
Is there no denier of the prosperous days of intimacy?

ألا هل لعهد العامرية جاحد

1. Is there no denier of the prosperous days of intimacy?
Yet I have a witness to the sincerity of affection.

١. أَلا هَل لِعَهدِ العامِريَّةِ جاحِدُ
وَعِندي مِن صدق المَوَدَّةِ شاهِدُ

2. You were told that I hate you,
So do not listen to what my envious enemies say about me.

٢. حُكي لَكِ عَنّي أَنَّني لَكِ مُبغِضٌ
فَلا تَسمَعي ما قالَ فيَّ حَواسِدي

3. By God, turning away from you is not out of boredom,
How can I turn away when my passion is increasing?

٣. فَواللَهِ ما الأَعراض عَنكِ مَلالة
أَأَسطيعُ إِعراضاً وَشوقيَ زائِدُ

4. But beware of the slanderers whose eyes
Watch over us even if they show affection hypocritically.

٤. وَلَكِن حِذاراً مِن وُشاةٍ عيونهم
عَلَينا وَإِن أَبدَت هُجوداً رَواصِدُ

5. I call out to you out of longing and infatuation,
Though our homes are separated by great distances.

٥. أَناديكِ مِن شَوقٍ إِلَيكَ وَصبوة
وَما بَينَ دارينا مَدىً مُتباعِدُ

6. How often I walked the paths of night, but could not find
A way as the means to reach you narrowed.

٦. وَكَم سرت في طُرقِ السلو فَلَم أَجِد
سَبيلاً وَضاقَت في هَواكِ المَقاصِدِ

7. How often my eyes sought in people a glorious and generous one,
But the call replied that none is glorious except

٧. وَكَم طلبت عَينايَ في الناس ماجِداً
كَريماً فَناداني النَدى لَيسَ ماجِدُ

8. The One praised and worshipped, the One who
Can attain wishes if a seeker comes desiring Him.

٨. سِوى من عَليه الحمد وَقفٌ وَعِندَهُ
بلوغ المُنى إِن جاءَ يَرجوهُ قاصِدُ

9. Abu al-Fadl, Abd Allah ibn Muhammad,
Upon his face are witnesses to his generosity.

٩. أَبا الفَضل عَبدُ اللَهِ بن مُحَمَدٍ
عَلى وَجهِهِ للمكرمات شَواهِدُ

10. From the heaven of nobility, he has the perfume of his origin
And his kindness to the needy is manifest.

١٠. لَهُ مِن سَماءِ الفَخرِ مِن طيب أَصلِهِ
وَإِحسانِهِ في المعتفين مُشاهِدُ

11. At his doors success remains constant,
If a newcomer passes by, he returns as a regular.

١١. كَريم عَلى أَبوابِهِ النُجح ثابِت
إِذا مَرَّ عَنها وافد جاءَ وافِدُ

12. Fate never disappointed the hopes of a seeker
Who sought refuge in it, except favours came to him.

١٢. وَما خَيَّبَ الدهر الخؤون لِطالِبٍ
وَلاذَ بِها إِلّا أَتَتهُ الفَوائِدُ

13. To it the destitute throng, and around it
For every layabout, means arrive.

١٣. عَلَيها ازدِحام لِلعفاة وَحَولها
عَلى كُلِّ فِترٍ للعُفاةِ مَوارِدُ

14. If the seeker of Abu al-Fadl's bounty sleeps,
His munificence does not sleep from pursuing its goals.

١٤. لَئِن نامَ عَن جَدوى أَبي الفَضلِ طالِب
فَما جودِهِ عَن ما يُحاوِلُ راقِدُ

15. He restored the pride of people's praise,
So he remains envied by all people.

١٥. أَعادَ عَلى حَمدِ الأَنامِ فَخاره
فَظَلَّ لَهُ مِن سائِرِ الناس حاسِدُ

