1. O Abul Fadl, the night has become long or my patience has betrayed me
So let me imagine that the stars do not move
١. أَبا الفَضلِ طالَ اللَيلُ أَم خانَني صَبري
فَخيِّل لي أَنَّ الكَواكِب لا تَسري
2. I see the white sand after you has darkened
So my time is a night with no dawn
٢. أَرى الرَملَة البَيضاء بَعدَكَ أَظلَمَت
فَدَهري لَيلٌ لَيسَ يُفضي إِلى فَجرِ
3. And that is only because it holds a treasure
Whose Lord did not want it to return to the resurrection
٣. وَما ذاكَ إِلّا أَنَّ فيها وَديعَة
أَبى ربها أَن تَستَرِد إِلى الحَشرِ
4. I was pleased with eyes as full as a star
Born between the sun, moon and full moon
٤. رَزيت بِملء العَين يُحسَب كَوكَباً
تولَّد بَينَ الشَمس وَالقَمَر وَالبَدرِ
5. With shining white color that if it hid it would sleep
Upon it as the breeze slept upon the flowers
٥. بِأَبلَجَ لَو يَخفي لَنَمَّ ضِياؤُهُ
عَلَيهِ كَما نَمَّ النَسيمُ عَلى الزَهرِ
6. With my soul he was a crescent I hoped would become full
But fate met him at the beginning of the month
٦. بِنَفسي هِلال كُنتُ أَرجو تَمامَهُ
فَعاجله المِقدار في غُرَّة الشَهرِ
7. And Shibl we hoped would become a grown lion
But he died without having claws or nails
٧. وَشِبل رَجَونا أَن يَكون غَضَنفَراً
فَماتَ وَلَم يَجرح بِنابٍ وَلا ظفرِ
8. The decree of Allah came upon him in a foreign land
I am a stranger in origin, grave and fate
٨. أَتاهُ قَضاءُ اللَهِ في دار غُربَةٍ
بِنَفسي غَريبُ الأَصلِ وَالقَبرِ وَالقَدرِ
9. I bear the heaviness of dust though I
Feel this weight more than the dust itself
٩. أُحَمِّلُهُ ثقل التُرابِ وَإِنَّني
لأَخشى عَلَيهِ الثُقلَ مِن مَوطءِ الذَرِ
10. And leave him in unfaithful dirt
Though fate leads evil to more evil
١٠. وَأودعه غَبراء غَيرَ أَمينَةٍ
عَلَيهِ وَلَكِن قادَ شر إِلى شَرِّ
11. By Allah if I could withstand his loss
We would both die or my life would be shared with him
١١. فَواللَهِ لَو أَسطيعَ قاسَمتُهُ الرَدى
فَمُتنا جَميعاً أَو لقاسَمَني عُمري
12. But our souls belong to another
So I have no power over mine or his
١٢. وَلَكِنّما أَرواحَنا مُلكَ غَيرِنا
فَماليَ في نَفسي وَلا فيهِ مِن أَمرِ
13. And the days did not require except their news
If only they did not require until you filled my chest
١٣. وَما اقتَضتِ الأَيّام إِلّا هِباتها
فألّا اقتَضتها قَبلَ أَن مَلأتَ صَدري
14. And before his love and habit flowed
In my heart as water flows in tender branches
١٤. وَمِن قبل أَن يَجري هَواهُ وَإِلفه
بِقَلبي جَريَ الماء في الغُصُنِ النَضرِ
15. No sorrow but the day I saw him
And left with part of myself and part in the grave
١٥. وَلا حُزنَ أَلّا يَومَ وَارَيتُ شَخصَهُ
وَرُحتُ بِبَعضِ النَفسِ وَالبعض في القَبرِ
16. And I know the events have an observatory
To take all of me as they took half
١٦. وَأَعلَمُ أَنَّ الحادِثاتِ بِمُرصِدٍ
