
I have gifted you her path

أهديت لك طريقه

1. I have gifted you her path
Whose origin is true

١. أَهْدَيْتُ لَكْ طَريقَه
في أصْلِهَا حقِيقَه

2. So look upon her gently
In her playfulness, listen to something

٢. فأبْصِر بِهَا رَقِيقَه
في طَيّشها اسْمِعْنِ شَيْ

3. In her bending, the secret of existence darkens
In her taste, the understanding of existence

٣. في طَيِّها سِرُّ يَسُود
في ذَوْقِها فَهْمُ الوجودْ

4. In her wine, the witness was manifested
Nothing in existence except You is something

٤. في خَمْرِها بانَتْ شُهُود
ما فِي الْوُجُود غَيْرَك شَيْ

5. You are the arrived, the emigrant
You are the silent, the remembering

٥. أنْتَ الْوُصُولُ الهاجرُ
أنتَ الصَّمُوتُ الذَّاكِرَ

6. I called her, O thanker
What are words but infatuation

٦. سُمِّيتُهَا يا شاكرُ
ما هُو الكلامْ إِلا لِمَىَ

7. So from your image is the apparent
In existence nothing resembles You

٧. فظاهرٌ مِن صُورَتَك
ما فِي الوجودْ شَبِيهتَك

8. In moderation, for your stature
You are reached through her in it

٨. في الاعْتِدَال لِقَامَتَك
إِيَّاكْ ينَالَك فِيهَا فَيْ

9. And if you looked upon your news
With a glance the secret changed you

٩. وإِنْ نَظَرْتَ خبَرَك
بِلحْظِ سِرِّ غَيَّرُكْ

10. From you to you your glance
You see none but you

١٠. مِنْكَ إِلَيْكَ نَظَرَك
إِيَّاكَ تَرَى غَيْرَكَ شَيْ

11. You are the spoken, the speaker
You are the seeing, the pursuing

١١. أنْتَ النَّطُوقُ النَّاطِقُ
أنْتَ البصيرُ اللاَّحِقَ

12. You are the hearing, the sympathetic
You err towards you

١٢. أنْتَ السَّمِيعُ الشَّافِقُ
إِيَّاكَ تَغْلَطْ أهْنَا أيْ

13. My servants, I desire nothing but you
I chose my secret for your exaltation

١٣. عُبَيْدِي ما قَصْدِي سِوَاك
اخْتَرْتُ سِرِّي لِعُلاَك

14. My reality, that is You
With a spirit from me, You are living

١٤. حقيقيتي أنْتَ هُ ذاكْ
بالرُّوحِ مِنِّي أنْتَ حَيْ

15. If you are alive, understand
What has appeared and know

١٥. إِنْ كُنْتَ حَيَّا تَفْهَموا
ما قَد بَدَا وتَعَلْمُوا

16. Express it or conceal it
Are the dead equal to the living?

١٦. صَرِّحْ بِهِ أو اكْتُمُوا
هَل يَسْتوِي مَيِّتْ وَحَيْ

17. So who is dead, repel him
Say the funeral prayer over him four times

١٧. فَمَنْ هُ مَيِّت ادْفَعَهْ
كَبِّرْ عَلَيْهِ أربَعَه

18. If you are alive, you always
Strut in the clothes of beauty

١٨. إِن كُنْتَ حَيًّا لا تَزَال
تَرْفُل في أثْوابِ الجمالْ

19. Do not remove his ignorance from him
How can the dead see the living?

١٩. عَن جَهْلِه لا تَنْزَعَه
كِفْ يَرى مَيِّت لِحَيْ

20. If you are alive, you always
Strut in the clothes of beauty

٢٠. إِنْ كُنْتَ حَيًّا لا تَزالْ
تَرفُلْ فِي أثوابِ الجمال

21. Bestowing perfection in my presence
Informing all of something

٢١. في حَضْرَتِي تُعْطِي الكمال
مُطَّلِعاً لِكُلِّ شَيْ

22. Rather, you penetrate all the veils
In its secret, the secret of the unseen

٢٢. بَل تخترقْ كُلَّ الْحُجُب
في سِرِّها سِرُّ الْغُيُوب

23. And its matter, the meaning of the Beloved
In my presence, you gain something

٢٣. وأمْرُها مَعْنَى الحبيب
في حضْرتي تَحْظَى بِشَيْ

24. Come to me, to me
Alive to a living, come near

٢٤. كَمُلْ إِليْكَ بالْحُضُور
ما هِي الْحُجُب إِلاَّ سُتُورْ

25. So erase us with erasing, not erasing
You see the erased has become something

٢٥. وصُورَتُكْ هِيَ الْقُشُور
واللُّبُّ سِرُّكَ الْعُلَيْ

26. With me you see and with me you speak
And with me you endure and with me you rage

٢٦. أقْبلْ إِلينا إِنَّنَا
حَيٌ لِحَيٍّ قَد دَنَا

27. You obey every ignorant one
Dejected in understanding, blind

٢٧. فافْنَا بِنَافِي لاَ فَنَا
تَرَى الْفَناقَد صار فَيْ

28. This speech I have granted you
For the sake of making you My friend

٢٨. بِيّا تَرَى وَبِي تَقُول
وبِي تطُول وبِي تَصُولْ

29. In my presence I have chosen for you
You are detracted from it by nothing

٢٩. إِيَّاكْ تُطِعْ كُلَّ جَهُول
مُثَبَّط الْفَهْمِ عُمَيْ

٣٠. هَذَا الكلامُ وَهَبْتُ لَك
لأجْلِ سرِّ خَوّلَك

٣١. في حَضْرَتِي إٍخْتَرتُوا لَك
إِيَّاك تُعَدَّى عَنْهُ شَيْ