1. My heart I sacrifice for her from domes
Circling around the family like loved ones
١. فُؤادي الفِداءُ لَها مِن قُبَب
طَوافٍ عَلى الآلِ مِثلَ الحَبَب
2. It extends from the family in an abyss
When the person rises high in it, it sinks
٢. يَعُمنَ مِنَ الآلِ في لُجَّةٍ
إِذا ما علا الشَخصُ فيها رَسب
3. You turned away from me and the youth turned away
And I did not fulfill his right as was obligatory
٣. تُولّينَ عَنّي وولّى الشَبابُ
وَلَم أَقضِ مِن حَقِّهِ ما وَجَب
4. And if not for piety, I would have cooled my inflammation
With the water of slap and water of the gray hair
٤. وَلَولا التُقى لَبَردتُ الغَليلَ
بِماء الرِضابِ وَماءِ الشَنب
5. And I would have gained from my livelihood some booty
So I did not find a living except as booty
٥. وَأَدرَكتُ مِن عيشَتي نُهبَة
فَلَم أَجِدُ العيشَ إِلّا نُهب
6. I pardon while I have before the caller of love
Tears that respond and a heart that beats
٦. أَعفُّ وَلي عِندَ داعي الهَوى
دُموعٌ تُجيبُ وَقَلبٌ يَجِب
7. And I have a self before his recollection
It straightens the bending of ribs
٧. وَلي نَفَسٌ عِندَ تِذكارِهِ
يُقَوِّمُ عوجَ الضُلوعِ الحُدُب
8. Oh one for whom night is of weak escape
Hot and morning of slow request
٨. أَيا مَن لِلَيلٍ ضَعيفُ الهَرَب
حَرونٍ وَصُبحٍ بَطيء الطَلَب
9. As if there were on the atmosphere embroideries
Its nails are silver or gold
٩. كَأَنَّ عَلى الجَوِّ فَضَفاضَةً
مَساميرُها فِضَّةٌ أَو ذَهَب
10. As if its stars are eyes
Regarding the tooth of dawn or waiting
١٠. كَأَنَّ كَواكِبَهُ أَعيُنٌ
تُراعي سَنا الفَجرِ أَو تَرتَقِب
11. So when her shyness appeared, I saw
It covers its eyelids with bashfulness
١١. فَلَمّا بَدا طَفِقتُ هَيبَة
تُستِّرُ أَحداقَها بِالهَدَب
12. And it split the locks of the light of morning
Neither it is fading nor veiled
١٢. وَشُقَّت غَلائِلُ ضوءِ الصَباحِ
فَلا هوَ بادٍ وَلا مُحتَجِب
13. And its shelter bowed and its pillar
It cast on every horizon inclination
١٣. وَمَيثاءُ خَيَّم وَسَمِيِّها
فَأَلقى عَلى كُلِّ أُفُقٍ طَنَب
14. And when her growth appeared on land
Grayish you see it like the tanned leather
١٤. وَلما بَدا نَبتُها بارِضاً
شَكيراً تَراهُ كَمِثلِ الزَغب
15. It crossed it and the presses sucked it
From it from valleys of the curved tribe
١٥. تَخَطّاهُ واستَرضِعَ المُعصِرات
لَهُ مِن غَوادي الوَليّ الهدب
16. So it became bent like the curvature of wrappings
Upon it from the light an upper lip protrudes
١٦. فَأَصبَح أَحوى كَحوِّ اللِثاتِ
عَلَيهِ مِنَ النَور ثَغرٌ شنب
17. Whoever smelled it said flowing water
And whoever smelled it said mature musk
١٧. فَمَن شامَهُ قال ماءٌ يرفُّ
وَمن شَمَّهُ قال مِسكٌ يشب
18. We sniffed it and the morning breeze
Coquets with our chins and the fresh (water)
١٨. أَنخنا بِهِ وَنَسيمُ الصَبا
يُناغي ذَوائِبَنا وَالعَذَب
19. So the mouths of roses cast off the veils
And cheeks split the slits of the narcissi
١٩. فَأَلقَت ثغورُ الأقاحي اللِثامَ
وَشَقَّت خُدودٌ الشَقيقِ النُقب
20. And we spent the night spraying our breasts
The slaps of the slaps of roses, amazing
٢٠. وَبتنا نُرشِّفُ أَنضاءَنا
رِضابَ ثَنايا أَقاحٍ عَجَب
21. My heart in every fertility has
Sorrows, and in every glory, roads
٢١. لِقَلبي في كُلِّ أُكرومَةٍ
شُجونٌ وَفي كُلِّ مَجدٍ شُعَب
22. And there must be in glory some estrangement
Whether it distances on earth or comes near
٢٢. وَلا بُدَّ في المَجدِ مِن غُربَةٍ
تَباعدُ في الأَرضِ أَو تَقتَرِب
23. I attempt the farthest of its goals
With all the far consent and anger
٢٣. أُحاوِلُ أَبعدَ غاياتِهِ
بِكُلِّ بَعيدِ الرِضى وَالغَضَب
24. With lions bought atop its shoulders
From the blond a jungle strayed
٢٤. بِأُسدِ شَرىً فَوقَ أَكتافِها
مِنَ السَمهرية غاب أَشب
25. If they hunted, they risked with spears
And if they descended, they risked with clubs
٢٥. إِذا طارَدوا خاطَروا بِالرِماح
وَإِن نازَلوا خطروا بِالقُضُب
26. With whites that flutter the water of molting
In it between the banks of the road
٢٦. بِبَيضٍ ترفرف ماء الفِرن
د فيهن بَينَ سَواقي الشطب
27. With entering the spears and how much they reached
