
Be polite at the monastery's door, take off your shoes there,

تأدب بباب الدير واخلع به النعلا

1. Be polite at the monastery's door, take off your shoes there,
Greet the monks, unload your burden,

١. تَأدبْ بِبَاب الدَّيْر واخْلَعْ بِهِ النَّعْلاَ
وَسَلّمْ عَلَى الرُّهبَانِ واحْطُطْ بِهْمَ رَحْلا

2. Honor the priest if you want, by taking a step,
And glorify the deacon if you want to ascend.

٢. وعَظَّمْ بِهِ القسيسَ إِنْ شئتَ خُطوةَ
وكَبِّر بِهِ الشَّمَاسَ إِنْ شِئتَ أَنْ تَعْلا

3. Below you are the voices of monks, so listen
To their melodies, but beware lest they take away your sanity.

٣. ودُونَكَ أصْوات الشَّمَامِيس فاسْتَمعْ
لأْلحَانِهمْ واحْذَرْك أنْ يَسلبوا العَقْلا

4. Moons, suns, dawns have appeared in it,
Revolving around the crucifixes, so beware you don't get worn out.

٤. بَدَتْ فِيهِ أقْمارٌ شُموسٌّ طَوَالعٌ
يطُوفُونَ بالصلبان فاحْذَرك أنْ تُبْلى

5. Beware of listening to them wisely,
And beware of gathering them to you.

٥. فايَّاكَ أنْ تَسْمَعْ لَهُنَّ بِحكمَةِ
وايَّاكَ أْن تَجمَعْ لهنَّ بِك الشَّملا

