
The time has pressed your tears to flow,

عصرت مدامعك الأناة المعصر

1. The time has pressed your tears to flow,
And why would flowing tears not ebb and flow?

١. عصرت مَدامعك الأَناةُ المُعصِرُ
وَلِمِثلِ فرقتها المَدامِعُ تُذخَرُ

2. You left at dawn, and every heart bewildered,
By your beauty, and every eye finds its spectacle and show.

٢. رَحلت ضُحىً وَلِكُلِّ قَلبٍ حَيرةً
في حُسنِها وَلِكُلِّ عَينٍ مَنظَرُ

3. Bliss sculpted her body anew,
And bliss is ever sculpting and will continue so.

٣. عَبِثَ النَعيمُ ها فصوَّرَ جِسمها
خَلقاً جَديداً وَالنَعيم يُصَوِّرُ

4. The first signs of grey appeared in my temples,
Grey hair being unforgivable impudence and woe.

٤. بَكُرَت طَلائِع لِلمَشيب بِلمَّتي
إِنَّ المَشيب إِساءَةٌ لا تُغفَرُ

5. It’s said a thing grows used to its form,
Yet the white recoils from the parting blow.

٥. وَيقال إِنَّ الشَيءَ يَأَلَفُ شَكلهُ
وَالبيضُ عَن بيضِ المَفارِقِ تَنفُرُ

6. Do not be insistent, for everything has its place,
And custom in some places can be censured low.

٦. لا تلحُها فَلكُلِّ يَومٍ مَوضِع
وَالعُرفُ في بَعض المَواضِعِ يُنكرُ

7. Grey is the morn, and blackness the dark of night,
And night is best for union and to hide the inner glow.

٧. وَالشَيبُ صُبحٌ وَالسَواد دِجِنَّةٌ
وَاللَيلُ أَصلَحُ لِلوصالِ وَأستَرُ

8. We blamed our parting on the raven, blacker than black,
But lo, the grey is the most raven-hued crow.

٨. كُنّا نضيفُ إِلى الغُرابِ فراقنا
فَإِذا المَشيبُ هوَ الغُرابُ الأَزهَرُ

9. How can I come to you in the dark of night,
When you have made the moon-lit night your wardrobe and trousseau?

٩. كَيفَ السَبيل إِلى لِقائِكِ في الدُجى
وَاللَيلُ حَيثُ حَلَلتِ مِنهُ مُقمِرُ

10. The waning moon wanes away,
While the crescent of your cheek waxes nightly with its graceful bow.

١٠. يَتَحَيَّفُ القَمَرُ المُحاقَ تَحَيُّفاً
وَهلال خَدِّكِ كُلَّ يَومٍ مُبدرُ

11. A full moon leaving its quarter in its scent,
Presenting its gift like fine ambergris musk on the go.

١١. بَدرٌ يُغادِر رَبعَهُ مِن طيبه
يَهدي ثَراه كَما يُهادي العَنبَرُ

12. You camp in the open desert, fortified,
With green tents and screeching clamor of warriors, mailed and armored beaux.

١٢. وَتَحُلّ بِالبَيداءِ حِصناً سوره
زُرق الأَسِنَّةِ وَالعَجاجُ الأَكدَرُ

13. He has grown used to our eyes through his love,
As if our eyes are armies under his command and control.

١٣. يَعتاد في أَلحاظِنا لِودادِهِ
فَكَأَنَّها جُندٌ لَديه وَعسكَرُ

14. The hearts of those passion-possessed disobey their lords,
Subject to their passions, each one pulled along in tow.

١٤. تعصي قُلوب ذَوي الهَوى أَربابُها
فيهِ فَكُلٌّ في هَواهُ مُسَخَّرُ

15. As if, from (Ali's son) Hyder's auspice, he borrowed victory,
And so he vanquishes hearts - his triumph certain and foretold.

١٥. وَكَأَنَّهُ مِن يُمن حيدرة استَعارَ
النَصرَ فَهوَ عَلى القُلوبِ مُظَفَّرُ

16. Or from his own majesty he borrowed his beauty,
Which leaves our eyes shifting, confounded and distraught at his manly glow.