لِتأخُذ كُلّي مِثلَما أَخذت شَطري
17. When the clothes of childhood slipped away
As feathers fall off the defective wings
١٧. أَحينَ نَضا ثَوب الطُفولَة ناسِلاً
كَما يَنسَّلُ الرِيش اللَوام عَن النَسرِ
18. And the breastfeeding was replaced
By the keys of rhetoric and poetry
١٨. وَخَلَّى رِضاعَ الثَدي مُستَبدِلاً بِهِ
أَفاويق مِن دَرِّ البَلاغَة وَالشِعرِ
19. And he faced the ornaments of youth and they opened
Revealing his merits before their blossoming
١٩. وَالقى تَميمات الصِبا وَتباشَرَت
حَمائِل أَغماد المهنَّدَةِ البُترِ
20. And their proofs for the highborn stood upon him
As evidence stands on traces from the past
٢٠. وَبانَ عَلَيهِ الفَضل قَبلَ اثِّغارِهِ
وَيَبدو وَإِن لَم يثَّغر كرم المُهرِ
21. And his pure water face told us of his goodness
Like the telling of clear water about a pure mouth
٢١. وَقامَت عَلَيهِ لِلعَلاءِ شَواهِدُ
كَما استَشهَد العَضب السَريجي بِالأَثَرِ
22. And time was generous with him though it is stingy
And water may flow from solid rock
٢٢. وَخَبَّرنا عَن طيبهِ ماء وَجهِهِ
كَتَخبير ماء الظَلم عَن طيبة الثَغَرِ
23. Fate clothed him in the garment of tombs so his glories
Became naught but a mention within them
٢٣. وَجادَت بِهِ الأَيام وَهيَ بَخيلَة
وَقَد يَنبَع الماء الزُلال مِنَ الصَخرِ
24. So he was generous to enemies with his remaining wealth
And he was not one to give generously to enemies
٢٤. طَواهُ الرَدى طَيَّ الرِداءِ فَأَصبَحَت
مَغانيهِ ما فِيهِنَّ مِنهُ سِوى الذِكرِ
25. So if I cry, close kinship requires
Tears, and if I'm patient there is reward
٢٥. فَجادَ عَلى قَسرٍ بِباقي ذِمائِهِ
وَقَد كانَ مِمَّن لا يَجود عَلى القَسرِ
26. In him is what weakens my strength except I
Was built as the generous are on patience
٢٦. فَإِن أَبكِ فَالقُربى القَريبَةُ تَقتَضي
بُكايَ وَإِن أَصبِر فَبَقياً عَلى الأَجرِ
27. The patience of a grieving one whose heart
Flutters between ribs and throat
٢٧. فَبي مِنهُ ما يوهي القوى غَيرَ أَنَّني
بُنيتُ كَما يُبنى الكَريم عَلى الصَبرِ
28. Turning an eye that does not sleep as if
It has no eyelid to close or lashes to shade
٢٨. وَما صَبرُ مَحزونٍ جناح فؤادِهِ
يُرَفرِفُ ما بَينَ التَرائِبِ وَالنَحرِ
29. His tears covered its companions so it is as if
A drowned corpse floats atop the sea
٢٩. يُقَلِّبُ عَيناً ما تَنامُ كَأَنَّها
بِلا هَدبٍ يُثنى عَلَيها وَلا شَفرِ
30. Every day and night it spoils my sleep and wakefulness
A specter moves about and memories flow
٣٠. غَطا دمعها أَنسانُها فَكَأَنَّها
غَريق تَسامى فَوقه لُجَجُ البَحرِ
31. And it expands my chest with sighs remembering
That the expanse is still narrower for my chest
٣١. يُنَغِّصُ نَومي كُلَّ يَومٍ وَيقظَتي
خَيالٌ لَهُ يَسري وَذِكرٌ لَهُ يَجري
32. And they said solace will soothe him with another
I said to them, can ember extinguish ember?
