1. I see the followers pursuing their predecessors
In the path of him whom they followed in judgment and state
١. أرى الأتباع تلحق سابقوهم
بمن تبعوه في حكم وحالٍ
2. And this is no secret to them
It is made clear by the stations of men
٢. وهذي لا خفاء بهم لديهم
تبينه مقامات الرجال
3. When I saw the existence of my eyes
With the eye of my heart in the darkness of nights
٣. ولما أن رأيت وجود عيني
بعين القلب في ظلم الليالي
4. I prostrated to our Lord in meaning and sensation
The prostration of the heart or the eye of shadows
٤. سجدت لربنا معنى وحسّاً
سجودَ القلب أو عين الظلال
5. And I did not raise up what my self gives
Of the lowly reaching the lofty
٥. ولم أرفع لما تعطيه ذاتي
من الحاق الأسافل بالأعالي
6. And the far joining the near
And the foremost showing the outcome
٦. وإلحام الأباعد بالأداني
وإظهار السوابق بالمآل
7. And I said to Him, my heart has prostrated
To my heart like glass with the lofty
٧. وقلت له لقد أسجدت قلبي
لقلبي كالزِّجاج مع العوالي
8. And my existence spoke to me but refused
To accept its speech for the soundness of my state
٨. وخاطبني به فأبى وجودي
قبول خطابه لصلاح بالي
9. For I did not know in what manner
It addresses me, so it said, from asking
٩. فإني ما علمت من أيّ وجه
يخاطبني فقال من السؤال
10. So I said, I learned that you are my answerer
To the extent of my question with explaining my state
١٠. فقلت علمت إنك لي مجيب
على قدر السؤال بشرح حالي
11. For I want nothing but my refuge
In the sweetness of attachment and attainment
١١. فإني ما أريد سوى ملاذي
بملذوذ التواله والنوال
12. O people, fear your Lord.
The earthquake of the Hour is a tremendous thing.
١٢. يا أيُّها الناسُ اتقوا رَبّكم
زلزلةُ الساعةِ شيءٌ عظيم
13. The disbeliever fears it in his disbelief
Like the pious fears it.
١٣. يحذرها الكافر في كفره
كمثل ما يحذرها المستقيم
14. And if I speak about it with what
I know, I would be the Knowing, the Wise.
١٤. وإنني إنْ قلت فيها بما
أعلمه كنت العليم الحكيم
15. And if we concealed it and did not reveal it
To the eye, I would be the Apportioner, the Generous.
١٥. وإن سترناها ولم نبدها
لعينها كنت القسيم الكريم
16. The matter is dependent on His will
To be removed from the eye of the deprived worthless one.
١٦. الأمر موقوف على شعره
تزال عن عين الغريم العديم
17. So the matter will appear in its rulings
Appearing attributed with the attribution of the Apportioner.
١٧. فيظهر الأمر بأحكامه
ظهور منعوت بنعت القسيم