
Leaving your body

تركك لجسمك

1. Leaving your body
and revealing the cover

١. تَرْكُك لِجِسْمِك
وكَشْفُ الْغُطَيْ

2. so pass away and leave the love
and you will remain alive

٢. فافْنَى ودَعْ حُبُّو
وتَبْقَى حَيْ

3. It distracts you from your essence
and you become veiled

٣. يُشْغِلَك عَن ذاتَك

4. and makes your times
all confusion

٤. وَيجْعَلْ أوْقاتَكْ
كُلَّهَا شَغَب

5. So polish your mirror
and you will see wonder

٥. فاصْقُل لمرآتَك
ترَى عَجب

6. It will show you how things are
the polishing of the mirror

٦. يُريك أيْش ما ثَمْ
صَقْلُ الْمُرَي

7. Whoever turns back
turns back wretched

٧. مَنْ في القُبَا يَرجع
صَحْبَ الخَبَي

8. Embrace existence completely
O you disreputable one

٨. خُودِ الوجودْ كُلاَّ
يا ذَا الخليع

9. Loftiness with lowness
Bring them back all together

٩. عُلْواً مع سفلاَ
رُدُّوا جميع

10. And make the sentence
a lofty throne

١٠. واجعل مِنَ الْجُمْلا
عرشاً رفيع

11. A ship in the sea of names
in which there is nothing

١١. مَرْكَب في بَحْرِ اسْمَا
ما فِيهِ شيْ

12. In the set patterns
A pearl, O my brother

١٢. على الْمُحَرَّك لُوا
دُرْ يا أُخَيْ

13. If you are one who said
the middle path is complete

١٣. إِنْ كُنْتَ مِمَّن قال
تَمَّ الْوَسَط

14. They turned independent
leave the error

١٤. قُلوا مالُوا إٍسْتِقلال
خَلِّ الْغَلط

15. One is the Doer
never in existence at all

١٥. واحِد هُوَ الفعَّال
في الْحَضْر قط

16. So be ascetic toward the creations
and fold them up

١٦. فازهَد في ذي الأغيار
واطْوِيها طَيْ

17. And you are in the sentence
Be a valiant man

١٧. وأنْتَ في الْجُمْلَهْ
تَكُنْ فُتَى

18. Who can be ascetic
when you become annihilated

١٨. مَنْ ذَا الذي يَزْهد
إِذَا فَنِيت

19. And who remains witnessing
sometimes and sometimes

١٩. ومَن بقَى يَشْهد
كَيْتاً وكَيْتْ

20. Its existence cannot be denied
As you have seen

٢٠. وُجُودُوا ليْس يُجْحَد
كَما رأيْت

21. And the seer is the seen
and the affair is over

٢١. والرائي هُ المرئي
وَتَمْ شُوَيْ

22. It is a mirage, O thirsty one
appearing as a mirror

٢٢. سرَاب هُوَ يا عطشان
يظْهَر مُرَيْ

23. Return existence to one
and you are that

٢٣. رُدّ الوجُود واحد
وأنْتَ ذَاك

24. And there is no increase over you
and nothing other than you

٢٤. وليْسَ عليك زَايد
وما ثَمْ سِواك

25. Be denying for the leveled one
my important task came to you

٢٥. كُن للسُّوي جاحِد
مَهْمي أتاك

26. And your concern evolves
under a thing

٢٦. وَهمك هُ يَطَّوَّر
ما تَحْتَ شَيْ

27. It is a veil, stand and tear it
from you the long robe

٢٧. حِجاب هُ قُم مَزِّق
عَنْكَ الطُّلَيْ

28. So I became annihilated, what is annihilation?
I did not find any meaning

٢٨. فَنَّشْتُ مَن يَفْنَى
وايْش هُ الفَنَا

29. other than I
Not everyone who sings

٢٩. فلم أجِد معْنَى
إِلاَّ أنا

30. sings for us
Naked we want to walk

٣٠. ما كُلُّ مَن غنَّى
يُنْشِد لنا

31. yes, a thing
As walked before me

٣١. عُرْيان نُرِيد نمشِي
أجَلَّ شَيْ

32. crazed Mei

٣٢. كما مَشَى قَبْلِي
غَيْلان مَيْ