1. To my beloved we leave our homelands
May he see me
١. إِلى حَبِيبي نَتْرُكْ أوْطانِي
عسَى يَرَانِي
2. The polestar of guidance, my soul and delight
Who settled my heavens
٢. قُطْبُ الهُدَى رَوْحي ورَيْحاني
سَكَنْ جنانِي
3. Erasing the echoes from my suffering heart
The apex of my wishes
٣. مُجْلِي الصَّدَى عَن قلبي اَلْعانِي
غايَةْ أمانِي
4. He is the guidance, guided
And our intercessor tomorrow
٤. هُوَ الْهِدايَهْ يُهْتدَى
وهْ شفيعنا غَدَ
5. With his love we remain thus always
Intoxicated, raving
٥. بِحُبِّهِ نَبْقَى كَذَا دايمْ
سَكْرانْ هايِمْ
6. His light united me and proved me
And reformed my time
٦. وَصْلُوا نعِم نُورِي وبُرْهانِي
وإٍصلاح زمانِي
7. My heart raves, lost in his love
O all who saw me
٧. قلْبي يَهِيم في حُبِّهِ فانِي
يا كُلّ مَنْ رآني
8. My soul is ransom, yes, and my body
Light up my companions
٨. رُوحِي فِداه نعَم وجُثْمانِي
نُوروا كَسانِي
9. By him the guided found guidance
And by his sword conquered the enemy
٩. بِه اهْتَدَى مَنْ قد هَدَ
ى وبسيفه قَهَرَ الْعِدَى
10. With his love we remain thus always
Intoxicated, raving
١٠. بحبه نبقَى كذَا دايِمْ
سَكْرانَ هايِمْ
11. A full moon appeared, secretly and openly
The sun of meanings
١١. بَدْرٌ بَدَا سِرَّا وإِعْلانِ
شمْسُ الْمعانِي
12. A noble prophet, Meccan and Adnanite
Beautify my praise
١٢. نبِيٌّ كرِيمْ مَكَّي وعدنانِي
حُسْنُوا سَبانِي
13. My chest settled and confessed its secret
God gave me
١٣. صَدْرِي سَكَنْ وباحْ كتماني
اللهْ أعْطانِي
14. The polestar, rain of dew
And by it the enemy wailed
١٤. قُطْبُ الهدى غَيْثُ الندى
وبه أنانَنْكِ العِدَى
15. With his love we remain thus always
Intoxicated, raving
١٥. بِحُبِّهِ نبقى كذَا دايِم
سكرانَ هايِم
16. My Lord Most Generous, by praising him
Raised my stature
١٦. ربِّي الكريم بِمدْحُوا بَهانِي
ورَفَعْ شانِي
17. His overflowing grace in good and gifts
And I became delighted
١٧. فضْلُوا عَمِيم بالخيرِ والآنِي
وأصْبَحْتُ هانِي
18. Cast down your weapons by command of my Lord
And in my protection
١٨. إِرمِ السِّلاحْ لِحُكْمِ ربَّانِي
وفي ضَمانِي
19. Cast down the enemy that you may be ransomed
And become a freeman of Muhammad
١٩. إِرْمِ العِدَى كَي تُفْتَدى
وتكُن عتيق لمحمَّدا
20. With his love we remain thus always
Intoxicated, raving
٢٠. بحبِّهِ نَبْقَى كذَا دايم
سَكْرانَ هايِم
21. Pray upon him, company of my brothers
For all time
٢١. صلُّوا عليهِ معشرَ إِخواني
طُولَ الدَّوامِ
22. And be pleased with his eminent companions
The masters of nobility
٢٢. وارْضُوا عَلى أصْحابِه الأعيان
سادَه كِرام
23. My master, freeman, and Omar and Othman
And Ali the Imam
٢٣. مَوْلاى عتِيق وعُمَر وعُثمانِ
وعَلِي إِمامِ
24. The fortunate martyrs
The pious, excellent
٢٤. السُّعَدَا الشُّهَدا
الْمُتَّقِينَ السُّؤْدَدَا
25. With his love we remain thus always
Intoxicated, raving
٢٥. بحُبِّهِ نبقى كذا دايم
سكْرَانَ هايم