1. With the union of my love let me boast, my friend
I thought well of you
١. بوصْلِ حبي دَعْني
نَفْخَرُ يَا صَاحِبي
2. And you fulfilled my needs
You distracted me from myself
٢. حَسَّنْتُ فيكَ ظَنِّي
وَقَضيْتَ مأرِبِي
3. This is my desire
You pictured me in it
٣. أفْنَانِي عَنِّي بِيَّا
وهَذْي بُغْيَتي
4. From the union of my presence
And this is the vision
٤. صوَّرْتي مِنِّي فِيَّا
مِنْ وصْلِ حَضْرتي
5. From the eye of my call
We seek my perfection in it
٥. وهَذِي هِيَ الرؤْيا
مِنْ عَيْن دَعْوتِي
6. From the union of my side
To live happily in it
٦. نَطْلُب كَمالِي فِيَّا
مِن وصْلِ جانِبي
7. So understand my needs
Come O you who are dutiful
٧. نَعِش بِهِ هَنِيَّا
فافْهَمُ مَطالبي
8. And cross over to our monastery
Where cups are watered
٨. احْضَرْ يا مَن هُوَ بَرَّا
واعْبُرْ لِدَيْرِنا
9. With the wine of wishes
Nothing remains in it
٩. تُسْقى كُوسَ مسرَّا
مِن خَمْرةِ الْمُنى
10. Of the desolation of the world
Except like the rays of a sun
١٠. لَسِ يَبْقى فِيها ذَرَّا
مِن وحْشَةِ الدُّنا
11. That rises for its drinker
So be determined for it, cast off
١١. إِلاَّ كَضَوءِ شَمْسٍ
تُشْرِقْ لِشَارِبي
12. The clothes of salvation
Join, O messenger of the broker
١٢. فاعْزِمْ عليْها اخْلَعْ
ثَوْبَ النَّجايْني
13. In selling and buying
And whoever sells what he loses
١٣. انْتَمَّ زَجَلْ سِمْسار
بالْبَيْع والشَّرِي
14. Because I am the buyer
Expensive in the folds of mysteries
١٤. ومَن يَبِعْ ما يخْسرْ
لأنِّي مُشْترِي
15. Embroidered and encrusted
With a nearness to your beauty
١٥. غالِي في طَيّ أسْرَارْ
لَوْشى وشُشْتري
16. My stars shine
So enjoy your union
١٦. بقُربٍ مِن جمَالَكْ
تُشرِقْ كَواكِبي
17. With the loved ones
١٧. فاغْتَنِمْ وِصَالكْ
مَعَ الحبايبِ