1. The gloom of parting has passed and joyfully departed,
And the dawn of reunion has arrived after separation.
١. دُجَى غَيْهب التفرِيقِ قد زال واشمطَّا
وَاقبْلَ صُبْحُ الجمع منْ بعد ما شَطَّا
2. The light of intimacy has dispelled the darkness of my sadness,
So I no longer complain of any absence or distress.
٢. وأدْحَضَ نور الأنْسِ سِدْف دُجُنَّتي
فأصبحتُ لاَ أشْكُو فراقاً ولا شَحْطا
3. The armies of mediation have surrendered at the sight of him,
Like the Abyssinians when they see the Copts.
٣. وولّتْ جُيُوشُ الْشَفْع عِنْدَ لِقَائِه
كَفِعْلِ خميسِ الزَّنْجِ حِينَ يرى الْقِبطَا
4. I have drunk from a cup filled with the secret of his affection,
Behold me now joyous, though I have tasted no wine.
٤. شَرْبتُ بِكَأسِ مِلْؤُها سِرّ وِتْرِهِ
فَها أنَا نَشْوانٌ وما ذُقْتُ إِسْفَنْطَا
5. Absence and presence mean nothing to me any more
Nor do I fear destitution or seek riches.
٥. فسيان عندي البعد والقرب والنوى
وما هابني قبض ولا أبتغي بسطا
6. Between me and my beloved was an ocean of illusion
That I found had a coastline.
٦. وهِمتُ بذَات كَانَ بَيْنِي وبَيْنها
مِنَ الوَهْمِ بَحْرُ قَدْ وجَدْتُ لَهُ شطَّا
7. What an ocean when one tries to cross it!
The brother of drowning meets him and stirs him up violently.
٧. فيالك من بحر إِذا رام قطعه
أخو الغَرْقِ يلفيه عليه قد اشتطا
8. How many a lover has thrown himself into its waves,
Only to emerge as a martyr, his head severed!
٨. فكَمْ مِنْ مُحِب قَدَ تَرَدّى بِمَوْجِهِ
شَهِيدَا وَكَمْ رَأسٍ هُنالكَ قد قُطَّا
9. O heedless one, leave the sand dunes of the coast,
Neither mourn nor wail for a mirage or a phantom.
٩. فَيا سَاهيا دَعْ عَنكَ رَمْلة عَالِج
ونَجْد ولاَ تَنْدُبْ أرَاكاَ ولا خُمْطا
10. Seek the truth and you will attain what you wish,
Whoever seeks the Giver will surely be given.
١٠. وكَنْ قَاصِداً لِلْحَقِّ تَحْظ بنيلِهِ
ومَنْ قَصَدَ الوَهّاب لا شَكَ أنْ يُعْطَى
11. He is the Truth, and the most beautiful truth;
All else I see is false, though it covers reality.
١١. هو الحقُّ ثُمَّ الأيس والأيْسُ كُلُّ مَا
سِواه أرَى لَيْسَا ولكِنَهُ غَطَّى
12. When I look upon Him I see nothing else,
And he who perceives illusions will never witness justice.
١٢. ولَسَتُ أرىَ غَيْرا إِذا مَا لحَظْتُهُ
وَمَنْ يَلْحَظِ الأوهَام لَمْ يشَهْد القْسْطا