
I see the people, so look beneath them. Are they really the people?

أرى الشعب فانظر دونه هل هو الشعب

1. I see the people, so look beneath them. Are they really the people?
And this herd, so look among them. Are they really the Arabs?

١. أَرى الشِعبَ فانظر دونَهُ هَل هَوَ الشِعبُ
وَذا السرب فانظُر عِندَهُ هَل هيَ العُرُبُ

2. So if you see the gazelles, then beware
For how often did they pray for the hard adversity?

٢. فأن أَنتَ آنَستَ الأَوانِس فاحتَرِز
لَهُنَّ فَكَم صالَت عَلى اللَتم الصَعب

3. And abstain from the range of glances with a glance, for they are
Treacherous if they make a covenant and warring if they make peace

٣. وَحد عَن مَجال اللَحظِ بِاللحظ إِنَّها
إِذا عاهَدَت غَدرٌ وَإِن سالَمتَ حَربُ

4. Wolves when the male wolves sniff them from their eyelids
The young men have gotten used to beating them before beating them

٤. ظِباءٌ إِذا شمنَ الظُبى مِن جُفونِها
تَعوَّدَ قَبلَ الضَربِ فيها الفَتى الضَربُ

5. Swords and their glances are swords
So these have no loyalty and those do not forewarn

٥. صَوارِم وَالألحاظُ مِنها صَوارِم
فَهَذي بِلا وَصل وَهاتَيك ما تَنبو

6. And as long as that living one is a neighbor to our living
Then beneath the veil of the heart is what the veils have concealed

٦. وَما دامَ ذاكَ الحيُّ جارٌ لِحَيِّنا
فَدونَ حِجاب القَلبِ ما ضَمَّت الحُجُبُ

7. Our loved ones, whether in union with you or separation
Hope and fear wandered between which afflicted the heart

٧. أَأَحبابنا في وَصلِكُم وَبِعادكم
رَجاء وَخَوف هام بَينَهُما القَلبُ

8. And I do enjoy evasion in love
And I see as branches what vicinity has branched

٨. وَإِنّي لألتَذُّ التَجَنّيَ في الهَوى
واعتَدُّ للأسعاف ما ساعف القَربُ

9. That separation does not come between us
Except that your tormenting me with it in love is tormenting

٩. عَلى أَنَّهُ لا يَدخُل البَينُ بَينَنا
فَتَعذيبكم إِلّا بِهِ في الهَوى عَذبُ

10. And I had given love my bridled passion
And my blamers were angry, so did love approve?

١٠. وَقَد كُنتُ أَعطَيتُ الهَوى فَصل مَقودي
وَأَسخَطَت عَذّالي فَهَل رَضي الحِبُّ

11. Except O you mounted traveler with purpose
Whom the greeter and open space have called

١١. إِلّا أَيهذا الراكِبُ المزمِعُ الَّذي
دَعاهُ المُحَيّا الطَلقُ وَالموضِعُ الرَحبُ

12. I see you desired convention from where you desire it
So convention has guided you to where the riders are guided

١٢. أَراكَ رَجوتُ العرف مِن حيث تَرتَجي
لَهُ فَهَداكَ العَرف حَيثُ اهتَدى الرَكبُ

13. To a beloved they did not know the difficulty of the journey
To where the son of Mahmoud, their praiseworthy friend, has erected monuments

١٣. عَلى لاحب لَم يَعرِفوا نَصَبَ السُرى
بِحَيث ابن مَحمود حَميد لَهُم نُصُبُ

14. To where the curly-haired generous one sips the dew
With what neither Ma'n nor Ka'b have attained

١٤. بِحيث الجَواد الجعد يَستَرفِد النَدى
بِما لَم يَرد معن عَلَيهِ وَلا كَعبُ

15. To where the peaceful commander, who the tough skulls
And clubs have submitted to him,

١٥. بِحَيث الأَمير السالميُّ الَّذي غَدَت
تَذُلُّ لَهُ صَعَب الجَماجِمِ وَالقُضُبُ

