
Come with us O Saad, and descend to Al-Hujun

مل بنا يا سعد وانزل بالحجون

1. Come with us O Saad, and descend to Al-Hujun
These flags appear to the eyes

١. مِلْ بِنا يا سعْدُ وانزِلْ بالحجُونْ
هذه الاعْلاَم تبْدو للعُيونْ

2. And turn towards its west so you may see
The fire of those who yearned with the right people

٢. والْتفتْ غرْبِيَّها كَيُما تَرَى
نارَ مَنْ تهْواهُ بِالشّعبِ اليمينْ

3. The fires of villages grew old long ago
Yet they are not extinguished over the years

٣. للقِرَى شُبَّتْ قديماً نارُها
وهِيَ لا تُطْفى على طولِ السنينْ

4. Bring your soul near and do not be stingy with it
If you want to drink from the spring of certainty

٤. قَرِّب النَّفْس ولاَ تَبْخَلْ بِها
إِن أردْتَ الشُّرب من عَين اليقينْ

5. Care for the people of the letter 'ain' and love them
You will know the meaning from the guarded secret

٥. هِمْ بحَرْف العَيْنِ واعْشَق أهْلهُ
تَعْلم المعْنى مِنَ السّرِّ المصُونْ

6. Drag your tail and do not blame
The humiliation of this universe, and be patient for the rewards

٦. جَرِّرْ الذَّيْلَ ولا تَلْوِ على
ذُلِّ هذا الكَوْنِ واصْبرْ للمُجون