1. After her tribe had moved on, she returned
When she saw my sword lying nearby
١. أَلَمَّ خاليَها بَعد الهُجوعِ
فَعادَت إِذ رأَت سيفي ضَجيعي
2. And roared at me with the roar of a lioness
That almost straightened my bent ribs
٢. وَهاجَت لي بِزَورتها زَفيراً
يَكادُ يُقيم مُعوَجَّ الضُلوعِ
3. She spent the night among the necks of the riding camels
Going back and forth, coming and returning
٣. فَباتَت بَينَ أَعناق المَطايا
تَردَّدُ في المَجيء وَفي الرُجوعِ
4. I stood up calling out, and there was Suhayl
Throbbing like a frightened heart
٤. فَقُمتُ مُنادياً فَإِذا سُهَيل
مِنَ الخفقان كالقَلب المَروعِ
5. As if the stars of your night, when
It dropped its anchors, were nails in shields
٥. كَأَنَّ نُجوم لَيلك حينَ أَلقى
مَراسيَهُ مَسامير الدُروعِ
6. And among the people of Hejaz a flock
Whose faces seemed like flowers of springtime
٦. وَفي الحَيِّ الحِجازيين سِربٌ
كَأَنَّ وجوههم زهر لرَبيعِ
7. Circling the canines with more intense desire
As if its pleasantness was melting ice
٧. يَحُفُّ بأشنب الأَنياب أَحوى
كَأَنَّ رُضابَهُ ذوبُ الصَقيعِ
8. Its face takes the place of every sun
Which sets from sunset to sunrise
٨. يَنوبُ بِوَجهِهِ عَن كُلِّ شَمسٍ
يَغيب من الغُروبِ إِلى الطُلوعِ
9. I appealed to it in my dream, so it wearied,
And the dream brought it without an intercessor
٩. شَفعتُ إِلَيهِ في نَومي فأعيا
فَجاءَ بِهِ المَنامُ بِلا شَفيعِ
10. I do not forget in the garden of sorrow Reem
Who spreads passion from a wounded heart
١٠. وَلا أَنسى بروضِ الحُزنِ ريماً
يَبُثُّ الوَجدَ عَن قَلبٍ وَجيعِ
11. And the eyes of the gardens are looking
At me with eyes of exquisite flowers
١١. وَأَحداقُ الحدائِقِ ناظِراتٌ
إِليَّ بأعيُنِ الزَهرِ البَديعِ
12. The pearls of dew in it glittered
As eyes brimmed over with tears
١٢. تَرَقرَقَ لؤلؤ الأَنداء فيها
كَما امتلأت عُيونُ من دُموعِ
13. And I'm not confident in my eyelids
Which showed what my ribs had hidden
١٣. وَلست بِواثِق بِجُفون عيني
وَقَد أَظهرن ما أَخفت ضُلوعي
14. And whoever conceals love with their eyelids
Showed what my ribs had hidden
١٤. وَمن يستكتم الأَجفان حُباً
فَقَد أَظهرن ما أَخفَت ضُلوعي
15. May God water the living with passion, for I
Am one whose heart inclines towards Nejd
١٥. سَقى اللَهُ الحيا نَجداً فَإِنّي
لذو قَلبٍ إِلى نجد نَزوعِ
16. He has watered it with pouring abundant rain
With generosity like that of my generous father
١٦. سَقاه وابِلٌ غَدقٌ ملتُّ
لَهُ جود كَجودِ أَبي المَنيعِ
17. And if his fingers were to tell of a cloud
The times would be in spring because of him
١٧. وَلَو يَحكي أَنامله سَحابٌ
لَكانَ الدَهرُ منهُ في رَبيعِ
18. I descended on him, and he met me with a face
More radiant than the blushing dawn
١٨. نَزَلتُ بِهِ فَقابَلَني بِوَجهٍ
أَغَرَّ كَغُرَّةِ الفَجرِ الصَديعِ
19. And water from his cheerfulness fresh
And a garden from his virtues flourishing
١٩. وَماءٍ من بشاشته زُلالٍ
وروض من مَكارِمِهِ مُريعِ
20. He has the hand of a benefactor, and the modesty of a companion
The generosity of a squanderer, and high ambition
٢٠. لَهُ يَدُ مُحسِنٍ وَحياء جانٍ
وجود مبَذِّرٍ وَعُلى جُموعِ
21. The experience of a seasoned veteran, and the valor of a warrior