٣٢. وَيوسع صَدري بِالزَفير ادِّكاره
عَلى أَنَّ ذاكَ الوسع أَضيقُ لِلصَّدرِ
33. Will a desirous wound heal but with its like
No, it flares and spreads instead
٣٣. وَقالوا سيسليه التأَسّي بِغَيرِهِ
فَقُلتُ لَهُم هَل يَطفأ الجَمرُ بِالجَمرِ
34. I wish solace with calamity occurs
As enough, not soothing or igniting
٣٤. أَيندَمِلُ الجَرحُ الرَغيب بِمِثلِهِ
إِلّا لا وَلَكِن يَستَطيرُ وَيَستَشري
35. So do not ask me of patience, for I
Buried my heart with it, and my patience within it
٣٥. وَلَيتَ التأسي بِالمُصيبَةِ كائِنٌ
كفافاً فَلا يُسلي هُناك وَلا يُغري
36. For if not my heart, you were its half
As the crescent is formed from the full moon
٣٦. فَلا تَسأَلوني عَنهُ صَبراً فَإِنَّني
دفنت بِهِ قَلبي وَفي طَيِّهِ صَبري
37. O gift that came and went and I did not
Stand to thank Allah for what was in it of gratitude
٣٧. فإلّا تَكُن قَلبي فَإِنَّكَ شَطرِهِ
قُددتَ كَما قُدَّ الهِلالُ مِنَ البَدرِ
38. My sorrow doubled that you left and did not take
The place of companionship in the mouth of the beloved
٣٨. أَيا نِعمَةً حَلَّت وَوَلَّت وَلَم أَكُن
نهَضتُ بِما لِلَّهِ فيها مِنَ الشُكرِ
39. And were not a line matching your likeness
As the book links line to line
٣٩. وَضاعفَ وَجدي أَن قَضيتَ وَلَم تُقِم
مَقامَ الشَجا المَعروض في ثَغرة الثَغرِ
40. You did not lead an army blood stained
Seeing their white like seeds on wine
٤٠. وَلَم تَلقَ صَفّاً مِن عِداكَ بِمِثلِهِ
كَما أَسنَد الكِتاب سَطراً إِلى سَطرِ
41. You did not compete tongues of war around you
To judge the confused with custom and evidence
٤١. وَما خُضتَ جَيشاً بِالدِماءِ مُضمَّخاً
يَرى بيضُهم مِثلَ الحَبابِ عَلى الخَمرِ
42. With a strike making white fly from its heat
Like sparks from ember
٤٢. وَلَم تَختَصِم حوليك أَلسِنَة القَنا
فَتَحكُمُ في الهَيجاء بِالعرف وَالنُكرِ
43. Seeing its armor scattered
Falling like flakes from the nail
٤٣. بَضَربٍ يَطير البَيضُ مِن حَرِّ وَقعِهِ
شَعاعاً كَما طارَ الشَرارُ عَن الجَمرِ
44. Nor in fighting for Allah’s cause made your stab
Reach a strike like a well atop a river bank
٤٤. تَرى زرد الماذيِّ مِنهُ مفكَّكاً
يَطيح كَما طاحَ القُلامُ عَن الظفرِ
45. You did not stand for Allah’s justice
I will judge and not judge the like of it again
٤٥. وَلَمّا تُضِف في نَصرَةِ اللَهِ طعنه
إِلى ضَربَةٍ كالبِئرِ فَوقَ شَفا نَهرِ
46. You did not walk in the shadow of banners as the young lion walks
To hunt under the fluttering of the falcon
٤٦. وَلَمّا تَقُم لِلَّهِ بِالقِسطِ مَوقِفاً
سَأَقضي وَلمّا أَقضِ مِن مِثلِهِ نذري
47. You did not flutter fires around you to the villages
As the edges of red banners flutter
٤٧. وَلَم تَمشِ في ظِلِّ اللواء كَما مَشى
إِلى الصَيدِ فهد تَحتَ رفرفة الصَقرِ
48. You did not stop the best meanings and their support
To choose from help to the chaste
