1. You two revived me from my solitude
In deserted, desolate, and dreary days
١. حَيَيتُما من دمنتي طَلينِ
عطلين موحشتين مقفرتينِ
2. Their tracks erased the length of affliction
The downpour and the twigs of the two branches
٢. عفّى عراصهما عَلى طول البلى
نوء الرَشا وَبَوارح الفرعَينِ
3. And they erased them from the family of delusion and youth
Trails of two departing ones returning
٣. وَمَحاهما مِن آلِ محوة وَالصَبا
أَذيال غاديتين رائِحتينِ
4. As if they left of their form
Two impressions of the garb of him of the two horns
٤. وَكأَنَّما أَبقين من رسميهما
طِرسَين مِن أَثوابِ ذي القرنَينِ
5. O you who saw their tents as if they were
Palm trees of sand dunes or hummocks with two slopes
٥. يا مَن رأى ظعن الخَليط كَأَنَّها
نَخل الرُبا أَو دوم ذي الحَدَقَينِ
6. He dwells in valleys with clustered tents
Few palms and land between two mountains
٦. يقطنَ بِالأَحداجِ بطن مقضب
قَلَتِ الرُبا وَمَشارِق الجَبَلَينِ
7. From all resolute men as if they were
Yellow ostriches, enchanters of the two eyes
٧. مِن كُلِّ أَلباب الرِجالِ كَأَنَّما
صِفر الحَشا سَحّارَة العَينَينِ
8. She hunts the minds of men as if
She shoots with some resolves of the two angels
٨. تَصطادُ أَلباب الرِجالِ كَأَنَّما
تَرمي بِبَعض عَزائِمِ المَلَكَينِ
9. Her smile and pearls of her necklace appear
Two joined, well-arranged pearls
٩. وَكأَنَّ مبسمها وَلؤلؤ عقدها
دُرَّين مؤتَلِفَين مُنتَظِمَينِ
10. And when she walks, plucking her steps, it's as if
She is an arrogant king walking in two carpets
١٠. وَإِذا مَشَت قطف الخُطى فَكَأَنَّها
ملكُ الخَورَنَقِ ماسَ في بُردَينِ
11. She prides herself over the shining moon with her face
And the two weighty ones wander in her beauty
١١. تَزهو عَلى القَمَرِ المُنير بِوَجهِها
وَتَتيهُ من حُسنِ عَلى الثقلينِ
12. With the narcissism of her eyes, it's magic if she sings
Or smiles with the two cheeks' anemones
١٢. فَبِنَرجَسِ العَينَينِ سِحر إِن رَنَت
أَو أَسفَرَت فَشَقائق الخَدَّيَنِ
13. And she has a weapon that does not hurt in proximity
And distance from it brings worries
١٣. وَلَها سِلاحٌ لا يَضُرُّ دُنوّه
وَالبُعدُ منه جالِبٌ لِلحَينِ
14. Glances of an eyelid like swords, her eyelids
And two teats of a breast
١٤. لَحَظاتٌ طرفٍ كالسُيوفِ جُفونُها
أَجفانُها وَفَصيلتا نَهدَينِ
15. And she has a figure the likes of which I have not seen
In which two shoulders quiver
١٥. وَلَها قوام ما رأَيت مِثاله
تَهتَزُّ فيهِ كاِهتِزار رُدَيني
16. Tinkling anklet, ravenous hips
Swaying, timorous legs
١٦. رَيّانَة الخِلخالِ ظامئة الحَشا
هُركولة خُرعوبة الساقَينِ
17. Fine bones, supple bust
Cheap waist, delicate at the two hips
١٧. رَيّا العِظام نَديَّة أَعطافها
رَخصُ البَنانِ دَقيقة الخَصرَينِ
18. I had a life with them in which I delighted, but fate betrayed it
The turns of time and ages overturning
١٨. قَد كانَ لي عَيش بِهِنَّ فَخانَهُ
صرف النَوى وَتَقَلُّبِ العَصَرَيِ
19. Days when cares didn't prevent lovers,
And the crow of separation didn't croak over us
١٩. أَيام لَم يَرُعِ المُحِّبينَ النَوى
عَنّا وَلضم يَنعق غراب البَينِ
20. Burayhah said, when my travel saddened her
Crying with two tearful eyes
٢٠. قالَت بُريهَة إِذ شجتها رِحلَتي
وَرَنَت بِناظرتين باكِيَتَين
21. So her tears and words of blame were
Two scattered, separated pearls
٢١. فَكأَنَّ أَدمُعَها وَلَفظ عِتابِها
دَرَّين مفترقين مُنتَثِرَينِ
22. "Where are you going, leaving our land?
