1. Yearning led the doe toward the stream
When slumber called to her eyelids
١. لِلعيسِ شَوقٌ قادها نحو السري
لَمَّا دعا أجْفَانَها دَاعي الكرى
2. The era relaxed its reins and followed her
For it knows the Najdi fever along with one who knows
٢. أرخ الازمَّة واتبعْها إِنهَّا
تدري الحمى النَّجْدِيّ مع من درى
3. Hasten the mounts for merchandise has appeared for us
And descend on the right side of the valley of villages
٣. حُثِّ الرَكاب فقدْ بدت سَلْعُ لنَا
وانِزلْ يمينَ الشعبِ من وادي القرى
4. And smell that soil when you come to it
Finding musk therein when the north wind blows
٤. واشتمَّ ذَاك الترْبَ إِذْ ما جِئْتَهُ
تُلْفيه عنْدَ الشمِّ مسْكا اذفَرَا
5. So when you arrive at Al-Aqeeq, tell them:
The heart of Mutayyam in the tents has fled
٥. فإذا وصلْتَ إِلى العَقيق فَقُلْ لهُمْ
قَلْبُ المتيم في الخيَامِ قَدْ انْبرَى
6. Embrace their singing girls if you do not find them
And be content, for dust may suffice for water
٦. عانقْ مَغَانيِهمْ إِذا لَمْ تَلْقهُمْ
واقْنَعْ فَقَدَ يُجْزي عن المْاء الثرَّى
7. O people of Rammah, how I wish and hope for your company,
And would sell a lifetime for it, if it could be bought
٧. يا أهْلَ رَامةَ كمْ أرومُ وصالكمُ
وأبيعُ فِيهِ العمرَ لوْ ما يشْترَى
8. I grasp the bond of your nearness by the hand of consent
While fate severs what I have grasped more stubborn than a rope
٨. وأشّد عروة قُربِكمْ بيد الرّضى
والدَّهْرُ يفْصمُ ما أشُدُ من العرىَ
9. Greetings and ease, whatever you wish
For I am pleased, though I have not seen what I hoped
٩. أهْلاً وسهْلاً كل ما تَرضونَه
فَلقدْ رَضيتُ وما رأيتمْ لي أرَى