1. Tell Abu Ya'qub that he who
knows him has done the impossible
١. قل لأبي يعقوب ان الذي
يعرفه قد فعل الحوبا
2. He used to love you in the past
But now he has befriended a lover
٢. كان محباً لك فيما مضى
فالآن قد صادق محبوبا
3. He rides this, that and the other, never
Stopping his ascent and descent
٣. يركب هذا ذا وذا ذا فما
ينفك تصعيداً وتصويبا
4. The insight of Isaac has indeed
Revealed what was once hidden
٤. فراس اسحق فديناه قد
أظهر شيئاً كان محجوبا
5. I see eras that have crowned him
Set up over two nations like a landmark
٥. أرى قروناً قد تجللنه
منصوبة شعبن تشعيبا
6. I think it too heavy for him to bear
Since it was set upon his head as an ornament
٦. أظنه يعجز عن حملها
اذ ركبت في الرأس تركيبا
7. Oh mercy upon my son in his weakness
Bearing from them the wonders
٧. يا رحمتا لابني على ضعفه
يحمل منهن الاعجايبا