16. His gifts to people, none remain but them
For the return of a gentle and constant bestowal.

١٦. مَواهِبه في الناس لَم يَبقَ غيرها
لعودَةِ ممتاحٍ طَريفٌ وَتالِدُ

17. They almost speak to him in the gentlest speech
Above all people for the beauty of righteous deeds.

١٧. تَكادُ تُناجيهِ بِأَعذَبِ مَنطِقٍ
عَلى الخَلقِ مِن حُسنِ الفِعالِ المَحامِدُ

18. Whoever does not live forever, by people's praise,
If he dies, remains immortal.

١٨. وَمن لَم يَكُن يُعطي الخُلود فَإِنَّهُ
بِحَمدِ الوَرى في الدَهرِ لَو ماتَ خالِدُ

19. His habit is not to disappoint any asker,
So excellent among people are these habits!

١٩. عَوائِدُهُ أَلّا يُخَيِّبَ سائِلاً
فَيا حَبَّذا في الناس هَذي العَوائِدُ

20. Abu al-Fadl, with you poetry is hypocritical,
And with the one lofty through your ascent, it is futile.

٢٠. أَبا الفَضل إِنَّ الشِعرَ عِندَكَ نافِقٌ
وَعِندَ الَّذي سامى عُلوك كاسِدُ

21. If the archers miss the basin of the generous one,
Yours will guide them with favours.

٢١. إِذا ضَلَّتِ القُصّاد عَن حَوض ماجِدٍ
يَكونُ لَها مِن مكرماتك راشِدُ

22. If the deprived turns away from you,
When fearing to approach, he returns to you.

٢٢. وَإِن عَدَلَ المَحرومُ عَنكَ فَإِنَّهُ
إِذا خافَ الإِقبال نَحوَكَ عائِدُ

23. I see rain missing from fate for a while,
While your bounty remains, unvanquished by fate.

٢٣. أَرى الغيث مَفقوداً مِنَ الدَهرِ بُرهَةً
وجودك باقٍ ماله الدَهر فاقِدُ

24. Your outpouring surpasses the torrents of seas,
Though they are seven and you are but one.

٢٤. يَزيدُ عَلى فَيضِ البِحارِ انسِكابِهِ
وَعِدَّتُها سَبعٌ وَأَنتَ فَواحِدُ

25. Were it not for you, O son of Muhammad,
Generosity would have died, and you are its parent.

٢٥. وَلَولاكَ ماتَ الجود يا بن مُحَمَّدٍ
فَأَنتَ لَهُ دونَ البَريَّةِ والِدُ

26. You rose above praising people out of majesty,
So poems spread your praise far and wide.

٢٦. ترفعت عَن مَدح الأَنامِ جَلالَةً
فَسادَ بِنَشرِ الحَمدِ عَنكَ القَصائِدُ

27. Your star in the mansion of fortune is ascendant,
And your glory rising to the highest place.

٢٧. فَنجمك في بُرجِ السَعادَةِ بالِغٍ
وَمَجدك في أَعلى المَنازِلِ صاعِدُ

28. The souls of enemies desire you, O son of Muhammad,
So what envier do you have in kindness from your palm?

٢٨. نُفوس العِدى تَهواكَ يا ابن مُحَمَدٍ
فَما لَكَ في إِحسانَ كَفِّكَ حاسِدُ

29. If I try praising you for good,
What opponent do I have among God's creation?

٢٩. إِذا رُمتُ أَن أَثني عَلَيكَ بِصالِحٍ
فَماليَ في خَلقِ الإِلَهِ مُعانِدُ

30. And if I try praising you for other than Him,
What helper do I have among all people?

٣٠. وَإِن رمت أَن أَثني عَلَيكَ بِغَيرِهِ
فَماليَ في كُلِّ الأَنامِ مُساعِدُ

31. So stay safe, O son of the mighty, renewing
Glory, untouched by calamities.

٣١. فَدَم سالِماً يا ابن المَنيع مُجدداً
فَلا طرقتك الحادِثات الشَدائِدُ