
I say to Abdullah here and nearby

أقول لعبد الله وهنا ودوننا

1. I say to Abdullah here and nearby
A place for camels to rest from Mina, so the valley

١. أَقولُ لِعَبدِ اللَه وَهناً وَدونُنا
مُناخُ المَطايا مِن مِنَىً فالمحصَّبُ

2. Do good for us here for an hour
As time passes and the night fades away

٢. لَكَ الخَيرُ عَلِّلنا بَها عَلَّ ساعَةً
تمرُّ وَسَهوانٌ مِنَ الليلِ يَذهَبُ

3. So he got up and brought his pillow near mine
With a full belly and arms open wide

٣. فَقامَ فأدنى من وِسادي وسادَهُ
طَوِي البَطنِ ممشوقُ الذراعين شرحَبُ

4. He preserves little with him
For you, though displeased when fate is unkind

٤. بَعيدٌ مِنَ الشَّيء القَليلِ اِحتِفاظُهُ
عَلَيكَ وَمَنزورُ الرِضا حينَ يَغضَبُ

5. Good fortune stays if he leaves or returns
The caravan and playful camel go where they're led

٥. هُوَ الظَفِرُ المَيمونُ إن راح أو غدا
بهِ الرَكبُ والتَلعابَةُ المُتَحَبَّبُ