With what I do not like to what I love
٢٧. بِخوض الرِماحِ وَكَم قَد وَصَلَت
بِما لا أُحِبُ إِلى ما أُحِب
28. When the stabs during strikes of swords
Are like trenches in it the heart (lies)
٢٨. إِذا الطعن في ضَربات السُيوف
مِثلَ الخنادِق فيها القلب
29. And the color of tongues from what they dyed
Is like the color of smoke, upon it the flames
٢٩. ولون الأَسنة مِمّا خضبن
كلون الدُخان عَلَيهِ اللَهَب
30. Lo, is there for attaining wishes an end,
So I am to other than intent weaving
٣٠. أَلا هَل لِنَيل المُنى غايَةٌ
فَأَنا إِلى غير قصد نَخُب
31. Maybe God makes us victorious by that
Which one of etiquette or merit attempts
٣١. عَسى اللَهَ يظفرنا بِالَّتي
يُحاوِلُ ذو أَدَب أَو حَسَب
32. And makes us prosperous by visiting the minister
As God made prosperous the grandfather of lies
٣٢. وَيُسعدنا باعتمار الوَزير
كَما أَسعَد اللَهَ جَدَّ الكَذِب
33. A young man whom praise falls short of
And if it is said he surpassed the extent of lies
٣٣. فَتىً يَقَع المدح مِن دونِهِ
وَإِن قيلَ جاوَزَ حَدَّ الكَذِب
34. And the gown of praise falls short of him
Even if other than him wears it, it slides
٣٤. وَيقصر عنهُ رِداء الثَناء
وَلَو يَرتَديهِ سِواهُ انسَحب
35. A young man who attained the utmost attainment of height
While young and his peer did not mature
٣٥. فَتىً نالَ أَقصى مَنالَ العُلا
صَغيراً وَعارِضُهُ لَم يَشِب
36. And he rides seeking gifts
A steed he attains when he seeks
٣٦. وَيَركَبُ في طَلَبِ المُكرِماتِ
جَواداً يَنالُ إِذا ما طَلَب
37. And whoever he reaches while sitting
Then how can he be when he rides
٣٧. وَمَن كانَ يَبلَغُه قاعِداً
فَكَيفَ يَكونُ إِذا ما رَكِب
38. And time wrote the praise of generous ones
So when it saw him, it erased what it wrote
٣٨. وَقَد كَتَبَ الدَهرُ مدحَ الكِرام
فَلَمّا رآهُ مَحا ما كَتَب
39. The spring of dew known water
It diminishes if the water of the well runs out
٣٩. مَعينُ النَدى ماء مَعروفه
يَجِمُّ إِذا ماءَ عُرفٍ نَضَب
40. Of far reach he always seeks
From harm and benefit the highest positions
٤٠. بَعيدُ المَدى أَبَداً يَبتَغي
مِنَ الضُرِ وَالنَفعِ أَعلى الرُتَب
41. Clear speech, clear action
Clear bestowal, clear lineage
٤١. صَريحُ المَقالِ صَريحُ الفِعالِ
صَريحُ النَوالِ صَريحُ النَسَب
42. Attributes around which praise revolves
Like the orbiting of planets around the pole
٤٢. صِفاتٌ يَدورُ عَلَيها المَديحُ
مَدارَ الكَواكِبِ حَولَ القُطُب
43. We called him with generosity after
We tested him in every beginning and absence
٤٣. دَعَوناهُ بِالجودِ مِن بَعدِ ما
بَلَوناهُ في كُلِ بَدءٍ وَغِب
44. So he may refuse chips from one who is not stingy
And he may gift the bad from one who does not gift
٤٤. فَقَد يَمنَعُ القَذُّ مِن لا يَشَحُّ
وَقَد يَهَبُ البَدَنُ مَن لا يَهَب
45. And the generous one is not who starts
With his bounties but one who fosters
٤٥. وَلَيسَ الكَريمُ الَّذي يَبتَدي
بِنَعماهُ لَكِنَّهُ مَن يَرِب
46. A young man who does great generous acts
And he hides them like hiding of shame
٤٦. فَتىً يَفعَلُ المكرُماتِ الجِسامِ
وَيَستُرُهُنَّ كَسِترِ الريب
47. The glory of Bani Maghribi centered
As the heart centered between the breasts
٤٧. تَوَسَّط مَجدُ بني المَغربيِّ
كَما وَسَطَ القَلبُ بَينَ الحُجُب
48. They inherited virtue to their sons
And they passed away while their virtue did not pass away
٤٨. هُم أَورَثوا الفضل أَبناءهم
وَغابوا وَفضلُهُم لَم يَغِب
49. Like the sun covers countries with light
So if it set, it deposits it the meteors
٤٩. كَذا الشَمسُ تَغشى البِلاد الضِياء
فأن غربت أَودعته الشُهب
50. They filled with bestowal the palms of men
And with gifts the abdomens of books
٥٠. مَلوا بِالنَوال أَكف الرِجال
وَبِالمأثرات بطون الكُتُب
51. O Abi Qasim, it took away the purity of speech
And left what is beyond it to the Bedouins
٥١. أَبا قاسِم حزت صَفوٍ الكلامِ
وغادَرَت ما بَعدِهِ للعَرَب
52. And your speech is nothing but the stars
Exalted so you scattered it from every dune
٥٢. وَلَيسَ كَلامك إِلّا النُجومَ
علون فَناثرتها من كَثب
53. I saw eloquence where the dew is
Does the garden arrange itself except with clouds?
