1. The lightning flashed from Najd, so it yearned for Najd
O lightning, what passion did you arouse from ardor!
١. بَدا البَرق مِن نَجد فَحَنَّ إِلى نَجدِ
أَيا بارِقاً ماذا نَشَرت مِنَ الوَجدِ
2. And it is not passion from ardor for Najd, but
One yearns for Najd if he settles in Najd
٢. وَما حَنَّ مِن وَجدٍ بِنَجدٍ وَإِنَّما
يَحِن إِلى نَجد لِمَن حَلَّ في نَجدِ
3. The treaty from India, pilgrims from life
The folds of lightning smile, thunder moans
٣. سَقى العَهدَ مِن هِند عِهادٌ مِنَ الحَيا
ضَحوك ثَنايا البَرق مُنتَحِبَ الرَعدِ
4. It unties the knots of raindrops between allies
It unties them on behalf of the pearl's tribe
٤. يَحِلُّ عُقود القطر بَينَ مُعاهِدٍ
يَحِلُّ بِها مِن قَبل دُرِيَّةِ العقدِ
5. A girl whom I see the world and what is in its veil
And I cast aside what is in its upgrade, the eternal paradise
٥. فَتاة أَرى الدُنيا بِما في نِقابِها
وَأَلقى بِما في مرطِها جِنَّة الخُلُدِ
6. She is the sun who hides the sun from her when it sets
Dazzling the sisters-in-law, radiant ancestry
٦. هيَ الشَمسُ تَخفي الشَمس عَنها إِذا انتَمَت
فَضاعية الأَخوال فهرية الجَدِّ
7. Pretty-faced, sun-like vision, voluptuous hips
Slender waist, tall stature
٧. دُجوجيَّة الفَرعين شَمسِيَّة الرؤا
كَثيبية الأَردافِ خوطِيَّة القَدِّ
8. With the gaze of one who looks at me, or a tender
Gazelle, with it or a glancing young deer
٨. وَناظِرَةٍ مِنَ ناظِري أَم جؤذَرٍ
خَذولٍ بِهِ أَو مُقلَتي رشإٍ فَردِ
9. Her cheek is of roses, her mouth of pearls
Although her spittle is of fragrant musk
٩. مِنَ الوَردِ خَداها مِنَ الدُرِّ ثَغرُها
عَلى أَنَّ رَيّاها مِنَ العَنبَرِ الوَردِ
10. To keep receiving your wishes is sweeter than wine
And more delightful than honey
١٠. تَظَلُّ تعاطيك المنى مِن مُقبَّلٍ
بِأَعذَبِ مِن خَمرٍ وَأَطيَب مِن شَهدِ
11. Oh, may God destroy the doves! For she
Wept and melted a gentle heart, yearning for India
١١. أَلا قاتِل اللَهَ الحمام فَإِنَّها
بَكَت فَشَجَت قَلباً طَروباً إِلى هِندِ
12. And why did he mention India when between them
Lies the line of poetry or thin sheets of India
١٢. وَما ذِكرُهُ هِنداً وَقَد حالَ دونَها
قَنا الخُطِّ أَو بيضٍ رِقاق مِنَ الهِندِ
13. And a lion over the bare hills of horses well-groomed
Alas! Who can protect you from a lion on the bare hills
١٣. وَأَسدٍ عَلى جُردٍ مِنَ الخَيلِ ضُمَّرٍ
وَهَيهات مَن يَحميكَ أَسداً عَلى جردِ
14. And desolate desert where the wild beasts roam its bushes
And the wolves howl in it, strong packs, sturdy
١٤. وَيَهماء يَهوي بَينَ أَورادها القطا
وَيوهي السُرى فيها قوى الضَيغَم الجَلدِ
15. Aspiring, were it not for the guide, it would not know
A guide to it how the path is to the goal
١٥. مطوّحة لَولا الدراريُّ ما دَرى
دَليل بِها كَيفَ السَبيلِ إِلى القَصدِ
16. Travelers, what they contain is no provision for a caravan
Annual, that the land contains in it of ruins
١٦. سباريتُ ما فيهن زاء لركب
سَنوي ما حَوَت فيها الأَداحي مِنَ الرَبدِ
17. On account that if the wind blew its ruins
To every ostrich from an ostrich in it, cast off
١٧. عَلى أَنَّهُ لَو جارَت الريحُ رَبدِها
لِكُلِّ النَعامي عَن نَعام بِها رُبدِ
18. As if charging my steed its struggle
To the high honor, to the generous nobility
١٨. كَيهماء كَلَّفتُ المَطي اعتِسافِها
إِلى الشَرفِ العالي إِلى الكَرَمِ العِدِّ
19. To the guiding moon, to the son of Mufraj
To the pure lineage, to the fortunate star
١٩. إِلى القمر الهادي إِلى ابن مُفَرِجٍ
إِلى الحَسَبِ الزاكي إِلى الكَوكَبِ السَعدِ
20. To the sword, the sword of the state, the King who
