
If the agony of passion were followed

لو كان حر الوجد يعقب بعده

1. If the agony of passion were followed
By the coolness of union, I'd forgive the former for the latter

١. لَو كانَ حَرُّ الوَجدِ يَعقب بعده
بَردُ الوِصال غفرت ذاك لِذاكا

2. But no! I'm tormented by one who sleeps content
With ribs all vacant, and insensible of your torment

٢. لا بَل شُجيتُ بِمَن يَبيتُ مُسَلَّماً
خالي الضُلوعِ وَلا يُحسُّ شجاكا

3. If they awake sober from the wine of love
You've been made to drink of passion a full draught

٣. إِن يُصبِحوا صاحين مِن خَمرِ الهَوى
فَلَقَد سَقَوكَ مِنَ الغَرامِ دراكا

4. Oh would that your anguish had turned them to foes
Or would that their ease had but turned you their foe!

٤. يا لَيت شُغلك بِالأَسى أَعداهم
أَو لا فَليت فَراغهم أَعداكا

5. Abject yet proud in love, and greedy forever
God forbid this affliction of yours!

٥. أَهوىً وَذُلاً في الهَوى وَطماعَة
أَبَداً تَعالى اللَهَ ما أَشقاكا

6. Oh heart, how you stuck in their toils,
When I knew you as one who slips free of snares!

٦. يا قَلب كَيف عَلِقتَ في أَشراكِهِم
وَلَقَد عهدتُكَ تُفلِتُ الأَشراكا

7. You showed strength when their arrows sought you out
Once I'd have thought you impervious to the likes

٧. أَكبيتَ حينَ تقصَّدتك سِهامهم
قَد كُنتُ عَن أَمثالها أَنهاكا

8. If you've wasted in yearning, then love has drawn
This sickness over me, because of your draining away

٨. إِن ذُبتَ مِن كَمَدٍ فَقَد جَرَّ الهَوى
هَذا السِقامُ عَليَّ من جرّاكا

9. Oh heart, if only you'd never left off from love
You'd have hung, from one love, something like it!

٩. يا قَلب ليتك حيث لَم تَدعِ الهَوى
علَّقتَ من بِهَواك مثل هَواكا

10. Do not complain to me, after them, of passion
They whose hands have brought this upon you

١٠. لا تشكوَنَّ إِليَّ وَجداً بَعدَها
هَذا الَّذي جَرَّت عَلَيكَ يَداكا

11. I'll punish you with estrangement! And yet
Had you not been, I'd ne'er have tasted love

١١. لأعاقبَنَّكَ بِالغَليلِ وَإِنَّني
لَولاك لَم أَذُقِ الهَوى لَولاكا

12. Oh reproacher of the longing lover, leave him be
He who folds away sobs other than yours

١٢. يا عاذِلَ المُشتاقِ دَعهُ فَإِنَّهُ
يَطوي عَلى الزَفَراتِ غير حشاكا

13. If your heart were with him, you'd not blame him
Far be you from what's in him! Far be you!

١٣. لَو كانَ قلبك عِندَهُ ما لمتُهُ
حاشاك مِمّا عِندَهُ حاشاكا