ غَدُهُ