
Dreams are more fitting for one whose temples have grayed,

الحلم أولى بمن شابت ذوائبه

1. Dreams are more fitting for one whose temples have grayed,
And praise is more proper for one whose trials have endured,

١. الحِلمُ أَولى بِمَن شابَت ذَوائِبُهُ
وَالحَمدُ أَحرى بِمَن دامَت تَجارِبُهُ

2. And a man is one who is not vexed by what comes his way,
Who does not see terror except when in its midst,

٢. وَالمَرءُ مَن لَم يَضِق ذَرعاً بِنائِلِهِ
وَلا يَرى الهَول إِلّا وَهوَ راكِبُهُ

3. So if his eulogizer and praiser are inaccessible,
His wishers and mourners will come to him,

٣. فَإِن تَعَذَّرَ مطريه وَمادِحه
أَتى إِلَيهِ مرجِّيهِ وَنادِبُهُ

4. Abu Al-‘Ala whose calamities were immense,
Because of my intention towards him, his clouds rained,

٤. أَبا العَلاء الَّذي جَلَّت مآرِبُهُ
مِن قبل قَصدي لَهُ دَرَّت سَحائِبُهُ

5. Were it not for the Purified, his fingers would not
Guide him to the chaste where poetry adorns its owner,

٥. لَولا المطهَّر ما تَهدي أَنامِلُهُ
إِلى العُفاةِ يعافُ الشعر صاحِبُهُ

6. He gives freely, unasked, before being requested,
So if you ask, you get what you seek from him,

٦. يَجودُ بِدءاً وَعوداً قَبلَ تسأَلَهُ
فَإِن سَأَلتَ فَنَل ما أَنتَ طالِبُهُ

7. If times betray, his fingers will not betray,
Or if the rain withholds, its gifts do not withhold,

٧. إِن أَخلَف المُزنَ لَم تَخلِف أَنامِلُهُ
أَو أَمسِك الغَيثَ لَم تُمسِك مَواهِبُهُ

8. Blessed of face, auspicious of forehead,
Bestower of wishes, exempt from tolls,

٨. مباركُ الوَجهِ مَيمونُ النَقيبَةِ
وَهّابُ الرَغيبَة مَعدومُ ضَرائِبُهُ

9. He shows you in the beginnings of opinion the best
Of what its consequences will later bring,

٩. يُريكَ في بدءآتِ الرأي أَحسَن ما
يأتي بِهِ بَعدَ أَحوالٍ عَواقِبُهُ

10. O Scribe! When destinies flowed, his pen flowed,
His virtues have spread in the land,

١٠. يا كاتِباً جَرَتِ الأَقدارُ حينَ جَرَت
أَقلامُهُ في الوَرى شاعَت مَناقِبُهُ

11. His fingers have ordained spending for the virtuous,
Just as they have ordained destruction for his enemies,

١١. قَضَت عَلى المالِ لِلعافي أَنامِلُهُ
كَما قَضَت في أَعاديهِ قَواضِبُهُ

12. A finder of ways to praise and describer of it,
And devoid of ways of dispraise and censure,

١٢. وَواجِد طرقاً لِلحَمدِ واصِفُهُ
وَعادِمٍ طُرُقات الذَمّ عائِبُهُ

13. Goodness does not escape you wherever its forehead shone,
Or its darkness crept in whatever place,

١٣. لا يَغفَل الخَير ما لاقيتَ غُرَّتُهُ
بِحَيثُ حَلَّ وَلا تَدجو غَياكِهبُهُ