
When grief within me swells, I recite the verse of Mutayyam,

إذا اشتد ما بي قلت قول متيم

1. When grief within me swells, I recite the verse of Mutayyam,
For the day of parting in my heart are wounds and scars.

١. إِذا اِشتَدَّ ما بي قلت قَولَ مُتَيَّمِ
لِيَوم النَوى في القَلبِ منه كلومُ

2. If days have come between us and parted us,
Who then is free from their harm and blame?

٢. فَإِن تَكُن الأَيّام فَرَّقن بَينَنا
فَمَن ذا الَّذي من ريبهنَّ سَليمُ

3. And I recited a poem said by one of youthful vigor,
Whose sorrow was deep - four lines and prose.

٣. وَأَنشدت شِعراً قاله ذو صَبابَةٍ
كَئيبِ شَجَتهُ أَربُعٌ وَرُسومُ

4. "She dwelt in a land which Sulayma's rain used to water,
With showers that would satisfy it and render it fertile."

٤. سَقى بلداً كانَت سُلَيمى تَحُلُّهُ
من المُزنِ ما تَروي بِهِ وَتَشيمُ