
You were a hunter with your glances, aiming

قد كنت نبالا بلحظك صائدا

1. You were a hunter with your glances, aiming
So I followed with a spear when you became a gazelle

١. قَد كُنتَ نَبّالاً بِلَحظِكَ صائِداً
فَأردَفتُ رُمحاً حينَ أَصبَحت ناهِدا

2. A weapon but it does not harm the beloved
And it penetrates whom it distances

٢. سِلاحٌ وَلَكِن لا يَضيرُ مُدانياً
وَيَنفُذُ فيهِ حده مُتَباعِدا

3. It shows the rose of the cheek then brings it back
And I have not seen a rose in veils coming back

٣. يُبَرِّزُ وَرد الخَدِّ ثمَّ يُعيدُهُ
وَلَم أَرَ وَرداً في الكَمائِمِ عائِدا

4. It has eyelashes that pass on sickness but it has no
Illness, and do dark poisons return healed?

٤. لَها مُقلَةٌ بِالسُقمِ تُعدي وَما بِها
سِقام وَهَل تَردي السموم الأَساوِدا

5. It has a coldness, without which saliva is tasteless
So it was delicious, and if not for that, it would not be cold

٥. لَها بَردٌ مِن دونِها الريق دونَه
فَطابَ وَلَولا ذاكَ لَم يَكُ بارِدا

6. And I swear I never intended any doubt
Towards a singing girl unless I was asleep

٦. وأَقسِمُ أَنّي ما هَمَمتُ بِريبَةٍ
لِغانِيَةٍ إِلّا إِذا كُنتُ راقِدا

7. But when I saw its eyelids diseased
I sent my eyesight back cured

٧. وَلَكِنَّني لَمّا رَأَيتُ جُفونَها
مُمَرَّضَةٌ أَرسَلَت طرفي عائِدا

8. And if its eyelids were not seashells
They would not scatter pearls at dawn

٨. وَلَو لَم تَكُن أَجفانُها صدفاً لَما
نثرن غداة البين دراً فَرائِدا

9. I was assigned to love the white ones, and my heart inclined
To love the meadows, so I did not abandon the cages

٩. كلفت بِحُبِّ البيض وَالقَلبَ مولَعٌ
بِحُبِّ المَواضي ما هجرت الخَرائِدا

10. The docile oryx pillows me with its forearm
When the pillow does not pillow me with its elbow

١٠. تُوَسدني العيس الطَليح ذِراعها
إِذا لَم توسدني الخَريدة ساعِدا

11. And my sword makes me happy against every aggression
If I cannot find in the two worlds a supporter

١١. وَيُسعدني سَيفي عَلى كُلِّ بُغيةٍ
إِذا لَم أَجِد في العالَمينَ مُساعِدا

12. And I used to when I wanted to hunt
Some glory, send the guide ahead

١٢. وَكُنتُ إِذا ما رُمتُ رَعيَ قَرارَةٍ
مِنَ المَجدِ أَرسَلتُ الرُدَينيَّ رائِدا

13. And how many men, their clothes are less than their worth
Yet silk clothes the worthless too

١٣. وَكَم رَجُلٍ أَثوابُهُ دونَ قَدرِهِ
وَقَد يَلبِس السلك الجمان الفَرائِدا

14. So I am not impressed by the miser and his abundant money
Extra is a flaw even if it is surplus

١٤. فَلا يُعجِبَن ذا البُخلِ كَثرَة مالِهِ
فَإِنَّ الشَغا نَقص وَإِن كانَ زائِدا

15. Oh what a pity, Hittam, I praise an ignorant man
And compose poetry for one not worth poems

١٥. فَوا أَسَفا حَتّام أَمدَح جاهِلاً
وَأَنظَم فيمَن لا يُساوي القَصائِدَ

16. And I praise a people who do not know that I
Have rhymed them with necklaces or wreaths

١٦. وَأَمدَح قَوماً لَيسَ يَدرونَ أَنَّني
مُقاوِد قَد قَلَّدتَهُم أَو قَلائَدا