1. The luster of sincere advice faded in injustice,
So be upright, you are not immune from stumbling.
١. أَذهبت رونق ماء النُصحِ في العَذلِ
فاربَعَ فلستَ بِمَعصومِ عَن الزَلَلِ
2. To every arrow people think is unfailing,
It will be deflected from you, except fate's arrows.
٢. لِكُلِّ سَهمٍ يَعُدُّ الناس سابغة
تردُّه عَنكَ إِلّا أَسهم المُقَلِ
3. My heart became infatuated with a sun it never parts from,
Whether it's the setting due to separation or clouds of sleep.
٣. هامَ الفُؤادُ بِشَمسٍ ما يُزايلها
غَربٌ مِنَ البَينِ أَو غيمٌ مِنَ الكِلَلِ
4. It leaks the tears of yearning and delight and their gardens,
Rarely has the cheek been free of moisture.
٤. يَنتابُ دَمعَ النَوى وَاللَهو وَجنَتَها
فقلَّما انفَكَ ظهر الخَدِّ مِن بَلَلِ
5. Nothing is more ungrateful than your mischievous flirtation,
Raising what did not leaf out or lengthen.
٥. لا شيءَ أَكفَر مِن مِسواكَ إِسحلة
يُعلُّهُ الريق لَم يورق وَلَم يَطُلِ
6. The embers of passion are hidden in the nectar of her saliva,
As lethal poison hides in honey.
٦. يَخفى شهاب الهَوى في درِّ ريقتها
كَما استكنَّ نَقيع السُمِّ في العُسُلِ
7. And in the roots of her teeth there is numbing disease,
My soul is sacrificed for that numbing disease.
٧. وَفي أُصول الثَنايا بارِد عَلِلٌ
نَفسي الفِداء لِتِلكَ البارِدِ العَلِلِ
8. I seek God's forgiveness, no, her saliva is sweeter than honey
after bitterness.
٨. كأَنَّ ريقتها بعد الكَرى عَسَلٌ
أَستغفر اللَهَ بَل أَحلى مِنَ العَسَلِ
9. Beware, beware her naughty fingering,
For it is the combs in neglected beehives.
٩. إِيّاكَ إِيّاكَ تَطريفاً بأَنمُلِها
فَهيَ الأَسِنَّةُ في العَسّالَةِ الذَبلِ
10. Why doesn't your gaze loose its arrows?
As if it were shooting arrows from the clan of Tha'labah.
١٠. ما بالُ طرفك لا تنمي رَميَّته
كَأَنَّما هوَ رام مِن بَني ثُعَلِ
11. She visited Najd and dwelled in Tripoli,
While between us is a neck for ships and camels.
١١. صَدَّت بِنَجدٍ وَزارَت في طَرابُلُسٍ
وَبَينَنا عَنَقٌ لِلسُّفن وَالإِبِلِ
12. In her tent's folds that reflect our eyes
With their glow like the sun's reflection on water.
١٢. في خرَّد نُهَّدٍ يعكسنَ أَعيُننا
لِضَوئِهِنَّ كَعَكس الشَمسِ للمُقلِ
13. Hearts are led to love them as they were led
To Allah's gift, the noble son of Ali.
١٣. تَنقادُ نَحوَ هَواهُنَّ القُلوب كَما اِنقادت
إِلى هِبَةِ اللَهِ العلى ابن علي
14. A young man who adorns the state when it is ruled,
As kingdoms are adorned when they rule.
١٤. فَتىً عَن السُمرِ بِالسُمرِ الكُعوبِ وَعَن
بيضِ الوجوهِ بِبيضِ الهند في شُغلِ
15. His smile never ceases to blossom,
And rain indicates which clouds pour forth.
١٥. يُزَيِّنُ الدَولَة الغَرّاء مَوضِعه
إِذا تَزَيَّنَت الأَملاكُ بِالدُوَلِ
16. He adorns it beyond how it adorned him, so through it
He is in splendor while he is above splendors.
١٦. يُنبي تَبسُّمه عَن نَشرِهِ أَبَداً
وَالغَيث آيَة صَوبِ الوابِل الهَطلِ
17. He bids the delegation welcome until it leaves
While the confederate bids it farewell by delaying death.
١٧. يزينها فَوقَ ما زانته فَهوَ بِها
في حُلَّةٍ وَهوَ من عَلياه في حُلَلِ
18. Exalted, wealth does not settle in his hand,
How can he hold what is like a mountain's canal?
١٨. يَبُشُّ بِالوَفد حَتّى خلت وآفده
وَآفي يُهنِّيه بِالتأخير في الأَجَلِ
19. He judges with wisdom in predicaments as
The arbitrator rules at the moment of confusion.
١٩. عَلا فلا يَستَقِرُّ المالُ في يَدِهِ
وَكَيفَ يُمسِكُ ما في قَنَّة الجَبَلِ
20. He has allied with justice in his rulings forever,
And justice is the best provision for a heroic knight.
٢٠. يَقضي بِحُكمِ الهُدى في المُشكِلاتِ كَما
يَقضي بِحُكمِ الظُبيِ في ساعَةِ الوَهلِ
21. Injustice always fears the open-handed one's chest,
As injustice thought it a chest without armor.
