
The morning light has lifted its veil

ضوء الصباح قد رفع حجابوا

1. The morning light has lifted its veil
And its breeze has spread over the sands

١. ضوء الصباحْ قد رفع حجابوا
وشَرَقْ نسيمُو على البطاحْ

2. Come, O Layla, how sweet is its drink
When the sultan of sailors is present

٢. ودير يا ليلى ما أطيب شرابو
إِذا حضرْ سلطانْ الملاحْ

3. How sweet, O Layla, is that breeze
May God keep that morning alive

٣. ما أطيبْ يا ليلى ذاك النسيمْ
الله يحيى ذاكْ الصباحْ

4. I see in your old covenant
Cups that have been mixed with ease

٤. أرى على عهدكِ القديمْ
أكواسا قدْ مَزِجَتْ براحْ

5. Until when alone with the companion
Serve in it to me, O breeze, gently

٥. حتى إذا تخلوا بالنديمْ
درها عليَّا روحْ براح

6. Take the poor man and gather his clothes
His sale has arrived in the morning

٦. خذ الفقيرْ واجمعْ ثيابُه
قد حلَّ بيعه في الاصطباحْ

7. And whoever blames, call him with his blame
I am a poor man without a weapon

٧. ومَنْ عَتَبْ دعوه مع عتابُه
أنا فقيرْ بلا سلاحْ

8. How many meanings, O Layla, you have
For one who knows your old meaning

٨. كم لكِ يا ليلى من المعاني
لمِنْ عرفْ معناكِ القديم

9. I filled from your beauty the cups
And every lover in you wanders

٩. امليتِ من حسنك الأواني
وكلْ عاشق فيكِ يهيمْ

10. It is I who lived my gardens
With Layla, wine, and the companion

١٠. أنا الذي قد عَمَّرْ جناني
بليلى والخمرْ والنديم

11. Your wine pleases me in its vapor
When blended at dawn

١١. يعجبني خَمْرُكْ على حبابو
إِذا مُزْج عند الاصطباحْ

12. We narrate it to the wondrous pearl
When placed on the necks of sailors

١٢. نحكيه للجوهر العجيبو
إِذا جُعِل في أعناقْ الملاحْ

13. O you who gather the wine of love
Tell him, is it forbidden or lawful?

١٣. يا من يلم خَمرة المحبة
قولوا لو عني هِيَ حلالْ

14. O you who wants to quench his thirst from it
Take, let him bow to the feet of men

١٤. يا من يريد يسقي منها غبه
خدوا يضع لأقدام الرجال

15. I have laid my head for every gray hair
They cared, serving me the fresh

١٥. راسي حطيته لكل شيبه
هموا المالي اسقوني الزلال

16. And in their monastery I laid my necks
And all who met them profited

١٦. وفي ديرهم حطت الرقابْ
وكل من لاقاهم رباحْ

17. And whoever understood this speech
His drinking from it sailors quaff

١٧. ومن عرف معنى ذا الخطابْ
يبحْ شربُه منها الملاحْ