
Look in the mirror

انظر في مراك

1. Look in the mirror
Look in the mirror

١. انْظُرْ في مِراكْ
انْظُر في مِرَاكْ

2. And what you see in it
Is you, yourself

٢. والَّذي ترى فِيهَا
أنْتَ هُ ذَاك

3. Lift up the mirror and look
Everything becomes apparent

٣. ارفعِ المِرَا وانْظُر
يَظْهَر كُلُّ شَيْ

4. You see the empty and the occupied
The dead and the living

٤. تَرَى الخالي والمعمور
ومَيّت وَحَيْ

5. Nothing remains hidden from you
Except through delusion

٥. ما يظْهَر لَكَ المستور
إِلا بالْمُرَي

6. Your cover is removed
Your cover is removed

٦. يَنْكشِف غِطاكْ
يَنْكَشِفْ غِطاكْ

7. You remain alone in existence
You see nothing but yourself

٧. تبْقَى في الْوُجود وحْدَكْ
ما تَرَى سِوَاكْ

8. Do not look for others' faults
You have faults

٨. لا تَفْتِش عُيوب عَيْرَكْ
إِنَّ لَكْ عُيُوبْ

9. Every fault comes from your own self
Go back and repent

٩. كُلُّ عيْب مِن نفسَك
ارْتَجِع وتُوب

10. If your heart were opened
The veils would be lifted

١٠. لَو فُتِحْ عَلى قلْبَك
تَرفَعُ الحُجُوب

11. You would see this and that
You would see this and that

١١. تَرَى ذَاكْ وذَاك
تَرَى ذَاكْ وذَاك

12. You would rejoice in the knowledge of the unseen
You would thank the One who gave you

١٢. تتْفَرَّح في عِلْم الغَيْب
تَشْكُر مَنْ عَطاكْ

13. Words belong to all
But the discourse is yours

١٣. مَعَكَ الكلامْ كُلُّوا
ولَكْ هُ الحديث

14. Take the good part
And leave the bad

١٤. خُذْ مِنَ المليح جُلُّوا
واتْرُكِ الخبيث

15. And those whose hearts are ignorant
Are blinded by their ignorance

١٥. والَّذي جَهِلْ قُلوا
بِجَهْلَك عَمِيْت

16. If He had wanted to guide you
If He had wanted to guide you

١٦. لَو أرادْ هُداكْ
لَو أرَاد هُدَاك

17. His command would have been realized
So pardon what He has forbidden you

١٧. تحَقَّقَت بأمْرُه
وَعِفْ عَمَا نَهَاك

18. Know, O poor one, God
Truly know Him

١٨. إِعْرَف يا فقِيرْ اللهْ
حَقَّ الْمَعْرِفا

19. If you know that God
Loves purity

١٩. إِنْ كانْ تَعْلَم أنَّ الله
يُحِبُّ الصَّفَا

20. And hope for nothing but God
And be content with Him

٢٠. ولا تَرْجُو إِلاَّ الله
وَبِهِ اكْتَفَا

21. Do not say "He forgot you"
Do not say "He forgot you"

٢١. لاَ تَقُلْ نَسَاك
لاَ تَقُلْ نَسَاكْ

22. Inwardly and outwardly
Nothing lasts but what He sees you as

٢٢. في الْباطِن وفي الظَّاهِر
ما يَزُول يَرَاك