
How much you feigned ignorance with the tribes and the banner

كم ذا تموه بالشعبين والعلم

1. How much you feigned ignorance with the tribes and the banner
The matter is clearer than fire on a banner

١. كم ذا تموُّه بالشعبين والعلم
الأمرُ أوضحُ من نار على علم

2. And how much you ask about Salwa and its governor
And about Zarud and the people of peaceful Salm

٢. وكم تعبر عن سلْع وكاظمهِ
وعن زرود وجيران بذي سلم

3. You kept asking about Najd while you were in it
And about Tuhama - this is the act of one accused

٣. ظللْتَ تسألُ عَن نجْدٍ وأنتَ بها
وعَنْ تُهامَه هذا فِعْلُ مُتَّهم

4. In Al-Hayy, ask someone alive other than Layli
Ask her as your question is nonsense

٤. في الحَيّ حيّ سِوى لَيْلي فتَسألهْ
عنها سؤالك وهم جر للعَدم

5. Speak of it as you wish, for she is pleased
With both silence and speech alike

٥. حَدِّثْ بِما شئْتَ عَنها فَهي راضيةٌ
بالحالَتَين معاً والصمتِ والكلم