1. One who lost his way once, loses it ten times over,
Lest he challenge fate on his own once more.
١. من تاه واحدةً فته عشرا
كي لا يجوز بنفسه القدرا
2. And if someone acts boastful towards you,
Act more boastful, and don't sink into gloom.
٢. واذا زها أحد عليك فكن
أزهى عليه ولا تكن غمرا
3. Have you seen one from whom no benefit comes,
Nor harm to beware of, from him?
٣. أرأيت من لم ترج منفعةً
منه ولم تحذر له ضرا
4. You neither shield him nor give in to him,
But be firmer if he acts boastful out of arrogance.
٤. لم تسترك وتستذل له
بل كن أشد اذا زها كبرا