1. My youth refused crookedness since I grew up
And my loved ones in it refused turmoil
١. أَبى زَمَني مَذ شِبتُ أَلّا تَعَوُّجا
وَأَهل وِدادي فيهِ أَلّا تبهرُجا
2. As if I did not grow old in it but me alone
My excuse and my grizzled head were bent
٢. كَأَن لَم يَشِب فيهِ سِوايَ وَلَم يَكُن
عِذاري وَرَأسي حالك اللَون أَدعَجا
3. And I was not like a worn garment or a flexuous branch
Adorned by the spring blossoms and embroidered
٣. وَلَم أَكُ كالخَطّي أَو غصن بانَةٍ
كَساها بِها فَصل الرَبيع وَدَبَّجا
4. With the light of a light that pleases the eyes of the beholder
And captivates the perceptive with its shape and delight
٤. بِنوّار نَورٍ يَطَّبي أَعيُن المَها
وَيَفتن ذا الأَلباب بِالشَكل وَالشَجا
5. It watered a pact we had made in our youth
Drawing near, docile, and gentle
٥. سَقى مَعهَداً كُنّا بِهِ زَمَن الصِبا
مقربة سَحاً وَهاداً وَأَمرَجا
6. And my covenant with it before our troop parted
Its call like the sea when it surged
٦. وَعَهدي بِهِ قَبلَ افتراق فَريقنا
وَأَنداؤُهُ كالبَحرِ لَمّا تَموَّجا
7. With the chiefs of Qahtan and chieftains of Adnan
And the horsemen of Kalb like the adorned groom
٧. بِأَقيال قَحطان وَأساد عامِر
وَفُرسان كَلب كالوَشيج الموشَّجا
8. Valiant when I call upon them against aggression
Toward the battlefield they do not deviate
٨. خَفاف إِذا اِستَصرَختُهُم عَن جِنايَة
إِلى النَقع لا يَلوون عَنها تعرجا
9. They extend with the polished Indian swords their hands
Used to stabbing the thickly armored warrior
٩. يَمدون بِالخُطِّ الذَوابِل أَيدياً
مَعودة طَعن الكميِّ المدجَّجا
10. At every scornful, stealthy, cowardly enemy
Who turns away twisting on the day of hatred
١٠. عَلى كُلِّ خَنذيذٍ طِمَرِّ نخاله
إِذا مزعت يَوم الكَريهة أَعوَجا
11. They pardon the belongings of those who sought war with them
And share the souls equally, scattered about
١١. يَعفُّونَ عَن أَسلاب مَن رام حربهم
وَيَقتَسِموا الأَرواح قَسماً مَلهوجا
12. I asked about a glorious scene, mentioning which
Fulfilled every wish or purpose and thrilled
١٢. أَسائلتي عَن مَشهَدٍ جَلَّ ذِكرِهِ
قَضى كُلَّ نَيل أَو ذِمامٍ فَأَثلَجا
13. There came to us dogs from Tameem and Taghlib
And revived Numayr and Qushayri discerned
١٣. أَتَتنا كِلابٌ في تَميم وَتَغلِب
وَأَحيا نميراً وَالقشيريَّ عَرفَجاء
14. Led by Ataaf seeking his revenge
So he brought them to a terrible, confused onslaught
١٤. يؤمهم عطّاف يَطلُب ثأرُهُ
فَأَوردهم وَرداً وَبيّا موهَّجا
15. He quenched their thirst with the cup of death at Badr
With an Indian sword that splits polished armor
١٥. سَقاهُم حياض المَوت بدر عَلى ظَماً
بِهندِيَّة تَفري الحَديد المنسَّجا
16. When it's sheathed it spares the people of Ad
And when unsheathed it returns to Ad, unsheathed
١٦. إِذا أَغمَدَت عَن مَعشَر عاد مِنهُما
وَإِن جرِّدَت في جَحفَل عاد منفجا
17. By the hands of generous men of Thu'al and the Bahr
Along with the band of Al-Walid and Du'alj
١٧. بِأَيدي كِرامٍ مِن ذَؤابة طيىء
وَبحتر مَع رَهط الوَليد وَدعلجا
18. Led by the young full moon son of Rabee'ah
Who had determined to hurl the deafening spear
١٨. يؤمهم البَدر الفَتى ابن رَبيعة
وَقَد صَمَّمَ الرمح الأَصم وَأَرهَجا
19. Upon the rosy mound like a barren hill
Safe from women and free of burden
١٩. عَلى هَيكَلٍ وَردٍ كَأقطم تَلَّةٍ
سَليم الشَظا لا ذي نَساءٍ وَلا وَجا
20. Calling out to the dogs and all the tribes
And they listen to him speaking clearly without stuttering
٢٠. يُنادي كِلاباً وَالقَبائِل كُلها
وَهُم سامِعوه مفصحاً ما تلجلجا
