
The tribe of Kanoon betrayed me in the belly of humiliation

عرفت من الكنود ببطن ضيم

1. The tribe of Kanoon betrayed me in the belly of humiliation
So I repelled them with insults, scattering their dwellings

١. عَرَفَت مِنَ الكُنودِ بِبَطنِ ضَيمٍ
فَجَوِّ بِشائِمٍ طَلَلاً مُحيلا

2. Its outline faded, leaving only tent ruins
With lofty sides bedecked in grandeur

٢. تَعَفّى رَسمُهُ إِلّا خِياماً
مَجَلَّلَةٌ جَوانِبُها جَليلا

3. My people deterred me from visiting you
While both our tribes ignited encompassing war

٣. عَداني أَن أَزورَكَ أَنَّ قَومي
وَقَومُكَ أَلقَحوا حَرباً شَمولا

4. You would have excused my preoccupation
Had you seen people bewildered on the day of strife

٤. وَأَنَّكَ لَو رَأَيتَ الناسَ يَومَ ال
حِيارِ عَذَرتِ بِالشُغُلِ الخَليلا

5. The next dawn, Abdu Ibn Amr clashed
With the people of Tuda'a, and many were slain

٥. غَداةَ تَصارَخَت عَبدُ بنُ عَمرٍو
وَأَهلُ تُضاعِ فَاِحتَمَلوا قَتيلا

6. The next dawn, Amr Ibn Amr
Attacked them with the excellent army, seeking plunder

٦. غَداةَ حَبا لَهُم عَمرُو بنُ عَمرٍو
بِشِكَّةِ كامِلٍ يَدعو جَزيلا

7. But they repelled him with warriors like lions
Whose cloaks billowed, rippling like waves

٧. فَرَدّوهُ بِمُشعَلَةٍ قَلوسٌ
تَخالُ رِداءَهُ مِنها طَميلا

8. Mediators from both sides stood up
Each seething with rage and loathing

٨. وَقامَ مُصَوِّبٌ مِنّا وَمِنهُم
وَكُلٌّ يَتَحي حَنَقاً وَبيلا

9. Two inciters rose to command the rabble
Prolonging war and feuding endlessly

٩. وَقامَ مُصَوِّتانِ بِرَأسِ عَثٍّ
أَقامَ الحَربَ وَالعَيَّ الطَويلا

10. Houses were demolished in their lands
As they wailed over chairs, wishing they would vanish

١٠. وَغودِرَ في دِيارِهِم حُبَيشٌ
وَعيلَ عَلى الأَكارِسِ أَن يَؤولا

11. They wailed over burdens and those who bore them
Unable to venture or settle anywhere

١١. وَعيلَ عَلى الحُمولِ وَمَن عَلَيها
فَلا سَيراً يُطيقُ وَلا حُلولا

12. We drove them through the valley of Sarr
Like torrents of floodwater

١٢. وَنُسلِكُهُم مَدارِجَ بَطنِ صُرٍّ
إِلى قَرنٍ كَما سُقتَ الحَسيلا

13. Their women were like stampeding cattle
Crossing flowers, trampling blossoms

١٣. كَأَنَّ نِساءَهُم بَقَرٌ مِراحٌ
خِلالَ شَقائِقٍ تَطَأُ الوُحولا

14. We recognized them by family ties and lineage
Every lover and protected honor we could discern

١٤. لَهُنَّ صَواعِقٌ يَعرِفنَ فينا
بَني الأَخواتِ وَالنَسَبَ الدَخيلا

15. You saw patterns fluttering and swaying
Or a swaying, limping camel

١٥. بِكُلِّ خَبيبَةٍ وَمَجازِ عُرضٍ
تَرى نَمَطاً يُطَوَّحُ أَو خَميلا

16. When we descended into the valley, they repelled
Our warriors, so we retreated in defeat

١٦. فَلَمّا أَن هَبَطنا القاعَ رَدّوا
غَواشينا فَأَدبَرنا حُفولا

17. Angry cries arose in the valley's midst
And the appeasers cleared a path for our retreat

١٧. وَقامَ لَنا بِبَطنِ القاعِ صيقٌ
فَخَلّى الوازِعونَ لَنا السَبيلا

18. From afar, we heard their call to arms
Swords clanging, refreshing for the embittered

١٨. فَأَدرَكنا دُعاهُم مِن بَعيدٍ
نَهتَزُّ البيضَ يَشفينَ الغَليلا

19. Wherever you looked, you saw flocks
Of birds taking alarmed flight

١٩. فَأَيّاً ما رَأَيتَ نَظَرتَ طِرفاً
عَلَيهِ الطَيرَ مُنعَفِراً تَليلا

20. When I saw the people turn and flee
I grasped neither spear nor kindling

٢٠. فَلَمّا أَن رَأَيتُ القَومَ فَلّوا
فَلا رِنداً قَبَضتُ وَلا فَتيلا

21. I gathered up my robe train as if
I'd gathered up the train of an emaciated camel

٢١. حَبَكتُ مَلاءَتي العَلِيّا كَأَنّي
حَبَكتُ بِها قُطامِياً هَزيلا

22. As if my robe, sensing evening winds
In the night, had felt a slight chill

٢٢. كَأَنَّ مِلاءَتي عَلى هِجَفٍّ
أَحَسَّ عَشِيَّةً ريحاً بَليلا

23. Galloping uphill on my steed Zamkharee
With muscular forelegs, rising unsteadily

٢٣. عَلى حَثِّ البَرايَةِ زَمخَرِيِّ ال
السَواعِدِ يَنبَري رَتَكاً زَليلا

24. Al-Baqmi fled for protection, departing
With grief and sorrow for the departure

٢٤. وَأَدبَرَ عايِذُ البَقمي شَدّاً
يَكُدُّ الصَمدَ وَالحَزَنَ الرَحيلا

25. He left us and left our allies
In the Abida valley of prolonged gloom

٢٥. وَغادَرَنا وَغادَرَ مَولِيانا
بِقاعَ أَبيدَةِ الوَغمَ الطَويلا