And the preserved honor of an oath keeper, and an overflowing life
٢١. وَرأي مجرِّبٍ وقتال غِرٍ
وَذمَّةُ حافِظٍ وَنَدى مُضيعِ
22. When gifts are mentioned he shakes with longing
For it like the quivering of a polished sword
٢٢. إِذا ذُكِرَ النَوال اهتَزَّ شَوقاً
إِلَيهِ كَهِزَّة السَيفِ الصَنيعِ
23. He yearns to give like Qays yearned
For Layla's recognition of the meadows
٢٣. يحنُّ إِلى العَطاء حنين قَيسٍ
إِلى لَيلى لعرفان الرُبوعِ
24. So do not praise him for giving gifts
For no other has the ability to do so
٢٤. فَلا تَحمده في بَذلِ العَطايا
فَلَيسَ لِغَيرِ ذاكَ بِمُستَطيعِ
25. The hilt of his sword is the course of gifts
And the strike of his sword the course of nobility
٢٥. فَمِقبَضُ سَيفه مَجرى العَطايا
ومضربُ سيفهِ مَجرى النَجيعِ
26. A purpose and an end like poison folded over
Coating the shield and piercing spear
٢٦. مُنىً وَمَنيَّةٍ كالصِلِ يَطوي
عَلى الدِرياقِ وَالسُمِّ النَقيعِ
27. And if the sea rained with the generosity of his hands
It would take on the colorations of the terrified
٢٧. وَلَو بارى بِجودِ يَدَيهِ بَحراً
لآل البَحرُ كالآلِ المروعِ
28. When I weighed him against the people entirely
I saw some equalling the multitude
٢٨. إِذا وازَنتُهُ بِالناسِ طُراً
رأَيت البَعض يَعدل بِالجَميعِ
29. He is endowed with an opinion by the discerning
Who see events before they occur
٢٩. يُناطُ بِالرّأي منه بأَلمعيٍّ
يَرى الحِدثانِ من قبل الوقوعِ
30. With forbearance, deaf towards the worldly life
And hearing for the questioner of his generosity
٣٠. بِذي حُلُمٍ أَصَمُّ عَن الدَنايا
وَذي جودٍ لسائِلِهِ سَميعِ
31. Beneficial, yet destructive, sweet yet bitter
Harmful to the upper classes, beneficial to the weak
٣١. مفيدٍ متلفٍ حُلو مُمِرٍّ
عَلى العالّات ضَرّارٍ نَفوعِ
32. With a chest as vast as his horizon
And giving as quick as the asker
٣٢. بِصَدرٍ مثل ساحتِهِ رَحيبٍ
وَبَذلٍ مثل نائِله سَريعِ
33. When his sons appeared to us we witnessed
The fine origin from the fine branches
٣٣. إِذا لاحَت بَنوه لنا شهدنا
لِطيب الأَصل مِن طيبِ الفُروعِ
34. Seven stars, the number of the Pleiades
And their position is one of high nobility
٣٤. نُجومٌ سَبعة عدد الثُريّا
وَموضعُها من الحَسَبِ الرَفيعِ
35. They have not ceased to be as unified as its stars
Against events, in an impregnable fortress
٣٥. فَلا زالوا كأَنجُمها إِئتِلافاً
مِنَ الحِدثانِ في حِصنٍ مَنيعِ
36. You see around him brave lions from among them
Whenever the time of trial descends in any misfortune
٣٦. تَراهُ وَحَولَهُ مِنهُمُ لُيوثٌ
إِذا نهل القَنا في كُلِّ رَوعِ
37. They characterized him in appearance, nobility, generosity
And valor in the clash of multitudes
٣٧. حَكوهُ شَمائِلاً وَعُلىً وَجوداً
وَبأَساً عِندَ مُعترِك الجُموعِ
38. You see them, whenever the heels
And the elevated past pushed forth
٣٨. تَراهُمُ مِثلَما اطَّردَت كعوب
وَراء سنانها الماضي الرَفيع
39. Abu Mani` brandishes swords around them
To straighten the defiant and restore the lost
٣٩. يَهُزُّ أَبو المَنيع بهم سُيوفاً
لِتَقويم المُخالِفِ وَالمُضيع
40. May he have pleasure in them, and they in him
Until death without any agony
٤٠. فَدامَ لهم بِهِ وَلَهُ سُرورٌ
بِهِم حَتّى المَماتِ بِلا فَجيعِ