٤٨. وَلَم تُخفِق النيران حَولَك للقِرى
كَما خفقت أَطراف الويةٍ حُمرِ
49. You did not compete with the star in light, elevation, reputation
Omens and signals when it runs its course
٤٩. وَلَم تَقفُ أَبكار المَعاني وعونِها
فَتَرغب فيها مِن عَوانٍ إِلى بِكرِ
50. You did not embarrass the exquisite garden with a garden
Whose corners are decorated with prose and verse
٥٠. وَلَمّا تَبارى النَجم ضوءاً ورِفعَةً
وَصيتاً وَأَنواءً وَهَدياً إِذا يَسري
51. You did not stand scene after scene
To validate imaginations with reality
٥١. وَلَم تَخجَل الرَوض الأَنيق بِرَوضَةٍ
مفوَّقةِ الأَرجاءِ بِالنَظمِ وَالنَثرِ
52. I have not said this but what your intelligence guarantees
Like the guarantee of clouds for rain
٥٢. وَلَمّا تَقم في مَشهَدٍ بَعدَ مَشهَدٍ
تَصدّق أَخبار المَخايلَ بِالخُبرِ
53. Peace be upon you from Allah your Lord if you have passed
Over, while we remain on the bridge
٥٣. وَما قلت إِلّا ما ذَكاؤُكَ ضامِنٌ
لَهُ كَضَمانات السَحائِب لِلقَطر
54. We are but like horses on a racetrack
We advanced some then stayed on the track
٥٤. عَلَيكَ سَلامُ اللَهِ ربك إِن تَكُن
عبرت إِلى الأُخرى فَنَحنُ عَلى الجِسرِ
55. And when we competed, your ultimate goal
Was death, so the short path won
٥٥. وَما نَحنُ إِلّا مِثلَ أَفراس حلبةٍ
تَقَدَّمنا شيء وَنَحنُ عَلى الإِثرِ
56. Fate erased you from my sight but memories of you
Remain in my heart, and your mention in my thoughts
٥٦. وَلَمّا تَجارَينا وَغايَة سَبقنا
إِلى المَوتِ كانَ السَبقُ لِلجَذَعِ الغَمرِ
57. So nothing is forgotten though its importance fades
For you will live on in memory
٥٧. مَحاك الرَدى مِن رأي عَيني وَمامَحا
خَيالك مِن قَلبي وَذِكرك مِن فِكري
58. And time whose turning missed me
And hit you when I was unprepared
٥٨. فَما أَنسَ مِن شيء وَإِن جَلَّ قدره
فَإِنَّكَ مِنّي ما حَييتُ عَلى ذِكرِ
59. You left and left behind those you departed from
In sorrow, anxiety and thought
٥٩. وَإِنّي مِن دَهرٍ أَصابَكَ صِرفِهِ
وَأَخطأَني مِن أَن يُصيبَ عَلى حِذرِ
60. Were the earth to reveal you I would say
Those inside are like those outside
٦٠. رحلتَ وَخَلَّفتَ الَّذينَ تَرَكتَهُم
وَراءَكَ بالأَحزانِ وَالهَمِّ وَالفِكرِ
61. With no difference between us but we
Feel harm while you do not feel
٦١. فَلَو لفضتكَ الأَرض قلت تَشابَهت
مَناظِر من في البطن مِنها وَفي الظَهرِ
62. I hoped for you in life and the faith before it
Yet you left disappointed in both hopes
٦٢. وَلا فَرقَ فيما بَينَنا غَيرَ أَنَّنا
بِمَسِّ الأَذى نَدري وَأَنَّكَ لا تَدري
63. Out of etiquette and loyalty I visit you though ruin
Distracts from my loyalty and care
٦٣. رَجوتك للدُّنيا وَللدِّينِ قَبلَها
وَرُحتَ بِكَفٍ مِن رَجائِهما صِفرِ
64. And when old age came, I made it
Your youth, blessing its era over that of old age
٦٤. أَزورَكَ إِكراماً وَبِرّاً وَفي البِلى
