1. Alas! That old woman Umm Al-Hibreezi has clearly seen
My bones, among them a decrepit and broken one,
١. ألا تلكَ أُمُّ الهِبرِزِيَّ تَبَيَّنَت
عِظامي وَمِنها ناحِلٌ وَكسيرُ
2. And she said: "You have withered in the morning, and whoever was
A young man before the year of drought is now an old man."
٢. وقالت تَضاءَلتَ الغَداةَ وَمَن يكن
فتىً قبلَ عامِ الماءِ فَهوَ كبيرُ
3. So I said to her: "Al-Ujayr sands have turned over me,
Bellies have worn me out upon them and backs."
٣. فَقُلتُ لَها إنِّ العُجَيرَ تَقَلَّبَت
بهِ أَبطُنٌ أَبلينَهُ وَظُهورُ
4. Among them is my riding every star
That has among the stars of Oman a peer.
٤. فَمِنهُنَّ إدلاجي على كُلِّ كَوكبٍ
لهُ من عُمانيِّ النُجومِ نَظيرُ
5. And among them is my knocking on every door as if
The people expect the ears by it to be auspicious.
٥. وَمِنهُنَّ قَرعي كلَّ بابٍ كأنَّما
بهِ القَومُ يرجونَ الأَذينَ نسورُ
6. So I came while my opponents were baring their fangs
As if the poles were turned under the litters.
٦. فَجِئتُ وَخَصمي يعِلكونَ نُيوبهم
كما صُرِفَت تَحتَ الشِفارِ جَزورُ
7. In the presence of a king whose gaze kindles the people,
Above the legs of whose throne a lion roars,
٧. لَدى ملكٍ يَستَنفِضُ القومَ طرفه
لَهُ فَوقَ أَعوادِ السَريرِ زَئيرُ
8. When the skullcaps and turbans are admitted,
And in them the heads of men are bare,
٨. إذا ما القَلاسي والعَمائِمُ أُدرِجَت
وَفيهنَّ عَن صُلعِ الرِجالِ حُسورُ
9. And the garment of affiliation is cast away as if it were
A horse cloth beneath the men a Small filly,
٩. وَظَلَّ رِداءُ العُصبِ ملقى كأَنَّه
سَلا فَرَسٍ تَحتَ الرِجالِ عقيرُ
10. In the presence of everyone trusted among his likes,
Who has a foot firmly planted among the orators,
١٠. لدى كُلِّ مَوثوقٍ بهِ عِندَ مِثلِها
لَهُ قَدَمٌ في الناطِقينَ خطيرُ
11. Loud, with loosened reins, answering back and forth,
Discerning of the flaws of speech, experienced,
١١. جَهيرٌ وَمُمتَدُّ العِنانِ مُناقَلٌ
بَصيرٌ بِعَوراتِ الكَلامِ خَبيرُ
12. And the day the tongues of the people vie therein,
And deaths have places amongst them where they wander,
١٢. وَيَومَ تباري أَلسُنُ القَومِ فيهمُ
وَلِلموتِ أَرحاءٌ بِهِنَّ تدورُ
13. If the silent mountains heard its impact,
They would return, and their peaks would appear in it,
١٣. لو انَّ الجبالَ الصمَّ يَسمَعنَ وقعها
لَعُدنَ وَقَد بانت بِهِنَّ فُطورُ
14. And I have a flashing blade, if it attained water before it,
It would determine it and the long spears of Mount Tuwayq are many.
١٤. وَلي مائِحٌ لو يورِدِ الماء قبلَهُ
مُعِلٌّ وأَشطانُ الطَويَّ كثيرُ
15. So I rode out vigorously, and the steed is perseverant
In its running, defective and facile,
١٥. فَرُحتُ جَواداً والجوادُ مثابرٌ
على جَريِهِ ذو عِلَّةٍ وَيَسيرُ
16. And the surrendered to destinations does not outstrip them,
Slow to the spear points' encounter and stumbling.
١٦. ولا يَسبُق الغاياتِ مُستَسلمُ الصَلا
مقلٌ لأَطرافِ الرِماحِ عثورُ
17. But the gait of galloping, far-striding,
When the noonday heat is tested, is refractory,
١٧. ولكن مشيحُ الركضِ مشتبعدُ المدى
إذا ابتلَّ من سَجمِ الحَميمِ طحورُ
18. And do not scorn me, and look what my nature is
When a matter presents itself or a prince encamps.
١٨. ولا تَزدَريني وانظُري ما خليقَتي
إذا ضافَ أمرٌ أو أَناخَ أميرُ
19. For the clan of Ka'b are men who are as though they are
Stars of Suroo, by which its walls are fortified,
١٩. فإنَّ بني كَعبٍ رِجالٌ كأَنَّهم
نجومُ السُرى سُدَّت بهنَّ درورُ
20. They passed by its lofty places so they let down
A continual dripping beneath the gum trees murmuring,
٢٠. مَرَوها بأَطرافِ العَوالي فَأَسبلت
نجيعاً له تَحتَ اللبانِ خَريرُ
21. Resolute, you would not find them save you found them
As the rumbling of two rocks from the stallion camel's saddlebags,
٢١. مُقيمينَ لا تعتادُ إلّا وَجَدتَهُم
كما بالرَحا من صاحتينِ صُخورُ
22. When a star from them disappeared, a star shone,
For I am the copious drizzle, great of bucket,
٢٢. إذا ناءَ مِنهُم كَوكبٌ غراَ كوكبٌ
لِأَني النَدى جَمُّ القِراعِ مَطيرُ
23. And if they descended at a house they humiliated its wealth
So it became a pasturage and breasts upon it,
٢٣. وإن هبَطوا بيتاً أَذَلّوا ثراءَه
فأضحى عَليهِ مَورِدٌ وصدورُ