
He disobeyed the coquettes when their coquetry intensified,

عصى العواذل إذ لجت عواذله

1. He disobeyed the coquettes when their coquetry intensified,
And kept worrying about one who doesn't worry about him,

١. عَصى العَواذِلِ إِذ لَجَّت عَواذِلُهُ
وَواصَل الهَمِّ فيمَن لا يُواصِلُهُ

2. And the night of a lover lengthened in his thinking,
Of one whose promised meeting now evades him,

٢. وَطالَ لَيل مُحِبٍّ في تَفَكُّرِهِ
فيمَن لِمَوعُودِهِ أَضحى يُماطِلُهُ

3. He used to be kind and generous in uniting with him,
If one day he was miserly in connecting the love.

٣. وَكانَ سَمحاً جواداً بِالوِصالِ لَهُ
إِن ضَنَّ يَوماً بِوَصلِ الحُبِّ باخِلُهُ

4. By God, those days of ours which have passed,
And time is heedlessly mocking us,

٤. لِلَّهِ أَيامُنا تِلكَ الَّتي سَلفَت
وَالدَهرُ في غفلة عَنّا نُماحِلُهُ

5. And time is heedlessly enjoying for us,
The life of youth, and its most enjoyable life is heedless,

٥. وَالدَهرُ في غَفلَةٍ عَنّا يَلذُّ لَنا
عَيش الصِبا وَأَلَذ العَيش غافِلُهُ

6. Our cup is like the fragrant breeze of musk,
Stirred by a tender, sweet hand with its gestures,

٦. وَكأَسُنا كَنَسيم المِسكِ عاطِره
يُديرها شادنٌ حُلوٌ شَمائِلُهُ

7. The regretful were quenched with wine from his joys,
From the magic of a glance it adorned with its magic,

٧. سَقى النَدامى مُداماً مِن لَواحِظِهِ
من سحر طَرفٍ كساهُ السِحر بابِلُهُ

8. Like a willow branch, the boughs of gardens will waver tomorrow,
So too every sensible being who rivals it,

٨. يَهتَزُّ كالغُصنِ مَيّاس الرِياض غَدا
بِمثله كل ذي عَقلٍ يُماثِلُهُ

9. O Abu Al-Alaa, whose comfort is majestic,
None among the created can match his glory,

٩. أَبا العَلاء الَّذي جلَّت راحَتِهِ
فَلَيسَ في المَجدِ من خَلقٍ يُطاوِلُهُ

10. And one who has clouds of his comfort's rain,
Upon the land with dew, its rivers gush forth,

١٠. ومن له سُحبٌ من غيث راحَتِهِ
عَلى الوَرى بِالنَدى تَهمي هَواطِلُهُ

11. So O gift of God, O son of the most generous two, and who
With his description the proofs have risen high,

١١. فَيا عطا اللَهِ يا ابن الأَكرَمينَ وَمَن
بِوَصفِهِ في العُلى قامَت دَلائِلُهُ

12. You are the one whose open hand covered,
All the people, and its attainment encompassed creation.

١٢. أَنتَ الَّذي غمرت بِالجودِ راحته
كُلَّ الأَنامِ وَعَمَّ الخَلق نائِلُهُ