
Listen to them and see,

أسمع بهم وأبصر

1. Listen to them and see,
Hear them and envision,

١. أسْمِع بِهِمْ وَأبْصرْ
تَسْمَعْهُم وتُبْصِر

2. Don't wait for another report,
For you are the most informed.

٢. لا تنتظرْ مَخْبَرْ
غَيْرُكْ فَأنْتَ أخَبرْ

3. My creation sees my hardship
As dreams they benefit from,

٣. خَلْقي يرَى عنائي
أحلاماً يستفيدو

4. While the truth is evident
In all that they want.

٤. والحقُ مستبانُ
بكل ما أريدو

5. How lovely are the words,
The servant is not their master.

٥. وما أحلى ما يقول
لَيسَ الخديم بسيدو

6. Stop at what I commanded you,
Don't transgress and get confused.

٦. قفْ عِنْدَ ما أمَرْتكْ
لا تعتدي هِ تحير

7. Remember, fast, and pray,
Be happy, sleep, and break fast.

٧. أذكر وَصُومْ وَصَلي
وافرحْ ونامْ وافْطَرْ

8. You have exceeded your existence
If you wish to see them,

٨. تعَدَّى مِنْ وجودَكْ
إِن شئت أنْ تراهمْ

9. Go to them selflessly.
If you wish to see them,

٩. روحْ لَهُمْ واجَّرَدْ
إِن شئت أنْ تراهمْ

10. Go to them selflessly.
From everything other than them

١٠. روحْ لَهُمْ واجَّرَدْ
عن كل ما سواهمْ

11. And come out of the worlds,
And enter under their banners,

١١. وأخرجْ عن العوالمْ
وادْخُل تحتَ لواهمْ

12. And wear the dress of their loyalty.
For you are the commander,

١٢. والبس خلاعْ وفاهمْ
فِانَكَ المُؤمر

13. And judge, for the order is yours,
There is none other than you to choose,

١٣. واحكمْ فالأمرْ أمركْ
ما ثمَّ غيرك تخْترْ

14. Tear the veil of your senses.
You will see flaws disappear

١٤. مزقْ حجابْ حِسكْ
ترى العيوبْ تجلى

15. And look with your eye,
You are all existence,

١٥. وَتنَظُرْ بعينك
أنتَ الوجودْ كُلَّهّ

16. And manifest through your essence.
And there is no guardian at all,

١٦. وتجتلي بذاتك
ولا رقيبْ أصْلاَ

17. And your unified self looks at you,
No one, nothing more than one,

١٧. وَتَنْظُرَك مُوَحَدْ
أحدٌ ما ثمَّ أكثر

18. Inward to every inward,
Outward to every outward,

١٨. باطنْ بكل باطنْ
ظاهرْ بكل مظهر

19. And creation became your creation,
O revealer of your attributes,

١٩. وصار الخلقُ خَلْقَك
يا صاحِ منْ صفاتك

20. You remain by your choice,
If your essence chose you,

٢٠. تبقى على اختيارَكْ
أن أصطَفتكَ ذاتكْ

21. Turn in ecstasy and tremble,
And don't fear your dispersion,

٢١. قَطِبْ وِلذْ واطْرَبْ
وَلاَ تَخفْ شَتَاتك

22. And if an opponent confronts you
With illusion, you may multiply,

٢٢. وإِنْ عَرَضْك مُعَارض
بالوهمِ قَد تَكَثرْ

23. Cut with the sword of your truth,
And cry "God is the Greatest."

٢٣. قَطِع بسِيفِ حقكْ
واصرخْ اللهُ أكبر

24. Leave the jurist to his illusion,
Tied for eternity,

٢٤. خلِ الفقيه بوهمه
مربوط مدى الزمانِ

25. And do not let him criticize
And break the vessels,

٢٥. ولا تخِلي يهمز
ويكسَّرْ الأواني

26. Until he attains the journeys,
And the meanings manifest.

٢٦. حتى يحظى بالأسفارْ
ويجتلي المعاني

27. Sweeten for him the cups,
Fill and pass around the wine,

٢٧. رَوَّقْ له الخوابي
واملأ الكؤوسَ ودَوَّر

28. And empty and refill,
From your pure wine.

٢٨. وَفرَّغُوا واملا هو
من خمرك المُطَهرْ

29. Look, you will find in yourself,
The lowest and highest of existence,

٢٩. أنظرْ ترا تَجدْ فيكْ
أدنى الوجودْ وأعلا

30. And every worshipper prostrate,
In your presence, my Master.

٣٠. وكلْ عبِد ساجدْ
فِي حَضْرتك لمولا

31. So open the eyes of love,
And see none but God,

٣١. فافتحْ عيون عِشْقَا
ولا ترى سِوى الله

32. And preserve through Him your limits,
And hold fast and do not change.

٣٢. واحفظ به حُدُودَكْ
والزمْ ولا تُغيرْ

33. My Master, God suffices you,
For He is the Greatest Desired.

٣٣. سيدي فحسبكَ الله
فهو المرادْ الأكبر