
Offer your sword-seller friend a sword to sell

فعد صاحب اللحام سيفا تبيعه

1. Offer your sword-seller friend a sword to sell
And pay an extra dirham over the high prices and be humble

١. فَعِد صاحِبَ اللحّامِ سيفاً تَبيعُهُ
وَزِد دِرهماً فوقَ المُغالينَ واخنَعِ

2. We are in debt and God will settle for us as we see
The fate of a people who have no faith, lost

٢. نَدينُ وَيَقضي اللَه عنا وَقَد نرى
مصارِعَ قومٍ لا يَدينونَ ضيَّعِ