
Al-Mutayyam is pleased with his madness in love

رضي المتيم في الهوى بجنونه

1. Al-Mutayyam is pleased with his madness in love
Leave him to perish his life in his arts

١. رَضِيَ المتيم في الهوَى بجنُونِه
خلُّوه يفَنىّ عُمرَه بفُنونِهْ

2. Do not blame him, your blame will not benefit
Abandoning love is not part of his faith

٢. لا تعْذِلوهُ فليْس ينْفعُ عذْلُكم
ليْس السُّلوُّ عن الهوَى من دينهْ

3. By the one whose agate was mentioned
The lover swore by his love and oath

٣. قسَماً بمن ذُكرَ العقيقُ من أجلِه
قسَم المحِبِّ بحبِّه ويمينهْ

4. I have none but you, though I repent
Of the indifferent in love or its change

٤. مالي سواكم غير أنيِّ تائبٌ
عن فاترات الحبِّ أو تلوينِهْ

5. Whenever the doves coo with passion
I am forever moved by their plaints and sorrows

٥. مالي إِذا هتف الحمامُ بأيْكةٍ
أبداً أحِنُّ لشَجْوِه وشُجونهْ

6. And when tears flow without weeping
And patience flows tears from the eyes

٦. وإِذا البكاءُ بغير دمْعٍ دأبُهُ
والصَّبُ يجْري دمْعُه بعُيُونهْ