16. To where the dew, if the clouds poured his generosity on the land
Drought would not be mentioned in its plains

١٦. بِحيث النَدى لَو جادَت السُحب جودَهُ
عَلى الأَرضِ لَم يذكر بِساحتِها جدبُ

17. And he scorns the awe which if embodied as war on the land
Its enormity would not bend the war

١٧. وَيَحتَقِر الهول الَّذي لَو تَمَثَّلَت
لَهُ الأَرض حَرباً ما ثَنَت شأوه الحَربُ

18. A young man descended from Qahtan in glory, whose stars
The east and west have yearned for

١٨. فَتىً حَلَّ مِن قَحطان مَجداً تَلألأت
كواكِبُهُ فاشتاقها الشَرقُ وَالغَربُ

19. And the generations are nothing but lightning
For this revolving dome, of which he is the axis

١٩. وَما طيىء الأَجيال إِلّا صَواعِقٌ
لِذا الفلك الدَوار وَهوَ لَها قُطبُ

20. And the family of Abi Duwad, it suffices you that they
When called to war or when the clouds gather

٢٠. وَآل أَبي الذَوّادِ حسبك أَنَّهُم
إِذا استَنفَروا حَرب أَو انتَجَعوا سُحُبُ

21. Or when they request they give, or when pardoned they pardon
Or when roused they rise, or when called they come hastily

٢١. أَو استرفَدوا أَعطوا أَو استَغفِرواعفوا
أَو استُنهُضوا قاموا أَو استَصرَخوا هَبّوا

22. Their palms are generous and their honor zealous
And their dreams are lofty and their wealth plunder

٢٢. أَكفهم سبط وأَعراضِهِم حمىً
وَأَحلامهم طود وَأَموالهم نَهبُ

23. And their faces joyous, but their swords
When unsheathed destroy with their dominance the defeats

٢٣. وَأوجههم سعد وَلَكن سيوفهم
إِذا امتَشَقَت أَودَت بِسَطوَتِها الغُلُبُ

24. Suns that when they rise on the land
It is as if it has a horizon and the east when they rise is west

٢٤. شُموسٌ كأَنَّ الأَرضَ حَيثُ تَدَبَّرَت
لَها أُفُقٌ وَالشَرقُ إِذ شَرَقَت غَربُ

25. Their youth have the patience of elders and their old have
For every serious matter they undertake exalted ranks

٢٥. لِشبّانِهِم حلم الكهول وَشيبهم
عَلى كُل جَد مُقبِل في العُلى رتبُ

26. And loftiness and benevolence are born in them
So they rise as they rise and love as they love

٢٦. وَتلقى المَعالي وَالسماحُ وَليدَهم
فَيَسمو كَما يَسمو وَيَحبو كَما يَحبو

27. And the intermediary of the Yemeni necklace in munificence
Is Hamid son of Mahmoud, and its ripeness is plentiful

٢٧. وواسِطة العقد اليَمانيِّ في النَدى
حميد بن مَحمود وَنائِله العَذبُ

28. O a refuge for the weak that called you, one whose
Resources are scarce and days lean

٢٨. أَيا طيباً غَوث العُفاة دعاكَ مَن
مَوارده رتقٌ وَأَيَّامُهُ إِلبُ

29. And from everything a man's gratitude for blessings has diminished
Its extent, the tongue with praise of you is moist

٢٩. وَمِن كُل ما قَلَّ امرىء شكر نِعمة
حَداه لِسان بِالثَنا فيكِم رَطبُ

30. I left the Levant pledged to glories
Which those meadows and hills have illuminated

٣٠. تَركتُ بِلادَ الشام رَهن مَكارِمٍ
أَضاءَت لَها تِلكَ السَباسِبُ وَالهضبُ

31. So if only it could, it would come to you and its people
For yearning for your abode has cracked it from love

٣١. فَلَو أَنَّها اسطاعَت أَتَتكَ وَأَهلِها
فَقَد شفها شَوقاً إِلى ربعك الحُبُّ

32. But it bears from yearning a protected wound
From sighs whose fires have not died out

٣٢. وَلَكِنَّها تَطوي مِن الشَوقِ مُهجَة
عَلى زَفَراتٍ ما زَوَت نارَها تَخبو

33. So it sends you in pairs as a gift
As water and vegetation exchange gifts

٣٣. فَيَقدِم بِالمثنى إِلَيكَ هَدِيَّةً
كَما يَتَهادى الراتِعَ الماءُ وَالعُشبُ