
My neighbor shuns me when he shuns me

يبين الجار حين يبين عني

1. My neighbor shuns me when he shuns me
And my neighbor's dogs do not befriend me

١. يَبينُ الجارُ حينَ يَبينُ عَنّي
وَلَم تأنَس إليَّ كِلابُ جاري

2. My neighbor girl teases me next to my house
And does not cover with a veil from my wall

٢. وَنَظعَنُ جارَتي مِن جَنبِ بَيتي
وَلَم تُستَر بِسِترٍ مِن جِداري

3. She feels safe that when I come
I will not see her without her veil

٣. وَتأمَنُ أَن أُطالِعَ حينَ آتي
علَيها وَهيَ واضِعَةُ الخِمارِ

4. Such was the way of my ancestors long ago
Inherited by the carpenter from the carpenter

٤. كذلك هَديُ آبائي قديماً
توارَثه النَجارُ عَنِ النِجارِ

5. Their way is my way though they have tormented me
As the antique is worn by the skilled

٥. فَهَديي هَديُهُم وَهُمُ افتلوني
كما افتُلِيَ العَتيقُ مِنَ المِهارِ