لِمثلِكَ شغل عَن وَفائي وَعَن بِرّي
65. And said my son's youth is my own
As meaning transfers from me to him
٦٥. وَلَمّا أَتى بَعدَ المَشيب عَدَلتُهُ
بِعَصر الشَباب الغَضِّ بورك من عَصرِ
66. But it passed as youth itself passes
Good ties and publishing passed
٦٦. وَقلت شَبابُ ابني شَبابي وَإِنَّما
يَنقَّلُ مَعنى الشَطر مِنّي إِلى الشَطرِ
67. He was like lingering pure amber
That appears but leaves fragrance in the hand
٦٧. فَوَلّى كَما وَلّى الشَبابُ كِلاهُما
حَميد فَقيد طَيِّب العَهدِ وَالنَشرِ
68. If after him I experience pleasures
Then pleasure is akin to betrayal
٦٨. وَكانَ كَمِثلِ العَنبَرِ الجونِ لبثِّهِ
فَبانَ وَأَبقى في يدي عبق العِطرِ
69. I cannot fulfill when I have lived after him
And confession at times is greater than excuse
٦٩. نَقضت عُهود الوُدِّ إِن ذقت بَعدِهِ
سلواً إِلّا إِنَّ السَلو أَخو الغَدرِ
70. Sorrow is enough that I called but he did not answer
Not out of dignity or composure
٧٠. وَما أَنا بِالوافي وَقَد عِشتُ بَعدَهُ
وَرُبَّ اعتِراف كانَ أَبلَغ مِن عُذرِ
71. His silence was not due to distance
Between us, only the space of two arms in fate
٧١. كَفى حُزناً أَنّي دعوت فَلَم يَجِب
وَلَم يَكُ صَمتاً عَن وَقارٍ وَلا وَقرِ
72. In worldly things we compete foolishly though
Its utmost is to end in poverty
٧٢. وَلَم يَكُ مِن بُعدِ المَسافَة صَمته
فَما بَينَنا إِلّا ذِراعانِ في القَدرِ
73. In life we are like riders of a ship
Thinking we are still while time flows
٧٣. نُنافِسُ في الدُنيا غُروراً وَإِنَّما
قَصارى غِناها أَن يَؤولَ إِلى الفَقرِ
74. I have folded the nights, and the nights are stages
To an appointed time moving as I do
٧٤. وَإِنّا لَفي الدُنيا كركب سَفينَةٍ
نَظُنُّ وقوفاً وَالزَمان بِنا يَجري
75. And I have wasted days that in their bitterness
Waste me, and the endpoint of waste is fate
٧٥. طويت اللَيالي وَاللَيالي مَراحِل
إِلى أَجَلٍ يَسري إِليَّ كَما أَسري
76. To Allah I complain of my sorrow, and truly
I lost you like water is lost in the barren land
٧٦. وَأَفنَيتُ أَياماً فَنيتُ بِمَرِّها
وَغايَة ما يُفني وَيَفنى إِلى قَدرِ
77. As forty days finished with me in mourning
The stars of grey shone in the darkness of hair
٧٧. إِلى اللَهِ أَشكو ما أَجِنُّ وَإِنَّني
فَقَدتُكَ فَقدَ الماءِ في البَلَدِ القَفرِ
78. So enough, O critics, for due to much blame
My tears have given me a justification to weep
٧٨. عَلى حينَ جِزتُ الأَربَعينُ مُصَوِّباً
وَلاحَت نُجومُ الشيب في ظُلمِ الشَعر
79. When my son turns away and my youth leaves
Farewell to time upon farewell
٧٩. فَيا مَعشَرَ اللَوامِ كفوا فَإِنَّني
لِفَرطِ الجَوا قد قامَ لي في البُكا عُذري
80. I endured nights and nights are stages
To an appointed time moving unto me
٨٠. إِذا ما تَوَلّى ابني وَوَلَّت شَبيبَتي
وَوَلّى عَزايَ فالسَلامُ عَلى الدَهرِ