٢١. قَد حالَفَ العَدلَ في أَحكامِهِ أَبَداً
وَالعَدلُ خَيرُ اقتِناء الفارِسِ البَطَلِ
22. In the ruggedness of the mountain, were it not for his tolerance,
Emptiness would have left it barren from frequent fires.
٢٢. تَخشى العِدى أَبَداً صَدرَ الجَوادِ فَقَد
ظَنَّ العِدى أَنَّه صَدرٌ بِلا كَفَلِ
23. It is as if the red camels are wine beneath them
While their white ones are seeds floating atop mountains.
٢٣. في جَحفَلِ لَجبٍ لَولا تبسّطه
لخلته شهباً من كَثرَةِ الأُسُلِ
24. I imagined that, knowing he is a singular man,
So I saw all people through one man.
٢٤. كَأَنَّ حُمَر المذاكي الخمر تَحتَهم
وَبيضُهم حبَبٌ يَطفو عَلى القُلَلِ
25. He lends an ear to those asking his capable hands as
A lover lends an ear to singing and amorousness.
٢٥. أَمَّلتُ ذلك عِلماً أَنَّهُ رَجُل
فَردٌ فأبصرت كل الناس في رَجُلِ
26. If he wished he could have said without lying in his information,
About every merit he sees, that it belongs to me.
٢٦. يُصغي إِلى سائِلي جَدوى يَديه كَما
يُصغي المُحِبُّ إِلى التَغريدِ وَالغَزَلِ
27. For he discovered remarkable feats long ago
While the rest of mankind are reciters and plagiarizers.
٢٧. لَو شاءَ قالَ وَلَم يَكذِب بِمَخبَرِهِ
عَن كُلِّ فَضلٍ أَراهُ أَنَّ ذَلِكَ لي
28. The ruler al-Mansur fortified his state
Through the Banu Haydarah in plains and mountains.
٢٨. لأَنَّه اختَرَعَ العَلياء سالفة
وَسائرُ الناسِ من تالٍ وَمُنتَحِلِ
29. Their writings have satisfied his furthest battalions
Against increasing enemies and locking them out.
٢٩. قَد أَحكم الحاكِم المَنصور دولَتَهُ
بآلَ حَيدَرَةٍ في السَهلِ وَالجَبَلِ
30. Coats of mail and shields are pleased with them
As are turtle shells, chests of mail, and horse armor.
٣٠. وَرَفَّهت كتبهم أَقصى كَتائِبِهِ
عَن الزِيادَة للأَعداءِ وَالقفلِ
31. The Islamic state wandered lost without them and steadied
With their resolve as the sun steadies itself in Aries.
٣١. تَرضى الدَراريعُ عنهم وَالدُروعُ
وَأَصدافُ القنا وَصُدور البيضِ والأُسُلِ
32. They have supported and ruled with the generosity they build upon,
Its firm eternal foundation is their glory.
٣٢. تاهَت بِهِم دولة الإِسلامِ واِعتَدَلَت
بِعَزمِهِم كاِعتِدالِ الشَمسِ في الحَمَلِ
33. They resemble each other despite differences in their time
In obedience, prohibition, words, and deeds.
٣٣. شادوا وَسادوا بِما يَبنونَ مِن كَرَمٍ
أَساسُ مجدهم المُستَحكِم الأَزلي
34. Like a spear whose front aids its back
And the back of a spear aids its front.
٣٤. تَشابَهوا في اِختِلافِ من زَمانِهِمُ
عِندَ اللَهى وَالنُهى وَالقَولِ وَالعَمَلِ
35. You followed your father in generosity and nobility and did not
Lie as al-Wasmi followed the rightful one.
٣٥. كالرُمُ أَوَّلَه عَونٌ لآخِرِهِ
وَآخر الرُمحِ عون الأَكعبِ الأُوَلِ
36. Two rains whose hands were generous wherever they poured
In a land that flourished with wealth and cavalry.
٣٦. تبعتَ في الجودِ وَالعَليا أَباك وَلَم
تَكذِب كَما تبعَ الوَسميّ صَوبَ وَلي
37. You two adorned religion and life with your might
Which the Merciful will never annul.
٣٧. غَيثانِ أَيّهما جادَت أَنامله
في بَلدَةٍ نَبَتَت بِالمالِ وَالخَولِ
38. Our eyes have never seen in our time's afflictions
Anyone like you two who are kohl in its infections.
٣٨. حَلَّيتما الدِين وَالدُنيا بعزِّكما
فَلا أَزالهُما الرَحمن بِالعَطَلِ
39. You two lived eternally in the shade of a kingdom
That sought refuge from change and dynasties.
٣٩. وَلا رَأَينا بِعَيني دَهرِنا مَرَهاً
فَأَنتُما في مآقيهِ من الكُحُلِ
40. The Pleiades have not sprinkled their tears over the land
And no one yearned on the day of departure.
٤٠. وَعشتُما أَبَداً في ظِلِّ مَملَكَةٍ
قَد اِستَعاذَت مِنَ التَغيير وَالدُوَلِ
٤١. ما رَقرَقَ المزنُ فَوقَ الأَرضِ أَدمعه
وَحَنَّ ذو شَجَنٍ يَوماً لمرتَحِلِ