
When you came as a gift,

أنخ هديت الاينقا

1. When you came as a gift,
You reached the lightning.

١. أنِخْ هُديتَ الايْنُقا
فَقَدْ وصَلْتَ الأبْرقَا

2. Don't you see the fire of the villages
On the hill of beautiful palm trees?

٢. أمَا تَرَى نَارَ الْقِرى
على رُبَى ذَاتِ النَّقَا

3. As if it were a star that appeared,
Rather a full moon that shone.

٣. كأنها نجمٌ بَدَا
بَلْ بَدْرُ تمِّ أشْرَقَا

4. And the living one, to the right of the hill,
O joy, rejoice at the meeting.

٤. والحَيُّ عَنْ يمنى الرُّبَى
يَا سَعْدُ أبْشرْ باللّقَا

5. The sapling's firewood has melted away,
And the branch of my connection has blossomed.

٥. فَقَدْ ذَوى عود النَّوى
وغُصْنُ وصْلى أوْرَقَا

6. I obtained happiness with fatigue,
No rest without hardship.

٦. نِلْت السَّرورَ بالْعَنَا
لا رَاحَةَ دُونَ الشَّقَا

7. So drink and be cheerful, don't be
One of those who forgot who gave him drink.

٧. فاشْرَبْ واطْربْ لا تكُنْ
مِمَّنْ سَهَا عمّنْ سَقَى

8. Seize the time of life while
The youth's life is but fleeting.

٨. وانْهَبْ زَمانَ الْعَيْش مَا
عُمرُ الْفَتَى إلاَّ البَقَا