1. Is it from the fantasy of his desire and dream
That your tears harmonized atop the cheek?
١. أَمِن خَيال هُداه الشَوق وَالحِلم
ظَلَّت دموعك فَوق الخَدِّ تَنسَجِمُ
2. And the ruins kept asking what you did
And how can one without understanding understand?
٢. وَظِلَت تَستَفهِم الأَطلال ما فعلت
وَكَيفَ يَفهَمُ شَخصٌ مالَهُ فَهِمُ
3. Far be it for you to cry for a singing girl
Who cries over you a little, then smiles
٣. حاشاك حاشاك أَن تَبكي لِغانِيَةٍ
تَبكي عَلَيكَ قَليلاً ثُمَّ تَبتَسِمُ
4. What benefit is there in tears after death
During farewell, neither harm nor illness
٤. ما يَجلِب الدَمع بَعدَ العُدمِ مَنفَعَة
عِندَ الفِراقِ وَلا ضُرٌّ وَلا سَقَمُ
5. That which intimacy did not bring near, abundance made distant
Even if you brought it closer, it was still nonexistent
٥. ما كانَ يدنيه إِكثار يقَرِّبه
أَقصاه منك وَإِن أَدنيته عَدَمُ
6. Tell those whose intention I was before between them
So they handed me over to the predators, they did not make peace
٦. قُل لِلَّذينَ مُرادي قَبلَ بينهم
فَسَلَّموني إِلى الأَوصابِ لا سَلِموا
7. And time which betrayed my skin
Be however you want, for I have a purpose and protector
٧. وَلِلزَّمانِ الَّذي أَخنى عَلى جَلدي
كن كَيفَ شِئتَ فَلي جَدٌّ وَمُعتَصِمُ
8. I mean Abu Hasan Musa whose hand
Is refuge of the destitute and her gratitude encompasses nations
٨. أَعني أَبا حَسنٍ موسى الَّذي يَده
مأوى العفاة وَتبدي شكرها أُمَمُ
9. This minister whom prosperity witnessed for him
Through it desolation and blessing
٩. هَذا الوَزير الَّذي نُعماه قَد شهدت
لَهُ البَرايا ومنه البؤس وَالنِعَمُ
10. The perfect master, valiant literary figure and he
For whose comfort the paper and pen glory
١٠. السَيد الكامِل الشَهم الأَديب وَمَن
يَزهو بِراحَتِهِ القُرطاسُ وَالقَلَمُ
11. A hand which trims the claws of calamities he has
An opinion whereby the fierce and stubborn are subdued
١١. يَدٌ تَقلِّم أَظفارَ الخُطوبِ لَهُ
رأي يكل لديه الصارِم الخَذِمُ
12. Of such honor that by its authority injustice is illuminated
And of such comfort that by its intimacy adversity is expelled
١٢. ذو عِزَّةٍ بِسَناها تَنجَلي الظُلم
وَراحَة بنداها يُطرَد العَدَمُ
13. No knot of sorrows was resolved from his generosity except
That glory in his presence was shattered
١٣. ما حَلَّ مِن جُودِهِ عقد اللَهى كرماً
إِلّا وَأَضحى لَدَيهِ المَجدُ مُلتَطِمُ
14. Nor did the eyes of riches weep from his hand
Except that the lips of wishes through it smiled
١٤. وَلا بَكَت أَعيُن الأَموالِ مِن يَدِهِ
إِلّا وَثغر الأَماني منه مُبتَسِمُ
15. O you whom when asked, his court saw
What his two hands possessed being divided
١٥. يا مَن إِذا ورد السُؤال ساحَته
رأت ما ملكت كَفّاه يُقتسَمُ
16. A hopeful came to your hands taking benefit
From what pains his days brought him
١٦. راجي يَديك أَتى مُستَفدياً وَبِهِ
مِمّا يُعانيه مِن أَيامِهِ أَلَمِ
17. So release him from the shackles of time which ruined his side
For it is your generous nature to pardon
١٧. فافكِكهُ مِن أَسر دَهرٍ هَدَّ جانبه
فَإِنَّهُ سَجايا نفسك الكَرَمُ
18. So take advantage of gratitude for what you wish for
For gratitude is the best that you can gain and covet
١٨. فاِستَغنِم الشُكر فيما قَد تَمَنُّ بِهِ
فَالشُكرُ أَفضَل ما تَحوي وَتَغتَنِمُ