1. How many a brother, had he denied me water, I would not have been
For him, even if I were utterly parched and thirsty.
١. وَكَم مِن أَخٍ لَو حَرَّمَ الماء لَم أَكُن
لَهُ وَلَو أَنّي مُتَّ ظَمآن شارِبا
2. So he fancied hereby that his love for me was voluntary,
While my love for him was a duty binding upon me.
٢. فَظَنَّ بِهَذا وِدَّهُ لي تَطَوعَاً
وَودّي لَهُ فَرضاً عَليَّ وَواجِبا
3. This fancy released me from his tyranny
And though I was his slave, I became his companion.
٣. فاعتَقَني ذا الظن مِن سوءِ مُلكِهِ
وَكُنتُ لَهُ عَبداً فَأَصبَحتُ صاحِبا
4. And he who fancies that I cannot do without him shall see,
By my patience without him, that that fancy is false.
٤. وَمَن ظَنَّ ألّا بُدَّ مِنهُ أَرَيتَهُ
بِصَبري عَنهُ ذَلِكَ الظَنُّ كاذِبا
5. I allow an aspect of my heart to be a resort for my friend
And I leave a side for estrangement, if it keeps a side.
٥. أَبيحَ لِخلّي مِن فُؤادي جانِباً
وَأَترُك لِلهُجرانِ إِن كانَ جانِبا
6. So that I meet him with a cheerful countenance when he is present
And I keep him in absence, if he is absent.
٦. عَلى أَنَّني أَلقاهُ بِالبِشرِ حاضِراً
وَأَحفظه بِالغَيبِ إِن كانَ غائِباً
7. Such are my qualities which I make all mankind aware of,
And in which I make foe and friend sharers.
٧. وَتِلكَ سَجايا لي أَعَمُّ بِها الوَرى
وَأَشرُك فيهن العِدى وَالأَقارِبا