The pearls of his verses charm with praise
٢٠. إِلى السَيفِ سَيفِ الدَولَةِ الملكِ الَّذي
تَبيتُ ذرى أَبياتِهِ مألَف الحَمدِ
21. To the fierce lion in the zeal of war
When it reddens in the thicket of spears, the glare of the lion
٢١. إِلى الأَسدِ الضِرغام في حومة الوَغى
إِذا احمَرَّ في غاب القَنا حَدَقُ الأَسَدِ
22. Of the supportive whose steeds
With the lives of those who opposed them, perpetually harvest
٢٢. مِنَ الأجأيين الَّذينَ جِيادهم
بِأَحياءِ من عاداهم أَبَداً تَردي
23. Stars of Qahtan in the darkness of night
To the number of Ead and the sharpness of Lu'd
٢٣. نُجوم بَني قَحطان في طَخية الدُجى
إِلى عَدد عَدٍ وَأَلسِنَةٍ لُدِّ
24. The wounds of the Jurrahis, responsive
Which the hand of David strung with beads
٢٤. وَجأواءَ جَرّاحيَّةٍ أَجابِيَّةٌ
حبتها يَداً داود بِالحلق السَردِ
25. It has from the Indian iron each polished
With the water of twisting, passing, and edge
٢٥. لَها مِن حَديد الهِند كُلَّ مُهَلِلٍ
بِماء الرَدى ماضي الغَرارين وَالحَدِّ
26. And from the breed of written lines each gentle
That delights you with the bright, strong youth
٢٦. وَمِن أَسلاتِ الخُطِّ كُلَّ لَذيذَةٍ
تَروقك بِالنِبراسِ ذاتَ شَباً عَردِ
27. And from the progeny of supplies for travelers every packed
That Solomon gave to Al-Azd
٢٧. وَمِن نَسلِ زادَ الركب كل مطهَّمٍ
حَباهُ سُلَيمان بن داود لِلأُزدِ
28. I met with another who charged patience its Lord
With the line of poetry and prose, pure and solid
٢٨. لقفت بأُخرى كَلَّف الصَبر ربها
بسمر القَنا وَالبيضَ قرع صَفاً صَلدِ
29. When they conflicted between it and its slogan
Death was sweeter to it than bondage
٢٩. فَلَمّا تَداعَت بَينَها وَشعارها
فَكانَ لَدَيها المَوتُ أَحلى مِنَ القِندِ
30. I called upon it from the secret of Ma'n knights
Who make death taste like pleasant life
٣٠. دَعَوتُ لَها مِن سِرِّ مَعنٍ فَوارِساً
تَلذَّ المَنايا لذّة العيشَةِ الرَغدِ
31. So it rejected with rejection when the spears mixed
And recognized the hopes of a man for you, new
٣١. فنكر بِذي نَكرٍ إِذا اشتَجر القَنا
وعرف لآمالِ امرىء لَكَ مستجدي
32. O Mahmoud, you have been good, done good, gracious
And I alone am not good at benevolence
٣٢. أَمَحمود قَد أَحسَنت أَحسَنَت منعماً
وَما أَنا للإِحسانِ مُستَحسَن وَحدي
33. So live high, not weak in power
And your torrential sea is not scanty of supply
٣٣. فَعِش لِلعُلى لا العز مُستَضعَف القُوى
وَما بحرك الفَيّاض مُستَنزر الرَفدِ
34. But I complain of matters that left me
In desolation, from the bosom of my honor, distant
٣٤. وَلَكِنَّني أَشكو أُموراً تركنني
بِتَيماء مِن أَكناف عِزّي عَلى بُعدِ
35. O intimate of anxiety! I do not know of anxiety and sorrow
Should I conceal what is in the bosom of my honor, distant
٣٥. أَخا الهَمِّ لا أَدري مِنَ الهَمِّ والأَسى
أَأَكتُم ما بَينَ أَكناف عِزّي عَلى بُعدِ
36. And I to the understanding you possess complain
My worries from the length of my estrangement and tiredness
٣٦. وَإِنّي إِلى الفَهمِ الَّذي لَكَ أَشتَكي
هُموميَ مِن طولِ اغتِرابي وَمِن كَدّي
37. So one of understanding from one of discernment in any comfort
But from one of foolishness in hardship
٣٧. فَذو العلم مِن ذي الفَهمِ في كُلِّ راحَةٍ
وَلَكِنَّهُ مِن ذي الغَباوَة في جُهدِ
38. And whoever combines the discernment you have in bounty
Then that is one I did not exaggerate in praising
٣٨. وَمَن يَجمَع الفهم الَّذي لَكَ في النَدى
فَذاكَ الَّذي لَم يَكب في مَدحِهِ زِندي
39. Wise of bounty and events are many
And the likes of you are called to events