١٦. أَو من جَلالتِهِ استَعارَ جَماله
فَعُيوننا عَنه تَكِلُّ وَتَحسَرُ

17. A kingdom he possesses in every land,
And every battlefield resounds with his feats maintained and extolled.

١٧. ملكٌ لَهُ في كُلِّ أَرضٍ نِعمَةً
وَبِكُلِّ مُعتَرِكٍ ثَناء يُؤثَرُ

18. To his sword, in every foe, a cleaving blow,
To his lance, into every chest a destined goal.

١٨. وَلِسَيفِهِ في كُلِّ هامٍ مَورِدٌ
وَلِرُمحِهِ في كُلِّ صَدرٍ مَصدَرُ

19. Girded with two swords - of wisdom and steel,
One hidden from sight and one visible, brandished brave and bold.

١٩. مُتَقَلِّدٌ مِن رَأيِهِ وَحُسامِهِ
سَيفَينِ ذا يَخفى وَذَلِكَ يَظهَرُ

20. Molded by the hand of Hyder ibn Yammal,
From it doom and destiny will flow.

٢٠. صيغَت لِحَيدرَةَ بن يَملول يَدٌ
مِنها المَنايا وَالمُنى يَتَحَدَّرُ

21. His brow a full moon, and his chest a open plain,
His palm-trees oceans running long and uncontrolled.

٢١. وَجَبينه بَدر وَساحَة صَدرِهِ
بَرٌ وَأَنمُلُ راحَتَيهِ أَبحُرُ

22. When the villain scowls in his presence,
His face is bright as water washed pure, cleansed of heathen mold.

٢٢. يَجلو إِذا عَبِسَ اللَئيمُ لِوَفده
وَجهاً لماء البِشرِ فيهِ مخبَرُ

23. Smooth as a sword's blade, except
On both sides, with gentle kindness and charm, his manner he'll fold.

٢٣. طَلقٌ كَصَفحِ السَيفِ إِلّا أَنَّهُ
في جانِبَيهِ مِن البَشاشَةِ جَوهَرُ

24. You'd think when his enemies saw him alone,
They saw a whole army, horses prancing unrestrained and cajoled.

٢٤. وَتَرى عِداهُ إِذا رَأَوهُ وَحدَهُ
جَيشاً لَهُ ظهرَ الحِصان مُعَسكَرُ

25. How often he stopped advancing armies single-handedly,
As multitudes bottlenecked in the narrow lane and passageway tolled.

٢٥. كَم رَدَّ دونَ الدارِعينَ بِنَفسِهِ
جَيشاً يَضيقُ بِهِ الفَضاء الأَقوَرُ

26. Over him the spears and trumpets,
Layered darker than darker in status manifold.

٢٦. لِلنَّقعِ فيهِ وَلِلجوارِحِ فَوقَهُ
سِترانِ أَدكَن ذا وَذاكَ مُحَبَّرُ

27. The rough ground sheds its cloak and is clad
In fine dress, as mountains dawn their brilliant gold.

٢٧. تَعرى الوِهاد وَتَكتَسي مِن جُندِهِ
طُرُزاً وَتنتَقِبُ الجِبال وَتُسفِرُ

28. The desert sand divides in two halves beneath his tread,
One half on which he walks, the other half to bless and uphold.

٢٨. قَسَمَ الفَلا شِطرَينِ تَحتَ مَسيره
شَطراً يَسيرُ بِهِ وَشَطراً يَنصُرُ

29. If you wish the supporters of the Holy Sanctuary, call upon him!
The horses stumble over the rugged valley in the battle bold.

٢٩. إِن شئتَ أَنصار الحِمامِ فَناده
وَالخَيلُ تعثر بِالقَنا يا حَيدَرُ

30. As if the valley of his combat were a crucible
And the horsemen champions refined jewels and gold.

٣٠. وَكأنَّ صدرَ قَناتِهِ يَوم الوَغى
سِلكٌ وَأَبطال الفَوارِسِ جَوهَرُ

31. In each limb, an observant heart he has,
A devoted heart and watching eye their tireless roles extolled.

٣١. مُتَيَقِّظٌ في كُلِّ جارِحَةٍ لَهُ
مَخصوصة قَلب وَعين تَنظُرُ

32. What his hands contain and encompass for generosity!
Glory lies in what modesty hides and what is publicly told.

٣٢. لِلجودِ ما تَحوي يَداهُ وَما حَوى
وَالمَجدُ ما يُخفي الحَياء وَيُظهِرُ

33. The Imam is thankful to you as he ought,
And God is pleased with you and thanks you manifold.

٣٣. أَمّا الإِمام فَإِنَّهُ لَكَ شاكِرٌ
وَاللَهُ أَرضى مِنهُ عَنكَ وَأَشكَرُ

34. I wished to beg the rainclouds after you,
But your hand is raincloud enough, bursting, raining uncontrolled.

٣٤. آليت أستَسقي الغَمائِم بَعدَها
وَيَمين حَيدرة الغِمامِ الأَكبَرُ

35. You have granted me blessings without prior merit,
So in gratitude I come to you this poor poem to have and hold.

٣٥. أَولَيتَني مِن غَيرِ مَعرِفَةٍ جَرَت
نِعَماً فَجِئتَكَ بِالمَدائِحِ أَشكُرُ

36. You planted in me a gift that bore fruit for you,
The giver precedes and succeeds every deed as foretold.

٣٦. وَغَرستَ عِندي نعمة لَكَ أَثمَرَت
وَمن الفِعالِ مُقَدَّم وَمؤَخَّرُ

37. Damascus flared up in the beauty of its meadows,
When you were there, fortunate and blessings untold.

٣٧. فَدِمَشقٌ قَد نارَت بِحُسنِ رِياضِها
إِذ كُنت فيها أَنتَ سَعدٌ نَيِّرُ

38. Its darkness is dawn, the beauty of its lights pearls,
Its soil is perfume and saffron purple and gold.

٣٨. فَظلامُها فَجرٌ وَحُسن ضِيائِها
دُرٌّ وَتربَتُها عَبيرٌ أَذفَرُ

39. You are the spring - how can any land live
Until graced by your presence, soft spring rains cajoling fold.

٣٩. أَنتَ الرَبيعُ وَكَيفَ تَحيا بَلدَةٌ
حَتّى يُجاوِرُها الرَبيع المُمطِرُ

40. You gave abundantly then reduced your giving - but one
Who gives precious gifts gives ever more and manifold.

٤٠. أَكثرت جودك ثُمَّ قلت وَنَفسُ مَن
يهب النَفيس مِنَ العَطايا أَكثَرُ

41. O you whose cry is the best of good counsel -
It is no shame that this ocean bore this pearl.

٤١. يا صاحِ لَيسَ بِمُنكَرٍ أَن يُجتَنى
مِن مِثلِ هذا البَحرُ هَذا الجَوهَرُ

42. By his counsel the Imam preferred you over all people,
He whose actions precede, this cannot be controlled.

٤٢. بِالنُصحِ قَدَّمك الإِمام عَلى الوَرى
ومن الفِعال مُقدَّمٌ لا يُنكَرُ