
My heart belongs to Layla, and Layla is my deepest desire

قلبي ه ليلى وليلى ه المنى

1. My heart belongs to Layla, and Layla is my deepest desire
She pours me my wine

١. قلْبي هُ ليْلَى وليْلَى هِ الْمُنَى
تَسْقِيني خَمْري

2. Like the Kaaba of Al-Husayn, she pulls me toward her
The goddess of the vine

٢. كَعْبَةُ الْحُسيْنِ هي الْجَذْبُ بِنا
ربّةُ الْخِدْرِ

3. I am the essence of existence in meaning
My ecstasy and my being

٣. أنا هُ مَعْنى الوُجود في الاصطباح
لَذَّلي وجْدي

4. Look how the dawn has arrived while I was distracted
Alone with my love

٤. انْظُروا تَوَلَّهِي مَسَا صَباحْ
وَلَهي وحْدِي

5. I have vanished in this passion and the secret of dawn
O people of guidance

٥. قد فنيت في ذا الْهَوَى وسِرِّ باحْ
يا أولِي الرُّشْدِ

6. Introduce me to the oneness of truth among us
And keep my secret

٦. عرَّفونِي وَحْدَةِ الْحقِّ بنَا
واحْفَظُوا خُبْرِي

7. I see nothing but annihilation in the presence of truth
Other than my lyre and its strings

٧. لا أرَى في حضْرةِ الْحق فَنَا
مِن سِوى وتُرِي

8. I am the essence of contentment and protection
My heart is my love

٨. أنا هُ عَيْنُ الْغِنا والامْتَانِ
قَلْبي هُ حِبِّي

9. And though confused by manifestations, my love is my heart
My ambition has secretly aimed beyond space

٩. وأنا معَ الْتباسِي بالْعِيان
حِبِّي هُو قَلبْي

10. My phantom is my absence
The flowers make me tremble and the melodies wound me

١٠. هِمَتي سرَّا سَمَتْ عنِ المكان
طَيُّوفي غَيْبي

11. As the river flows on
The moon's song and our love's wine

١١. هَزِّنِي الزَّهْرُ وشاقَنِي الْغِنَا
مع جرَيِ النَّهْرِ

12. Is our drink, so realize
My garden is the sun of exaltation and suggestion

١٢. تَغْرِيدُ القُمْرِي وخمْرُ حُبِّنا
شُرْبُنا فادْرِي

13. My garden is my sun
My drink is the wine of passion and beginning

١٣. جَنَّتِي شَمْس الْعُلاَ والاقْتِراح
جَنَّتي شمْسِي

14. My drink is my intimacy
So I am the sun of fulfillment, the soul of salinity

١٤. مشْربي خمْرَ الْهَوى والافْتتاح
مشْرَبي أُنْسِي

15. The fulfillment of the soul
I have no excuse for my essence and my love

١٥. فأنا شَمْسُ المُنَى روحَ الْمِلاحْ
مُنْيَةُ النَّفْسِ

16. So accept my apology
Whoever wants my company, let him come to us

١٦. ليْسَ لِي عَنْ ذاتِي وعَن حِبِّي غِنَا
فاقْبَلُوا عُذرِي

17. For the extent of time
I am the sun of eternity without pretense

١٧. مَنْ يُرِدْ وصْلِي فيَاتِي حَيَّنَا
لِمَدَى الدَّهْر

18. My meaning is my name
It has come to me from the sea of my love alive

١٨. أنا هُو شمْسَ الْبَقا بِلاَ ريا
معْنَوِي الإِسْمِ

19. Manifesting my body
My body is my secret, and my secret is the fount

١٩. هيْأتِي مِنْ بَحْر حِبيَّ بالْحيَا
أبْرزَتْ جِسْمِي

20. The origin of knowledge
My spirit contains the meaning of fulfillment

٢٠. جسْمي هُو أسْرِي وسرى هُ الضِّيا
نَشْأةُ الْعلْمِ

21. The manifestation of the matter
The garden of union and the basil of bliss

٢١. تحْتَوَي رُوحِي على مَعْنى المُنى
مظْهر الأمْر

22. Is the night of decree
My kingdom is established and suffering has left me

٢٢. جنَّةُ الوصْلِ ورَيْحانُ الْهَنا
ليْلةُ الْقدْرِ

23. My kingdom is established
So witness my sacrifice when it draws near

٢٣. قد ثَبَتْ مُلْكي وزالْ عنَّي الْعَنا
قد ثبَتْ مُلْكِي

24. Whether my pilgrimage or ritual
The wine of love is sold in our monastery

٢٤. فالْحظُوا نَحْري إذا ما قد دَنَا
حُجِّي أو نُسْكي

25. And passion is my kingdom
My heart belongs to Layla, and Layla is my deepest desire

٢٥. خمْرةُ الْحُبِّ تُباعْ بِديْرنا
والْهَوَى مِلْكي

26. She pours me my wine
Like the Kaaba of Beauty, she pulls me toward her

٢٦. قلْبي هُوَ لَيْلَى ولَيْلَى هِيَ الْمُنَى
تسْقِني خَمْرِي

27. The goddess of the vine

٢٧. كعْبَةُ الْحُسْنِ هي الْجَذْبُ بِنَا
ربّةُ الْخِدرِ