٥٣. رَأيت الفَصاحَة حَيث النَدى
وَهَل ينظم الرَوض إِلّا السُحب
54. And rain has honored since between it
And your structure the nearest lineage
٥٤. وَقَد شرف الغيث إِذ بَينَهُ
وَبَينَ بنانك أَدنى نَسَب
55. And I pleased another from the multitude of langua
ges In its margins and crosses
٥٥. وَأَرعَن أَخرٍ من كَثرَةِ اللُ
غاتِ بِأرجائِهِ وَاللَجَب
56. It meets the stars with their like
From eggs above it and quails
٥٦. يُلاقي النجوم بِأَمثالِها
مِنَ البيضِ مِن فَوقِهِ وَاليلب
57. If it faces the sun it returns the rays
Or interrupts the winds, it blocks the blow
٥٧. إِذا واجه الشَمسُ رد الشعاع
أَو اعترَض الريحُ سَد المهب
58. Bent with a paper of grace
By which worries and sermons appeared
٥٨. ثنيت بأرقش ذي ريقَةٍ
تَجَلّى الخطوب بِها وَالخطب
59. The heart shows him about what he harvested
And time makes him prosperous in what he loved
٥٩. يبين لَهُ القَلبُ عَمّا أَجنَّ
وَيُسعِدُهُ الدَهر فيما أَحَب
60. More shining than the well-groomed
If an approaching term hurries them
٦٠. أَشَدُّ مَضاءً مِن المُرهَفاتِ
إِذا حَثَّها أَجَلٌ مُقتَرِب
61. If you make for it a sharp fragment
From engraving, the spears took long the looting
٦١. إِذا ما جعلت لَهُ لهذماً
مِنَ النِقس طال الرِماح السَلب
62. And they took pride in it, boasting that it
And him in origin are some of the reed
٦٢. وَطالَت بِهِ مَفخَراً أَنَّها
وَإِياهُ في الأَصلِ بعض القَصَب
63. It forcibly breaks your eventful pens
And breaks the fang of the black serpent
٦٣. تقلِّم أَقلامَك الحادِثا
تِ قَسراً وتهشم ناب النوب
64. So who is a messenger of Egypt saying may it be generalized
And specialized with the usurping king
٦٤. فَمن مبلغٌ مِصرَ قَولاً يَعمُّ
وَيَختَصُّ بِالمَلِكِ المُعتَصِب
65. You were indeed in his crown a pearl
So a carnelian took the place of it
٦٥. لَقَد كُنتَ في تاجِهِ دُرَّة
فعوض موضعها المحشلب
66. If its place is blocked, it will not be blocked
And if missing from its action, it will not be missed
٦٦. إِذا سُدَّ موضعَها لَم يُسَدُّ
وَإِن نيب عن فعلها لم ينب
67. If the lion is estranged from his lair
The sheep start grazing in it the grass
٦٧. إِذا اغتَرب اللَيثُ عن خدرِهِ
غَدا الشاء يَرتَع فيهِ العشب
68. I came praising the high ones to you
And I did not come praising spikes
٦٨. أَتَيتُكَ مُمتَدِحاً لِلعَلاءِ
وَلَم آتِ مُمتَدِحاً لِلنشب
69. If you wished, you would have realized that bounty
In peace is not strongly resistant to looting
٦٩. وَلَو شئتَ أَدركت أَن الجَوا
د في السلم غَير منيع السلب
70. And you were pulling the rein of praise
From people, dragging it along dragged
٧٠. وَقَد كُنتَ أَثني عَنان المَديح
عَن الناسِ أَجذبه ما انجَذِب
71. Should I give the scorned what does not discern
Between the iron spearhead and war?!
٧١. أَأَعطي المُهَنَّد من لا يُمَيِّزُ
بَينَ الفرند وَبينَ الحَرَب