1. Turn away from illusion and fantasy
And employ thought and insight
١. عدِّ عن الْوَهَم والْخَيالِ
واسْتَعْمِلِ الْفِكْرِ والنَّظَر
2. People are but like imagined forms
So look to the Maker of images
٢. ما النَّاسَ إِلاَّ كما الْخَيَالِ
فانْظُر إِلى ماسِكِ الصِّوَر
3. Whoever contemplates finds wisdom
And witnesses truth in witnessing
٣. مَنْ يَعْتَبِر يَجد اعْتِبَارُه
ويَشْهَدِ الْحَقَّ في الشُهُود
4. You were shown the veil of existence
So look to whom existence unveils
٤. مَثَّل هُدِيْتَ الوجود ستاره
وانْظُر لِمَن أطْلعَ الوُجُودْ
5. His hand was first ere He revolved it
And the first of fortune is in ascent
٥. يَدَا لهُ قَبْلَ أنْ أدَارَهْ
وَأَوَّلُ السَّعْدِ في الصُّعُودْ
6. Whoever ascends from low to lofty
Sees the eye in the trace
٦. مَنْ يَرْقَى مِن سافِلٍ لعَالِي
يُعايِنُ العَيْن في الأثَر
7. People are but like imagined forms
So look to the Maker of images
٧. ما النّاسُ إِلاَّ كما الْخَيالِ
فانْظُر إِلى ماسِكِ الصُّوَر
8. The first the weak see
Is like a child, a shaped form
٨. أوَّلُ ما يُبْصرُ الضَّعيفُ
كالطِّفْلِ شَكْلاً مُمَثَّلاَ
9. Dense shadows whose origin are thin
But accept the mirage
٩. كَثايفا أصْلُهَا كَنِيفُ
لكِنَّها تَقْبَلُ الْجِلاَ
10. Their doing gives them qualities
However much is considered
١٠. لِذَاتِها فِعْلُها يُضيفُ
والْقَولُ مَهْما تأمَّلاَ
11. When the images are for examples
They appear in the world of sight
١١. إِذَا التماثِيلُ لِلْمِثالِ
يَظْهرنَ في عالَمِ الْبَصَر
12. People are but like imagined forms
So look to the Maker of images
١٢. ما النَّاسُ إلاَّ كما الْخَيَالَ
فانْظُر إلى ماسِكِ الصُّورَ
13. Until the day dawns
And the child grows wise and guided
١٣. حَتَّى إذا أشْرَقَ النَّهارُ
واكْتَهَلَ الطَّفْلُ واهْتَدَى
14. He sees the turned objects
Appearing dead and frozen
١٤. رَأى الدَّوَات التي تُدَارُ
تَبْدُوا مَوَاتَا وجَلْمَدَا
15. With them, for the one who shaped them, concealed
Hidden by them when through them appeared
١٥. بِها لِمُنْ صاغَها اسْتتارُ
خَفَى بِها إذْ بِها بَدَا
16. Their drink is clear like ripples
The watering missed its mark and was confined
١٦. شُرَابُها لاَحَ كالزُّلاَل
قد فاتَه الرَّيُّ وانْحَصر
17. People are but like imagined forms
So look to the Maker of images
١٧. ما النَّاسُ إلاَّ كما الْخَيَالِ
فانْظُر إلى ماسِكِ الصُّوَر
18. I was amazed by His strange secret
For His decree, how it comes to pass
١٨. عجبْت إذْ سرَّهُ عجيب
لِحُكْمِهِ كَيْفَ يَنْفَدُ
19. This as He willed, near
And that from union exiled
١٩. هذا كما شاءَ قرِيبُ
وذَا مِنْ الْوَصْلِ مُبْعَدُ
20. And this innocent, and that culpable
Thus did the Determiner determine
٢٠. وذَا بَرِيءٌ وذَا مُرِيبُ
كذَاكَ شاءَ الْمُشَعْوَدُ
21. You see Him reveal yet care not
In every state for Him a cause
٢١. تَرَاهُ يُبْدِي ولاَ يُبَالِي
في كلّ طَوْر لَهُ وَطَرْ
22. People are but like imagined forms
So look to the Maker of images
٢٢. ما النَّاس إِلاَّ كما الْخَيالِ
فانْظُر إِلى ماسِك الصُّور
23. He clothes them in His given garb
And the garment is on every clad one
٢٣. يُلْبِسُها لُبْسَهُ المُنوطْ
واللَّبس في كُلِّ لابِسْ
24. Tied to their edges are threads
Hidden from mankind when forgotten
٢٤. نِيطَت بأطْرافِها خُيُوط
تَخْفَى على الإنْسِ إِذْ نَسِي
25. Remembrance of Him among the conditions
First is leaving the selves
٢٥. تذكارُها دونَهُ شُرُوطُ
أوَّلُهُ تَرك الأنفس
26. So remembrance of Him is first in perfection
My life be ransomed for the last of insights
٢٦. فَذِكْرُهَا أوَّلُ الْكَمالِ
حَيْيُ اغتدى آخِرِ النَّظر
27. People are but like imagined forms
So look to the Maker of images
٢٧. ما النَّاسُ إِلاَّ كما الْخَيالَ
فانْظُر إِلى ماسكِ الصُّوَر
28. Limit the outer existents' display
What inner reality concealed
٢٨. جِزْ ظاهِرَ الْكائِنات يَظهَر
ما باطِنِ الأمْرِ ما خَفَى
29. Those are veils by which He is veiled
Know them as letters
٢٩. تِلك سُتُورٌ بها تَسَتَّر
عرِفُوا إِذ كُنَّ أحْرُفا
30. Then the eye of one who perceives is unveiled
By them, so he surpassed one asleep
٣٠. جُلِيَتْ الْعَيْنِ مَنْ تَبُصَّر
بها فَقد فاقَ مَنْ غَفا
31. Take advice from the state of the impossible
For wakefulness befits one drunk
٣١. حُذْ صاحِ عنْ حالةِ الْمَحالِ
فالصَّحْو أوْلى بمنْ سَكر
32. People are but like imagined forms
So look to the Maker of images
٣٢. ما النَّاسُ إِلاَّ كما الْخيال
فانْظُر إلى ماسِك الصُّورَ
33. The heart is unseen and the Lord unseen
And the unseen to the unseen is ascribed
٣٣. القلْبُ غيْبٌ والرَّبُ غَيْبُ
والْغيْبُ لِلْغَيْب يُنْسَبُ
34. O brother of rind, then kernel
So seek it, for the kernel is sought
٣٤. مه يا أخَا الْقِشْرِ ثَمَّ لُبُّ
فاطْلُبْهُ فاللُّبُّ يُطْلب
35. And lower than it the drinkers drink
That runs to the one from whom it drinks
٣٥. ودونَه للسُّقاةِ شِرْبُ
يَشْدُو الذي مِنْهُ يَشْرَبُ
36. Leave what is said of impossibilities
Of what is hidden or what appears
٣٦. دَعْ ما يُقَالُ مِنْ الْمَحَالِ
مِمَّا خَفَى أو مِمَّا ظَهَرْ
37. People are but like imagined forms
So look to the Maker of images
٣٧. ما النَّاسُ إِلاَّ كما الْخَيَالِ
فانْظُرْ إِلى ماسِكِ الصُّوَرْ