We'd ransom you with two parents and two brothers"
٢٢. أَنّى تُريدُ تَرَحُّلاً عَن أَرضِنا
نَفديك بالأَبَوَينِ وَالأَخَوَينِ
23. I answered her patiently, for I am leaving
From you tomorrow morning of Monday
٢٣. فَأَجبتها صَبراً فَإِنّي ناهِض
عَنكِ الغُداةَ صَبيحَةِ الإِثنَينِ
24. And I will surely kill non-existence the killing of a rebel
With generosity from the palm of Hussein
٢٤. وَلأقتُلَنَّ العُدمَ قتلةَ ثائِرٍ
بِالجودِ من نَفحاتِ كَفِّ حُسَينِ
25. The glorious, son of Abi Hisham of munificence
Pure gem, refined of the two cheeks
٢٥. الماجِدِ ابنِ أَبي هِشام ذي النَدى
مَحض الفَخارِ مُهَذَّبِ الجَدَّينِ
26. Heir of glories from his father and grandfather
Thus he arose with glory, exemplar of the two sides
٢٦. وَرِث المَعالي عَن أَبيهِ وَجَدِّهِ
فَنَشا بِمَجدٍ معلم الطَرفَينِ
27. The house of generosity, his glory popular
With it Yemen rises over the two stars
٢٧. بَيت السَماحِ جَماهِريٌّ مجده
تَعلو بِهِ يَمَنٌ عَلى النَجمَينِ
28. His ferocity humbles the times when he is stirred
The one with blunted edges, blunt of the two cutting sides
٢٨. يُغضي لَهيبته الزَمان إِذا اِنتَضى
عَضَبُ المَنابِرِ باتِر الحَدَّينِ
29. Girded with his opinion and sword,
Two swords tied to two shoulders
٢٩. مُتَقَلدٌ من رأيِهِ وَحُسامِهِ
سيفين قَد نيطا إِلى كَتِفَينِ
30. Blessings offered to the desirous or devout
All bounties, spreader of the two palms
٣٠. نِعَمٌ تُباحُ لِراغِبٍ أَو راهِبٍ
جَمُّ المَواهِبِ باسِطِ الكَفَّينِ
31. He gained superiority through his grandfather and grandfather
Thus he is the preferred one, complete in the two honors
٣١. حازَ الفخار بِجِدِّهِ وَبِجَدِّهِ
فَهوَ المفضَّلُ كامِل الشَرفَينِ
32. O exalted lord, and whoever's determination
Transcended the ascent of the two moons
٣٢. يا أَيُّها المولى الأَجَلُّ ومن لَهُ
هِمَمٌ تَجاوَزَ مطلع القَمَرَينِ
33. What will you do tomorrow morning with a poet
Wearing ragged clothes, feet covered in dust?
٣٣. ما أَنتَ فاعِلٌ الغُداةَ بِشاعِرٍ
رَثِّ الثِيابِ مشعَّثِ القَدَمَينِ
34. He roamed seeking exaltation in the valley of villages
And glory from Aden to Siriin
٣٤. قَد طافَ في طَلَبِ العُلى وادي القُرى
وَالعز من عَدَنٍ إِلى السِرينِ
35. And to Oman and Persia, then set out
By pen towards the island of Bahrain
٣٥. وَإِلى عُمانَ وَفارِس ثُمَّ اِنتَحى
بِالرَيّش نَحوَ جَزيرَة البَحرَينِ
36. And stayed in Shiraz for seven months
And turned from every place with the nostalgia of yearning
٣٦. وَأَقامَ في شيرازَ سَبعَةَ أَشهُرِ
وَأَناب مِن كُلِّ بِخُفِّ حُنَينِ
37. And I blame the days, blaming a blamer
And thereby he judges between them and me
٣٧. وَأَنا عَلى الأَيّامِ أَعتَبُ عاتِبٍ
وَبذاك يَقضي بينهنَّ وَبَيني
38. I still trail the ranks of greatness, dragging
The train of generosity, reaching with the two sleeves
٣٨. لا زلت في رُتَبِ المَعالي ساحِباً
ذَيلَ المَكارِمِ مُسبَل الكُمَّينِ
39. The dawn has not lit the cloak of darkness
And the birds alternated calling in the two branches
٣٩. ما نَوَّر الأَصباحَ جِلبابَ الدُجى
وَتَجاوبا طيران في غُصنَينِ