6. If you have fulfilled this condition sincerely,
Without breaking pacts or words,

٦. فان كان هذا الشرط وفَّيتَ حَقَّهُ
بصدْقٍ ولم تُنْقِض عُهُوداً ولا قَوْلا

7. They will call you father and name you a monk,
Reveal their secrets to you and approve of the deed.

٧. دَعُوكَ بِقِسّيسٍ وسَمُّوْك رَاهِبَا
وابدوا لك الاْسرَارَ واستحسَنوا الفعلا

8. And they will give you the church key and the one
In which the image of Jesus was shaped.

٨. وأعطوك مفتاح الكنيسة والتي
بها صورت عيسى رهابينهم شكلا

9. Yes, everything you said to me I have heard,
And I do not seek in that affection or inclination.

٩. نعم كل ما قد قلت لي قد سَمِعتُهُ
ولا أبتغي في ذَاكَ ودّا ولا مَيلا

10. When I came to the monastery, I became a master
And in the morning, I became, from vanity, dragging my tail.

١٠. وَلمَّا أتيت الدير أمسَيتُ سيّدا
وأصبحتُ منْ زهوى أجر به الذيلا

11. I asked about the wine seller, where is his place?
And do I have a way to reach him or not?

١١. سَألت عنْ الخمّارِ أين مَحلَّهُ
وهلْ لي سبيل لِلوصُوُل به أمْ لا

12. The priest said to me, what do you want from him?
I said, I want wine from him hopefully.

١٢. فَقَالَ لي القسيَّسُ ماذا تُريدُهُ
فقُلْتُ أريدُ الخمر منْ عنده أملا

13. He said, by Christ's head and Mary's
And my religion, even if you offer a pearl for it instead.

١٣. فقَالَ ورأسي المسيحِ ومرْيمٍ
وديني ولو بالدر تبذلْ بِهِ بدْلا

14. I said, I will add musk to the pearl. He said no,
Even if that musk fills up a bushel.

١٤. فَقلتُ أزيدُ التَبرَ للدر قالَ لا
ولو كَانَ ذَاك التَبرُ تكتاله كَيلا

15. I said to him, I will give you slippers and my Quran
And I will give you a cane that I used to clear the way.

١٥. فقلت له أعطيك خُفى ومُصحفي
وأعطيك عُكازَا قطعتُ به السبلا

16. And here is my secret, and Arak wood,
And the lamp of my chambers, that kept me company at night.

١٦. وهَاكَ حَرمدَاتي وهَاكَ شميلتي
وها دستماني والكُشيكل والنصلا

17. He said, my drink is too noble for what you described,
And our wine is more precious than what you mentioned to us.

١٧. وها سِرّ مَفهوُمي وعُودَ أراكتي
وقنديلَ حضراتِي أنادمهُ ليلا

18. I said to him, stop glorifying its description,
For your wine is more expensive, and our rags are higher.

١٨. فقال شَرابي جلَ عما وصَفتهُ
وخمَرتنَا ممّا ذَكَرْتَ لنَا أغلى

19. Because in it we saw our elders,
And in it we took from our sheikhs worries.

١٩. فقلتُ لَهُ دَعْ عَنكَ تَعظِيمَ وصفها
فخمرتُكمْ أغلىَ وخرقتنا أعلى

20. And in it we have a secret that brought us together,
And in it we have a secret beyond secrets that was revealed.

٢٠. على أننّا فيهَا رأينَا شُيُوخنَا
وفيها أخْذنا عن مشائخنا شُغلا

21. And in it we have excuses: we erred and exaggerated,
And our ears with wearing it left chastity.

٢١. وفيها لنَا سِرّ ادرناه بَيْننا
وفيها لنَا سِرّ عَنْ السرّ قد جلا

22. So when we wore it and fell in love with it,
We left homelands, money and family for it.

٢٢. وفيها لنَا العُذالُ لامُوا وأكثروا
وأذاننا في لبسها تَترك العذلا

23. He said, give me that robe,
For my soul has proven its honesty and justice to it.

٢٣. فلما لبسناها وهمنا بحبها
تركنا لها الأوطان والمال والأهلا

24. I said to him, if you want to wear my robe,
Purify yourself for it with pure ablution and make its people halal.

٢٤. فَقَالَ عَسَى تلك العَبَاءةُ هَاتها
فقد اثبتت نفسيِ لها الصدقَ والعدلا

25. And replace all those clothes for it,
And tear the girdle for it and abandon shape.

٢٥. فقلتُ لَهْ إنْ شئتَ لبسَ عباءتيَ
تَطَهر لَها بالطُّهر واضح لها أهلا

26. He said: Yes, I am passionate about loving it,
I will make it a connection between me and you.

٢٦. وبدلْ لهَا تِلكَ الملابسَ كُلَّها
ومزّقْ لها الزنار واهجرْ لها الشكلا

27. Give it to me, I have confessed its secret to you,
Give it to me in its jugs, it became clear.

٢٧. فقالَ نَعمْ إني شُغفتُ بِحُبها
سَأجعلُها بيني وبينكُمُ وصلا

28. I said to him, this smell is not my goal,
Nor do I seek to attain this smell of yours.

٢٨. فناولنيها قَدْ أبحتُكَ سِرّها
وناولنيها فِي أبَاريقها تجلى

29. But it is an ancient smell, its era has passed,
It has not been described since, nor known before.

٢٩. فقُلتُ لَهُ ما هذه الراحٌ مقصدي
ولا أبتغي مِنْ راحَكم هذه نيلا

30. Confess that God has no god but Him,
And that the Messenger of God is the best of messengers.

٣٠. ولكنَّها رَاحٌ تقادمُ عَهدُها
فما وُصفتْ بَعدٌ ولا عرفت قبلا

31. Peace be upon him as long as the shining morning appears,
And as long as the remembrance of God is recited among creation.

٣١. اقر بأنّ اللهَ لا رَبَّ غَيرُهُ
وأنّ رسّول الله أفضلهم رُسلا

٣٢. عليهِ سَلام اللهِ مَا لاح بَارِقٌ
وما دَامَ ذكر اللهِ بينَ الورى يتلى