
O my heart, O my heart, how much you confiscate

يا قلب يا قلب كم تصادر

1. O my heart, O my heart, how much you confiscate
This passion, and wander, and get amazed

١. يا قَلْبَ يا قَلْبِ كَمْ تُصادِر
هذا الهَوَى وتَحِر وتَدهَش

2. You threw your soul in a foaming sea
The sea of passion, and you fear the sprinkling

٢. رميت روحَكْ في بَحْر زاخِر
بَحْر الْهَوى وتَخَفْ منَ الرَّش

3. Your love for him and him for you, do not regret
For your opinion is a very right opinion

٣. كانْ غرامَكْ وَ ايَّاكَ لا تَندم
لأِنَّ رأيَكْ رأىٌ سديدْ

4. And die with your love, live in bliss
Until you get all that you want

٤. ومُتَّ بِحُبَّكْ تَعِشْ مُنْعَم
حتَّى تَنَلْ كُلَّ ما تُريد

5. Do not complain of distance, and you know
That your beloved is not far

٥. لا تَشْكي الْبُعْدَ وأنْتَ تعلم
أنَّ حَبيبَك لَس هُ بعيدْ

6. And whoever is the beloved, he is present with him
Always say to me, how can he feel lonely?

٦. ومَنْ هُ محْبُوبُوا معه حاضِر
على الدَّوام قُل لِي كيْف يوحَش

7. He enjoys beauty with glances
The flower of purpose, always, and revives

٧. يَجْني مِنَ الْحُسْنِ بالنَّواظِرْ
زَهْرَ الْمُنَى كُلَّ حين ويُنْعَش

8. My oblivion with this love made me forget my oblivion
And after annihilation, I became existence

٨. أفْنانِي ذَا الحبّ عن فَنائِي
وصِرتُ بَعْدَ الْفَنَا وُجُود

9. People wondered at my remaining
With love of those they forbid we befriend

٩. تَعَجَّبَ النَّاسُ مِن بَقائِي
مع حُبِّ مَن نَهْواهْ نَسُود

10. And my drink became from my cup
But it is sweet of scent

١٠. وصارَ مَشْروبي مِن إِنائِي
لكنَّهُ مسْتَعْذَبُ الورُودْ

11. Of a wine not pressed by a presser
Nor ever harvested from a trellis

١١. مِنْ خَمْرةٍ ما عَصَرْها عاصِرْ
ولا جُنَتْ قَطّ من مُعَرَّش

12. How much it intoxicated great minds
For the likes of this drink, one thirsts

١٢. كم أسْكَرَتْ قلنا أكابِرْ
لِمِثْلِ هذا الشَّرابِ يُعطِش

13. O epitome of beauty, your beauty made me
Needless of images

١٣. يا غايَة الْحُسْنِ ما أجَلكْ
أغْنانِي حُسْنَكْ عَنِ الصُّوَرْ

14. We are annihilated by love of you and do not own
O you who are hearing and sight

١٤. نَفْنَى بِحُبَّك ولَسْ نملُك
يا مَن هُوَ السَّمْعُ والْبصَر

15. You made all hearts your abode
And concealed your beauty from sight

١٥. جَعلتَ كُلَّ الْقُلُوبْ مَحَلَّكْ
وأخَفَيْتَ حُسْنَكَ عن النَّظَر

16. So thoughts roamed in love of you
And the heart gets amazed by you

١٦. فَهامْ في حُبِّكَ الْخَوَاطِر
ويَذهل الْقلْب فيكَ يَدْهَش

17. And every lover of your love bewildered
But gathering around the sanctuary, revived

١٧. وكُلَّ حَدّ مِن هَوَاكَ حاير
لكِنُّوا حَوْلَ الحِمَى يُحْنشْ

18. Seeing signs of secrets
Pleased by the secret, while feeling lonely

١٨. يا بُغْيَةِ الْهائِم الْمُعَنَّى
لَس واللهِ نعشق حد سِواك

19. O you who makes a lover's state happy
Do not love except a beautiful union

١٩. جعَلْتُ قلْبي إِليْكَ سُكْنِى
فاجْعلْ لِعيْنَيّ أن ترَاكْ

20. And in your love be honest with my state
Do not listen to the words of the unfair

٢٠. وكم نموهْ بِحُبّ لُبْنِى
وحُبَّ سعْدى وذاك وذاك

21. Lo, for the religion of love there are trusted principles
That remain on the promise, unchanged

٢١. ومعْ ذا كُلُّ المحِبُّ حاضِرُ
يخْضَع لِذُلِّ الْهوَى ويُنْعِشْ

22. Proven by the hands of consciences
And depicted in neurons, revived

٢٢. مُسْتَبْصراً آياتِ السَّرايِر
مُستَأنِسَ السِّرِّ وهْوَ يُوحَش

23. And with them on the day when secrets are tested
And the slain by love, what was covered is exposed

٢٣. يا من هُو مسَلين بحالِ عاشِقْ
لا تَعْشَق إِلاَّ مليحْ وصُولْ