1. The Beloved has unveiled my heart's covering
And has appeared openly from me to me
١. كشَف المحبوبُ عن قلبي الغَطا
وتجلىَّ جهرةً منيِّ إِليّ
2. None but I has witnessed His beauty
And there remains in the monastery only the Witnessed in me
٢. لم يُشاهِد حسْنَه غيري ولم
يبْقَ في الدَّير سِوى المشهودِ فيّ
3. And has removed from me a veil that I had been
And the universe has faded away, O intimate with me
٣. وجَلا عنيِّ حجاباً كُنْته
وتلاشى الكَون يا صَاح لديّ
4. What beauty has appeared except to one who
Has folded reason with the universe, folded
٤. أيُّ حُسن ما بدا إِلا لمن
قد طوَى العقْل معَ الكون طيّ
5. And has seen things as one thing
Rather, has seen the One, and seen the strings as no thing
٥. ورأى الأشْياء شيئَا واحداً
بل رأى الواحِد وتراً دون شيّ