
The sun of the vineyards has dawned

تنبه قد بدى شمس العقار

1. The sun of the vineyards has dawned
And its rays have overwhelmed the day

١. تَنَبَّهْ قد بدى شمسُ العُقَارْ
وَقدْ غلبَ الشعاعُ على النهارْ

2. Pure wine has been described and delighted
Pass it around to small and great

٢. سُلافاً قدْ صَفتْ قِدْماً وَرَاقَتْ
أدِرْها بالصِّغار وبالكبارْ

3. It was neither pressed nor fermented
Nor was its bottle fused by fire

٣. فَمَا عُصِرَتْ وما جُعلت بدنٍّ
وما سُبكتْ زُجاجتُها بنارْ

4. We drank it in a monastery where
None dwelt but the stripped monks

٤. شَربْناها بِدَيْر ليس فيه
سِوَى الحلاَج في خَلْعِ العذَارْ

5. Our friendship with wine is old and dear
And the youth's drunkenness with it no shame

٥. قَدِيمٌ عَهدُنا بالسُّكر عِزًّا
وَما سُكْر الفَتى منها بعارْ

6. A gentle candlebearer arose among the people
Dragging the train of his stately robe

٦. نَشا في القَوْم شَماسٌ لطيفٌ
يَجُرُّ الذّيلَ في ثَوْبِ الوقارْ

7. We distracted them from themselves and they became lost
Not even drinking oceans could quench their thirst

٧. فَأفْناُهمْ به عَنْهُمْ فَتَاهُوا
فَمَا يُرْويهُمُو شُرْبُ البِحَارْ

8. You see them staring blankly, senseless
Stripped without choice

٨. تَرَاهُمْ شاخصينَ بِغيرِ لُبٍّ
وقد سُلبُوا بِغَير الإختْيارْ

9. And upon entering the monastery they cast
Their staffs as they felt the neighboorhood

٩. وعند دُخُولهم في الدير ألَقوْا
عَصَاهم إذ ألمُّوا بالجوارْ

10. As the Kalim had cast down his staff
And fled in fear of escape

١٠. كما أَلْقى الكليم بها عصَاه
وَولَّى بالمخافَةِ للفرارْ

11. And they left their capital fallen
There, and came destitute

١١. وَخَلوا رَأسَ مالهمُو طرِيحا
هُنَاك وَأْقبلوا بالإفتِقارْ

12. Squandering their money became binding upon them
As questioning becomes binding in need

١٢. إِضَاعَة مَالهم وجبت عَليهمْ
كما وَجَب السُّؤَال بالاضطْرَارْ

13. The tongue of Shatray is raging at them
And it is best to be patient with their state

١٣. لِسانُ الششْترَيِّ بِهم وَلوعٌ
وَعَنْهم حَالهْ مُرْ اصْطبارْ