٣٩. عَقيل النَدى وَالحادِثات كَثيرَة
وَمثلك مَدعوٌ لِحادِثَة إِدِّ
40. Is it not strange that your anger which
I did not intend, spilled my supply
٤٠. أَلَيسَ عَجيباً أَنَّ سَخطكم الَّذي
أُريدُ بِهِ غَيري أَريق بِهِ رَفدي
41. And stranger than this, that the father of bounty
My shortcoming appeared from it, and that was not of intention
٤١. وَأَعجَب مَن هَذاك أَن أَبا النَدى
بَدا عَنهُ إِقصاري وَما ذاكَ عَن قَصدِ
42. And stranger than it, that my pearls are with him
And it is not what I want of his pearls with me
٤٢. وَأَعجَبُ مِنهُ أَنَّ دَرّيَ عِندَهُ
وَلَيسَ الَّذي أَبغيهِ مِن دُرِّهِ عِندي
43. So what a wonder! Why did your glory
Not specialize with a virtuous deed that remains as evening conversation after me
٤٣. فَوا عَجَباً هَلّا تَفَرَّدَ مَجدُكُم
بِغَرّاء يَبقى ذكرها سمراً بَعدي
44. With a favor, if I say regarding it a poem
I compose its rhythms as necklaces of glory
٤٤. بمكرمَةٍ إِن قلت فيها قَصيدة
نظمت بِنَظميها قَلائِد لِلمَجدِ
45. If you say "Return me to the east" it would not
Have been upon you from things easier than my return
٤٥. فَإِن قُلتَ ردوني إِلى الشَرق لَم يَكُن
عَلَيكُم مِنَ الأَشياءِ أَيسَر مِن رِدّي
46. And if you say "Fill my deficiency and need"
The likes of you filled the deficiencies with supply
٤٦. وَإِن قُلتَ سدوا خلتي وَخصاصَتي
فَأَمثالكم سَدوا الخَصاصات بِالرَفدِ
47. Is there no Aus among you, no Hatim for you
And they have no equal and what equal do you have
٤٧. أَما مِنكُم أَوس أَما حاتِم لَكُم
وَما لَهُما نَدٌ وَمالك مِن نِدِّ
48. Are not parables struck by you in bounty
Do I not ride hopes toward you challenge
٤٨. أما بِكُم الأَمثال تَضرِب في النَدى
أَما أَركُبُ الآمالَ نَحوَكُم تَحدي
49. Or has your generosity encompassed the people of sorrow and plain
Or does your money go toward generosity prepare
٤٩. أَما عَمَّ أَهل الحَزنِ وَالسَهل جودكم
أَما مالُكُم يَغدو عَلى الجودِ يَستَعدي
50. Have you not fixed your spears wherever you wished
Or have your swords harvested whoever you wanted
٥٠. أَما ركزت أَرماحكم حيث شئتموا
أَما كل مَن شِئتم سُيوفكم تَردي
51. Is there no Mudhij among you, no Azd is your Azd
Or do you have Kalb and Asad, the sons of Fahd
٥١. أَما مِذحِجٌ فيكم أَما الأزد أَزدكم
أَما لَكُم كَلب وَأسد بَني فَهَد
52. Did not Tuba's horses march to China
Or did the donkeys of Samarqand fortify its castles
٥٢. أَما تبع سارَت إِلى الصين خيله
أَما حمير شادَت حصون سَمَرقَندِ
53. Did he not lead Kabis prisoner to Tuba
Or tie tight his fetters, O the greatest tie!
٥٣. أَما قادَ قابوساً أَسيراً لتبَّعٍ
أَما شَدَّ كَبلاً كعبه أَيُّما شَدِّ
54. Or are you not an army for the Prophet and his comrades
So blessings upon comrades, and blessings upon soldiers!
٥٤. أَما لَكُم أَنصار دين مُحَمَدٍ
سراة بَني قَيس وَرَهط بَني سَعدِ
55. O Bani Da'fal, who amongst mankind can count
Your achievements, or your virtues, count!
٥٥. أَلَستُم بِجُندٍ لِلنَّبيِّ وَرَهطِهِ
فَبوركَ مِن رَهطِ وَبورك مِن جُندِ
56. And when you tied what our palms contained
You caused us to stumble without knowledge or intention
٥٦. بَني دَعفَل مَن ذا يَعُدُّ مِنَ الوَرى
مآثركم أَو مكرماتكمُ عَدّي
57. And you were as ones of dignity, and the dignified, if resolved
Eliminate without hatred, and save without affection
٥٧. وَلَمّا خزمتم ما حوته أَكُفُّنا
عَثرتم بِنا مِن غَيرِ علم وَلا عَمدِ
58. O Bani Da'fal, who amongst mankind can count
Your achievements, or your virtues, count!
٥٨. وَكُنتُم كذي لج وَذو اللج إِن طَما
أَبادَ بِلا بَغضٍ وَنَجّا بِلا وُدِّ