
I see my fate has been kind, gaining

أرى دهري تفضل واستفادا

1. I see my fate has been kind, gaining
From an eminent one I forgot Ziyad.

١. أَرى دَهري تَفَضَّلَ واستِفادا
بِنابِغَة نَسيَت بِهِ زِيادا

2. And when Ziyad passed away from us
We substituted poetry for Zinad.

٢. وَلما أَن مَضى عَنّا زِياد
لَنظم الشعر عَوَّضَنا زِنادا

3. And when he came to you and enlightened you
He made you forget who enlightened you before.

٣. وَحينَ أَتاكَ ذاكَ أَفادَ هَذا
فَأَنسى مَن أَتاكَ لمن أَفادا

4. I mean none but you, Abu Ali
Be where you wish, you will attain what you desire.

٤. وَما أَعني سِواكَ أَبا عَليِّ
فَكُن حَيثُ اشتُهيتَ تَكُن مُرادا

5. Your sublime poems have certainly come
In varieties of pride, singly or in pairs.

٥. لَقَد حَلَّت قَصائِدُكَ المَعالي
صنوف الفَخرِ مَثنى أَو فُرادى

6. If you compose love poems, you are a passion for them,
And if you compose seriously, you are their purpose.

٦. فَإِن أَغزلت كُنتَ لَها وِشاحاً
وَإِن أَجزَلت كُنتَ لَها نجادا

7. Dazzling, if you appeared to the envious
He would against his desire say you are excellent.

٧. بهرن فَلو تَبَين عَلى حُسودٍ
لَقالَ بِغَيرِ شَهوَتِهِ أَجادا

8. You set a resolve that would not be content until
The stars revolved around you as their steeds.

٨. سمت بِكَ هِمَّة لَم تَرضَ حَتّى
غَدا فَلكَ النُجومُ لَها جَوادا

9. The crescent would be its slipper one day
And in ten days, its armory.

٩. يَكون لَها الهِلال اليوم نَعلاً
وَفي عَشرٍ يَكون لَها بِدادا

10. News of you came to me, and if it persisted
To the dead, it would have brought them back to life.

١٠. أَتاني عَنك ذكر لَو تَمادى
إِلى الأَمواتِ كانَ لَها معادا

11. Praise or the cooing of ring doves
A sad tear smiled, and it increased.

١١. ثَناءٌ أَم ثَنايا أَقحوانٍ
تَبَسَّم غِبَّ أَدمعها فَزادا

12. I obtained it, so I was harsh there
While all people were gentle.

١٢. حَظيت بِهِ فكنت هُناك قُسّاً
وَكانَ الناس كلهم إِيادا

13. I sent you to the battlefield of poetry
Concealed words, its steeds.

١٣. بَعَثتُ إِلَيكَ في ميدان طِرسي
مِنَ الأَلفاظِ مضمرة جِيادا

14. If I could, the whiteness of my eye
Would be its parchment, and its blackness, its ink.

١٤. وَلَو اسطيع كانَ بَياض عيني
لَها طَرساً وأسودها مِدادا

15. You have established a noble character, so build,
For the likes of you, when he initiates, repeats.

١٥. وَقَد أَسَّستَ مكرمة فَشيد
فَمثلك من إِذا أَبدى أَعادا