21. I am the son of him whose fire time does not extinguish
And was lit only to guide to salvation
٢١. أَنا ابن الَّذي لا يَخمِد الدَهر ناره
ولا أَوقَدت إِلّا لِتَهدي إِلى النَجا
22. To the lofty principles whose bases do not sleep
And a prepared host of glory that does not disappear
٢٢. إِلى راسِيات ما تَنام طُهاتُها
وَمقراة نُبلٍ ما تَغِب المودَّجا
23. We ruled all the land after their running away
And we had control over every cave and sanctuary in it
٢٣. ملكنا جَميع الأَرض مِن بَعدِ جُرهم
وَكانَ لَنا مِن غار فيها وَهملجا
24. And they came to us seeking our protection
From east and west, forbidden and free
٢٤. وَجاءُوا إِلَينا يَطلُبون ذِمامَنا
مِنَ الشَرقِ وَالغَربِ المُمَنَّعِ وَالنَجا
25. For we are the leaders and all people
Are our followers, except the crowned Prophet
٢٥. فَنَحنُ رؤوسٌ وَالخَلائِقُ كُلَّها
لَنا تبعٌ إِلّا النَبيَّ المُتَوَّجا
26. And his children from Fatima and Aliya
Our guiding Imams, the clearest method
٢٦. وَأَبناؤُهُ مِن فاطِم وَعَليّة
أَئمتنا الهادونَ أَوضَح مَنهَجا
27. And the donkey raid befell them
Destroying them by the sword, scattered about
٢٧. وَكَرَّ عَلَيهِم كَرَّة حميرية
أَبادهمُ بالسَيفِ طراً فَأَزعَجا
28. So we were like hunting hawks swooping
Toward prey, each vying to tear apart
٢٨. فَكُنّا كَبازيِّ هَوى نَحوَ دَردَقٍ
مِنَ الطَير مُنقضٍ فَكُلٌ تَثَبَّجا
29. And he left them in the plain as corpses
For the wolves of the deserts, they had no refuge
٢٩. وَخَلَّفهم بِالقاعِ صَرعى تنوشهم
وَحوش الفَيافي ما لَهُم مِنهُ مُلتَجا
30. And satiated the hungry wolf with their bodies
And the hyena, lynx, and snarling leopard
٣٠. وَأَشبَع ذِئباً جائِعاً مِن جُسومِهِم
وَضَبعاً وَنِسراً قَشعَمياً وَزَمَّجا
31. Badr judged them, the most just of rulers
By your killing them, from the saddle firmly seated
٣١. حَكَمَت عَلَيهم بَدر أَعدَل حاكِم
بِقَتلِكَ مِن زَمَّ المَطيّ وَأَسرَجا
32. You made the spheres of war align against them
Circling, so there was no hope for any among them
٣٢. جَعلتَ رَحا الحَربِ العَوان عَلَيهِم
تَدور فَما في القَومِ مِن فيهِ مُرتَجى
33. You filled the celestial towers with them and captives
So you see none but the slain, blood-stained
٣٣. مَلأت بروج الحَربِ مِنهُم مع الرُبى
فَلَستَ تَرى إِلّا قَتيلاً مُضَرَّجا
34. And you joined two thousand of their elite
To the terrorized troops whom you drove to flee
٣٤. وَأَلحَقت مِنَ أَلفَيتَ مِنهُم نَزاهَة
كَتائِب رَوعٍ أَلحَقَتهُم بِمَن نَجا
35. So whoever's sole resort was the sword among them
The sword seemed to him like a heart and breast
٣٥. فَمَن كانَ حلي السَيف مِنهُم مآبَهُ
كَأنّ حَليَّ السَيفَ قُلباً وَدُملجا
36. So he wears the blood-dyed garments and seeks
Ankle bracelets to please, red and black
٣٦. فَيَلبِس مَصبوغ الغَواني وَيَبتَغي
مِنَ التِبر خَلخال يَروق مدملجا
37. O father of the star, O Badr of darkness, son of Rabee'ah
Congratulations on the victory over the two dogs
٣٧. أَبا النِجمِ يا بَدِر الدُجى ابن رَبيعَة
ليهنك فَتح في الكِلابينَ أَفلَجا
38. After this war no war will recur
And whoever returns we will return to the war, limping
٣٨. فَما بَعدَ هَذا الحَرب لِلحَربِ عَودة
فَمَن عادَ عُدناهُ إِلى الحيِّ أَعرَجا
39. To you truthfulness has tossed it from a praising poet
It is free, with which poetry becomes credentialed
٣٩. إِلَيكَ رَماها الصدق مِن قَبل مادِحٍ
غَدافية يَضحى بِها الشعر مدرجا
40. If you recite it in a people's club it will draw them near
On their day fresh and diffusing fragrance
٤٠. إِذا أَنشَدَت في نادِ قَومٍ تَضَوَّعَت
بيومهم نَدّاً وَفاحَت بنفسَجا